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ICE SHAPE Present by Sine, Maprao, Mim, Ying, Curve.

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Presentation on theme: "ICE SHAPE Present by Sine, Maprao, Mim, Ying, Curve."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICE SHAPE Present by Sine, Maprao, Mim, Ying, Curve

2 Objective To find the best ice shape that take longest time to melt. This experiment will help to save electricity by saving the amount of ice a restaurant uses.

3 Hypothesis The ice that have more surface area will melt faster than the one that has less surface area. Sphere will take longer time to melt.

4 Background Information Ice is melting because of heat transfer. Heat is transfer by three mechanisms : Conduction, Convection, and Radiation. Conduction is the heat transfer of energy from the more energetic particle to less energetic particle as a result of interaction between particles. In this experiment we use conduction to transfer the heat from the table to an ice.

5 Background Information Convection is the transfer of energy between a solid surface and the adjacent fluid that is in motion usually the dominant form of heat transfer in liquids and gases. In this experiment convection is happen when the heat transfer from the air to the ice. Radiation is energy that comes from a source and travels through some material or through space. In this experiment the heat is not transfer by radiation because in the restaurant can be compare as the close system.

6 Background Information What are the typical materials used for building houses? To building a houses we need to use a materials that is protect the house from radiation to keep the house cool such as insulator. What type of heat transfer is more relevant for a house? Radiation is more relevant for building a house because most of the heat that transfer to the house are come from sunlight.

7 Experimental Design Material : -Water (28 mL per 1 ice shape) -Mold : Ping-Pong ball, Cubic, Ununiformed, etc. -Syringe -Fridge -Timer

8 Experimental Design Constant condition: -Water (28 mL) -Temperature (at room temp.) -Place of putting ice shape (at the same table)

9 Experimental Design Procedure : -Prepare a mold and a bottle of water. -use syringe to measure 28 mL of water put into sphere (Ping-Pong ball) mold. -repeat step 2 by using another mold. -put all of the mold into the fridge for 8 hours. -bring out all of ice out from the mold. -Put the ice stay on the table and start the timer immediately. -wait for the ice to melt and see which ice shape take longest time to melt.

10 RESULT Take lowest time to melt Take longest time to melt

11 RESULT Sphere ice shape use around 1 hour to melt. Cube ice shape also slowly melt but it melt a little bit faster than sphere ice shape.

12 RESULT Shape CubeSphereTrapezoidCarFishOvalRectangleLong Rectangle HeartUnunif ormed Time used to melt 55 mins 1:01 hour43 mins45 mins49 mins38 mins46 mins28 mins49 mins22 mins Heart Cube Sphere Trapezoid Long Rectangle Car Fish Rectangle Oval Ununiformed

13 Conclusion From the result that we got, we found that the best shape that take longest time to melt is sphere ( 1 Hour). Second Ice shape that restaurant should use to save electricity is cube because it take long time to melt too but less than sphere. The ice shape that take lowest time to melt is ununiformed shape. It take only 22 minutes to melt. The reason why sphere and ununiformed shape take different time to melt even they both made by 28 mL of water is because sphere has least surface area and ununiformed shape has biggest surface area. The one that has less surface area will take long time to melt because heat cannot transfer as good as the shape that has big surface area (by both conduction and convection). The problem that we have got from this experiment is it very hard to make the sphere shape ice because after it become an ice we get hard to cut the Ping-Pong ball. We take long time to get the ice out of the Ping-Pong ball so it melt by our body temperature. I think if we can make the sphere shape easier it will take longer time to melt.

14 Bonus Question Hot water 42 degree Celsius Cold water 19 degree Celsius At first cold water take shorter time to cool down to 5 degree Celsius but after a while when it start move to froze at 0 degree Celsius hot water take less time to froze.

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