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Global Deforestation Shelby Williams.

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1 Global Deforestation Shelby Williams

2 Geographic Questions How is deforestation affecting global quality of life? What are the global patterns of deforestation? Who gains and who loses from deforestation? What are the Consequences?

3 Why are the world’s rainforests important?
Maintain the climate Regulate atmospheric gases Stabilize rainfall Animals and Insects lose their way. Birds, mammals, and pollinating insects are wary to cross open areas. This threatens the pollination and biodiversity of forests

4 How is deforestation affecting global quality of life?
Positively Negatively Globally Economy, expansion, production of paper goods In Brazil For Brazilians, deforestation is creating more opportunity. Employment opportunity Logging, mining, and small- and large-scale agriculture Expansion, inhabitable land. The methods used for clearing land are cheap, quick, and provide arable ground. Environmentally (Globally) Rainforests regulate the atmosphere Some believe deforestation contributes to global warming 20% of greenhouse gas emissions Dense forests recycle water. The absence of forestry and/or agriculture can cause erosion. Carbon emissions When burnt or cut, all trees release the CO2 they contain. In Brazil Strife between countries has risen concerning Brazil’s rights to clear their forests.

5 What are the global patterns of deforestation?
Primary forests are being replaced by less biodiverse plantations and secondary forests. (Rhett) Disease Vulnerable forests Due to a significant increase in plantation forests, forest cover has generally been expanding in North America, Europe, and China (Rhett) while diminishing in the tropics. Rainforests are an extensive library of biological and genetic resources. (Rhett) FAO [Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations] estimates that 10.4 million hectares of tropical forest were permanently destroyed each year in the period from 2000 to (Rhett) An increase from the years before (at 10.16) Rainforests maintain the climate regulate atmospheric gases stabilize rainfall (Rhett)

6 Who is causing the damage?

7 So, what’s happening in Brazil?
Global Causes Industrial logging conversion for agriculture commercial subsistence forest fires often purposely set by people

8 Who gains and who loses from deforestation?
Developing countries use their forest land to improve their agriculture and economy. Although some are torn on the idea of global warming, it is generally agreed, worldwide, that deforestation should not continue. The countries that gain are also the ones which pay the price. Live in areas susceptible to forest fires, floods, polluted water, and have lost the beautiful, diverse forests that once surrounded them.

9 What are the Consequences?
Forest loss Extinction Less biodiversity Disease Forest fires Unstable atmosphere Climate change Erosion Water pollution

10 In the U.S. U.S. areas of virgin forest, 1650
For more than three and a half centuries, America's forests have been diminished too. U.S. areas of virgin forest, 1926 U.S. areas of virgin forest, 1850

11 How do We Combat Deforestation?
Use and purchase earth friendly products (Greenpeace even has a paper products guide) Recycle, reuse Join environmental organizations Encourage the businesses and governments of influential countries to join in efforts of conservation.

12 Videos Google Earth & Deforestation in Brazil Vanishing Species
Vanishing Species “The Amazon - Gone Within Our Children's Lifetime?”

13 Sources: "Vanishing Species." You Tube. Web. 4 Dec < "G & Deforestation in Brazil." You Tube. Web. 4 Dec < "Brazil: New legislation allows agribusiness to advance in the Amazon." World Rainforest Movement No 144 (2009): n. pag. Web. 4 Dec < "Argentina: Wichi and Guarani women raise their voices against deforestation linked to soybean expansion." World Rainforest Movement 145 (2009): n. pag. Web. 4 Dec < Richard, J.F. . High Noon. New York: Basic Books, Print. Fearnside, Philip (Lead Author); Mryka Hall-Beyer (Topic Editor) "Deforestation in Amazonia." In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. Cutler J. Cleveland (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). [First published in the Encyclopedia of Earth March 15, 2007; Last revised March 30, 2007; Retrieved December 7, 2009]. "Rainforest Destruction." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 15 Jan Web. 7 Dec < Rainforest Foundation US (2009): n. pag. Web. 9 Dec < "The Future of the Amazon." Paul Evans. Nature. BBC: 05 May Radio. "World Deforestation Map." HowStuffWorks. Web. 9 Dec < U.S Areas of Virgin Forest (1650, 1850, 1926). Digital image. Deforestation in the U.S. Web. 11 Dec < “The Amazon - Gone Within Our Children's Lifetime?” YouTube. 05 June Web. 16 Dec < Butler, Rhett A. Causes of Deforestation in the Brasilian Amazon, Digital image. Web. 5 Jan < Butler, Rhett A. Tropical Deforestation Rates, Digital image. Web. 5 Jan < Butler, Rhett A. “Title of this page (see top of browser window for specific page).” / A Place Out of Time: Tropical Rainforests and the Perils They Face. 9 January World map of last intact forest landscapes. Digital image. Greenpeace. Greenpease (Australia Pacific). Web. 6 Jan < "Solutions to Deforestation | Greenpeace USA." Greenpeace | Greenpeace USA. Web. 06 Jan <

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