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EU-US Atlantis project I ntegral V alorization of B ioproduction O pportunities for S tudents and F aculty M Graz / Gent /

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Presentation on theme: "EU-US Atlantis project I ntegral V alorization of B ioproduction O pportunities for S tudents and F aculty M Graz / Gent /"— Presentation transcript:

1 EU-US Atlantis project I ntegral V alorization of B ioproduction O pportunities for S tudents and F aculty M embers @ Graz / Austria @ Gent / Belgium @ Toulouse / France within Integral Valorization of BioproductionIntegral Valorization of Bioproduction Dr.Anton Huber KFUG - Karl-Franzens University, Graz / Austria IfC – Institut of Chemistry CePoL / MC Central Polymer Lab / Molecular Characteristics

2 EU-US Atlantis project I ntegral V alorization of B ioproduction Gent / Belgium Toulouse / France /oneworld/austria.htm Graz / Austria

3 K arl- F ranzens U niv G raz

4 A ustria - S tyria - G raz.../Graz.../Styria

5 EU-US Atlantis project I negral V alorization of B ioproduction 2 weeks 1 semester

6 U niversities in G raz Graz inhabitants: 250 000 Karl-Franzens Universität Graz KF-University Graz - KFUG total # of students: 25 000 Technische Universität Graz TUG - Graz University of Technology total # of students: 9 000 Medizinische Universität Graz Medical University Graz - MUG total # of students: 5 000 Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz KUG – Univ. of Music and Dramatic Arts Graz total # of students: 2 000

7 K arl- F ranzens U niversity G raz founded: 1585 students: 25 000 staff: 3 000 (scientific: 2 000) annual budget: approx. € 140 000 000

8 K arl- F ranzens U niv G raz

9 S tudy P rogrammes Chemistry 3y EU-Bachelor – Chem or Biochem + 2y EU Master general Chemistry, Biochemistry Tech Chem / Renewable Resources + 3y Doctoral School Chemistry Environmental Sciences 3y Bachelor + 2y Master with focus either on: Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Micro- or Macro-Economy Analysis / Characterization of Polysaccharides Biofuel, in particular Biodiesel Interface/Surface Technology based on Renewable Resources Biochemistry / Nutrition Process Synthesis Process Evaluation Regional Development T opics / G roups

10  processes at the solid-liquid interface of polymers, in particular polysaccharides and other kind of materials  processes between interfaces and special surface properties  partner EPNOE - European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence - responsible for interface science, coordination of analytical methods and standardisation of applied analytical techniques  cellulosic fibers  investigations on quality, chemical and physical structure and morphology  optimizing processing and finishing of natural cellulose fibres  dissolution of cellulose based materials  investigations of interface processes at the solid liquid interface  shaping of dissolved cellulose based materials  establishing structure / properties - correlations for produced materials  feedback for finishing processes, functionalization and compounding Polysaccharides to Materials

11 Area-distribution of Biodiesel from Used Vegetable Oil Area-distribution of Fossil Diesel Overall footprint 4,8 m² a / MJ 28,3 m² a / MJ LCA assessment SPI - Sustainable Process Index

12 EU-US Atlantis project I ntegral V alorization of B ioproduction Dr. Anton Huber KFUG - Karl-Franzens University, Graz / Austria IfC – Institut for Chemistry CePoL / MC - Central Polymer Lab / Molecular Characteristics local contact at UoA: Dr. Andy Proctor Food Science Department 479-575-2980

13 EU-US Atlantis project I ntegral V alorization of B ioproduction Gent / Belgium Toulouse / France /oneworld/austria.htm Graz / Austria APLU - ICA, April 7-13, 2010

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