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Skills for a Healthy Life

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Presentation on theme: "Skills for a Healthy Life"— Presentation transcript:

1 Skills for a Healthy Life

2 10 Life Skills Assessing Your Health Communicating Effectively
Practicing Wellness Coping Being a Wise Consumer Evaluating Media Messages Using Community Resources Making Great Decisions Using Refusal Skills Setting Goals

3 Great Decisions Give thought to the problem Review you choices
Evaluate the consequences of each choice Assess and choose the best choice Think it over afterwards

4 Collaborate Talk to your friends Talk to your parents
Talk to family members Talk to your teachers or school counselors

5 Poor Decisions Stop Admit the mistake Think Talk to someone
Go Correct the situation

6 Resisting Pressure Peer pressure Positive – friends and role models
Negative - friends Direct Pressure – pressure that results from someone who tries to convince you to do something you normally wouldn’t do Indirect Pressure being swayed to do something because people you look up to are doing it (TV, raidio, magazines, movie stars, athletes)

7 Refusal Skills Strategy used to avoid doing something you don’t want to do Give a reason Blame someone else Leave the situation Say NO Make a joke of the situation Change the subject Get support from friends

8 Refusal Skills Everyone else is doing it
Don’t you want to know what it’s like? Please, do it for me. How do you respond?

9 Setting Goals Make sure they are safe goals Make sure they satisfy you
Make sure they are sensible Make sure they are similar Make sure they are specific Make sure they are supported

10 Planning An action plan should have rewards along the way
Know your influences along the way Keep track of your progress

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