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AmeriFlex Presents Your POP Summary Plan Document (“SPD”): A Guided Tour.

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2 AmeriFlex Presents Your POP Summary Plan Document (“SPD”): A Guided Tour

3 Outline of Presentation ► What is the summary plan description (SPD)? ► Walkthrough  Introduction  Cafeteria Plan  Premium Payment Benefits  Miscellaneous  Appendices ► What should you do with the SPD?

4 What is the Summary Plan Description? ► The “Handbook” for the plan  What benefits are offered?  Who is eligible for those benefits?  Who pays for those benefits—and how?  How do you elect the benefits?  How can you change the elections for those benefits? ► The SPD is distributed by the plan sponsor ► Not the final authority on the plan, but the participants are more likely to read

5 SPD Walkthrough ► Introduction  Conflict between the plan document and the SPD

6 SPD Walkthrough ► Cafeteria Plan  Explains the “pre-tax” procedures  Benefits & Participation  Election procedures

7 SPD Walkthrough ► Cafeteria Plan (cont.)  Changes in elections  Appeals  Leaves of absence

8 SPD Walkthrough ► Premium Payment Benefits  Explains how “pre-tax” procedure relates to benefits

9 SPD Walkthrough ► Miscellaneous  ERISA rights  General information

10 SPD Walkthrough ► Appendices  Affiliated Employers  COBRA continuation coverage

11 What Should you do with the SPD? ► Distribution  All participants  Generally 90 days ► Keep on file ► Conclusion

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