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Curious Characters in Multiuser Games: A Study in Motivated Reinforcement Learning for Creative Behavior Policies * Mary Lou Maher University of Sydney.

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Presentation on theme: "Curious Characters in Multiuser Games: A Study in Motivated Reinforcement Learning for Creative Behavior Policies * Mary Lou Maher University of Sydney."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curious Characters in Multiuser Games: A Study in Motivated Reinforcement Learning for Creative Behavior Policies * Mary Lou Maher University of Sydney AAAI AI and Fun Workshop July 2010 1 Based on Merrick, K. and Maher, M.L. (2009) Motivated Reinforcement Learning: Curious Characters for Multiuser Games, Springer.

2 Outline Curiosity and Fun Motivation Motivated Reinforcement Learning An Agent Model of a Curious Character Evaluation of Behavior Policies

3 Can AI model Fun? Claim: An agent motivated by curiosity to learn patterns is a model of fun.

4 Games try to achieve flow: a function of the players skill and performance J. Chen, Flow in games (and everything else). Communications of the ACM 50(4):31-34, 2007

5 Why Motivated Reinforcement Learning? More efficient learning: Complement external reward with internal reward External reward not known at design time Design tasks Real world scenrios: Robotics Virtual world scenarios: NPC in computer games More autonomy in determining learning tasks Robotics NPC in computer games

6 Models of Motivation Cognitive: Interest Competency Challenge Biological Stasis variables: energy, blood pressure, etc Social Conformity Peer pressure

7 MRL Agent Model

8 Motivation as Interesting Events Event is a change in observations: O (t) –O (t’) = (Δ(o 1(t), o 1(t’) ), Δ(o 2(t), o 2(t’) ), … Δ(o L(t), o L(t’) ), …) D.E. Berlyne, Exploration and Curiosity, Science 153:24-33, 1966

9 Sensed States: Context Free Grammar (CFG) CFG = (VS, ΓS, ΨS, S) where: VS is a set of variables or syntactic categories, ΓS is a finite set of terminals such that VS ∩ ΓS = {}, ΨS is a set of productions V -> v where V is a variable and v is a string of terminals and variables, S is the start symbol. Thus, the general form of a sensed state is: S -> -> | ε -> |

10 MRL for Non Player Characters

11 Habituated Self Organizing Map

12 Behavioral Variety Behavioural variety measures the number of events for which a near optimal policy is learned. We characterise the level of optimality of a policy learned to achieve the event E (t) in terms of its structural stability.

13 Behavioral Complexity The complexity of a policy can be measured by averaging the mean numbers of actions ā E(t) required to repeat E (t) at any time when the current behaviour is stable

14 Research Directions Scalability and dynamics: different RL such as decision trees and NN function approximation Motivation functions: competence, optimal challenges, social models

15 Relevance to AI and Fun Is it more fun to play with curious NPC? Can a curious agent play a game to test how fun a game is?

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