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FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image Branding & Corporate Image.

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Presentation on theme: "FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image Branding & Corporate Image."— Presentation transcript:

1 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image Branding & Corporate Image

2 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image

3 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image “Brands help consumers articulate their personalities” “Choices are made more easily – either more routinely or more impulsively, seemingly because one object is symbolically more harmonious with our goals, feelings and self-definitions than another” Sidney J. Levy (1959, p.120 ) “Why has the Toyota Prius enjoyed such success… when most other hybrid models struggle to find buyers? One answer may be that buyers of the Prius want everyone to know that they are driving a hybrid…more than half the Prius buyers surveyed this spring… said the main reason they purchased their car was that ‘it makes a statement about me’” Michelle Maynard (2007)

4 FdA Graphic Design Y1 a feeling a logo an identity a personality a promise a relationship between an organisation and consumer a collection of values a defining mark shorthand for a cluster of attributes that provide consumer reassurance a series of touch points a company voice a vision company’s reputation Branding & Corporate Image What is a brand?

5 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image …so how do we create a brand?

6 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image It’s all about personality

7 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image It’s about understanding what makes them tick?

8 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image It’s about understanding what makes them tick?

9 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image It’s about understanding Brand Drivers

10 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image Brand Drivers It’s about understanding

11 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image Brand Drivers Are a series of descriptive and emotive words that form the foundations by which a brand identity is built upon

12 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image Brand Drivers encapsulate what a brand stands for… PhilosophyAmbitionsEthosToneAspirationsValues

13 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image Brand Drivers

14 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image Brand DriversBrand EssenceBrand DNA The belief system of the brand owner e.g. what they stand for. A single thought that encapsulates the soul of the brand +=

15 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image Brand Drivers are the foundations of a brand identity strategy

16 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image Task 1 Watch the following film and write down any brand driver keywords that you think are apparent.


18 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image JoyFocusFeelLoveDelightConnection SurpriseSimplifyEnhanceTouchFocusChoice

19 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image JoyFeelLoveDelight EnhanceSurprise Touch FocusConnection SimplifyFocusChoice

20 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image Task 2 Produce quick response drawings that visualise the brand drivers that you have identified from the apple film. Your drawings should be on A4 paper and be black & white only. Make one drawing per page. But you can visualise a brand driver more than once.

21 FdA Graphic Design Y1 Branding & Corporate Image Brand design is a process of creating a distinct identity and personality in order to communicate and promote an organisation, person, product or service. Because the term ‘brand’ itself refers to a very broad range of attributes. This identity goes way beyond the purely visual.

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