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6-17-15 Board Meeting 6-25-15 LEO Meeting.  President Shirley of OSU-OKC is the Governor’s Secretary of Education and Workforce  Oklahoma State University.

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Presentation on theme: "6-17-15 Board Meeting 6-25-15 LEO Meeting.  President Shirley of OSU-OKC is the Governor’s Secretary of Education and Workforce  Oklahoma State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 6-17-15 Board Meeting 6-25-15 LEO Meeting

2  President Shirley of OSU-OKC is the Governor’s Secretary of Education and Workforce  Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City is now the state’s administrative entity for WIOA. All associated allocated funds will flow through them to Local Boards  State WIOA funded staff will be employees of OSU-OKC  Conducted required public meetings on WIOA regional planning  No other policy has been issued as of yet

3  Requires new Local Elected Officials Agreement and new request for designation as a local workforce development area  Board must be reconstituted. Still majority of business representatives, but number of required partners goes down.  Board can be substantially smaller.  Must create ways to measure effectiveness of fiscal agent.  Performance for WIOA starts July 1, 2016 with 6 common measures

4  Includes basic skills deficient as a group who gets priority of service for adults  Allows 100% of transfer of funds between Adult and Dislocated Worker  Makes out-of-school youth (OSY) a priority by requiring that 75% of youth funds be spent on this group, ages 18-24  20% of youth funds must be spent on employment activities; Work Experience, On-the-Job Training, Internship  Previously any youth out of high school was OSY, but now any youth enrolled in any educational component will be part of the in-school youth (ISY)

5  There will be a measure for business engagement, not determined yet  Federal regulations will probably be released in January of 2016. Comments were allowed until 6-15-15.  Core Programs are; WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker Youth, Wagner-Peyser (basic labor exchange), Adult Education and Family Literacy and Vocational Rehabilitation.  Allows states to include Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Unemployment Insurance (UI), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Perkins Career Technical Education in a combines state plan  Includes a common performance accountability system for all core programs

6  Combines plan should allow for better alignment of workforce development among core programs  Creation of industry sector groups to help guide workforce development for those industries  Creating career pathways to aid in providing information to jobseekers that should lead to jobs past entry level  Formation of standing committees to utilize additional expertise in guiding planning efforts and to help ensure the system is working toward continuous improvement  Allows us to focus on Oklahoma Work Centers being a truly integrated approach to providing customers required services  Allows Boards to take an introspective look at their work, mission and vision as they are reconstituted

7  Created two industry sector advisory groups – Aerospace and Manufacturing and Logistics and Distribution. Several meetings conducted  Presentations on Smart Work Ethics, Production Technician training at Mid America Industrial Park, and Tulsa Community College on their manufacturing process training  They liked Smart Work Ethics and we are facilitating getting the Tulsa training set up at Moore-Norman Technology Centers  Same type of exploration can be done for other selected industry sector advisory groups

8  College Ready Academy at OSU-OKC did not make. Too few applicants and scores not conducive to math skills training.  Simulated Internships at Oklahoma City Community College has 19 participants health science, engineering and algebra. Two of our participants are doing a work experience and helping in the classes.  Still working on getting more females in STEM occupations at degree granting institutions by offering tuition assistance

9  October is disability awareness month and we are hosting two special Smart Work Ethics classes; one for high functioning autistic individuals and one for people with Asperger  We will be conducting request for quotes on IT support, photo copying, audit preparation and a comprehensive assessment instrument. Should have them all out in July  Looking for an ad hoc group to review our training provider policy and whether we should limit funding amounts for specific occupations, tie training opportunities to specific assessment scores, etc.  Budget has not been prepared as funding levels have not been released by Oklahoma Office of Workforce Development. Best case scenario would be a flat budget for PY15  Hired new Program Manager-Youth Services, Yolanda Alexander, she starts work on June 22  Work on a proper Board Orientation will start this fall as we should receive policy guidance from the state.

10  Need to research requirements of Professional Employment Organization since we are functioning as one with two other boards  All operational policy will need to be reviewed for compliance with WIOA  Possible chance for the Board to have its by- laws modified to reflect new requirements and its own operational methods  Any questions, please contact me; or 622-2031

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