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{ Grammar Review: Adjectives To study: Pages 29-33 & 36 in grammar workbook Pages 29-33 & 36 in grammar workbook Pages 80-86 in grammar textbook Pages.

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1 { Grammar Review: Adjectives To study: Pages 29-33 & 36 in grammar workbook Pages 29-33 & 36 in grammar workbook Pages 80-86 in grammar textbook Pages 80-86 in grammar textbook Class notes Class notes

2  An adjective is a word that modifies (describes) a noun or pronoun  An adjective describes: what kind, which one, how much, how many  list examples of each below: What kind: which one: how much: how many:  Articles (a, an, the) are types of adjectives  a and an are indefinite articles because they refer to any member of a general group (are more vague)  The is a definite article because it refers to someone or something in particular (specific) Adjectives and Articles

3 In the following sentences, underline each adjective once, and underline each article a second time. Then, above each article, write D for definite or I for indefinite 1. The book was full of mysterious events and gruesome violence. 2. After I read two chapters, I was afraid I might have nightmares! 3. It was definitely a long night. Adjectives and Articles: Practice

4 Underline all the adjectives except the articles. Then, draw an arrow from each adjective to the word it modifies. 1. One cold day, we decided to build a frosty snowman. 2. Even though it was chilly and icy, the afternoon was full of fun. 3. Several neighbors helped, and the result was impressive! Adjectives and Articles: Practice

5  Often, words that could stand alone as nouns can also be used as adjectives. When the word modifies (describes) a noun, you know it is an adjective!  Example:  I travel often during the summer. (noun)  Over summer vacation, I will travel often. (adjective) Decide whether the underlined word in each of the following sentences is a noun or an adjective. 1. Today is my birthday, and I am going to have a party. 2. I cannot wait for my birthday party tonight! 3. I love to watch the Connecticut Huskies play basketball. 4. Have you always lived in Greenwich? Nouns vs Adjectives

6  Use each of the following words in two sentences, one as a noun and one as an adjective.  metal  Noun:  Adjective:  school  Noun:  Adjective: Nouns vs. Adjectives

7  Demonstrative adjectives (this, that, these, those) can be used as either adjectives or pronouns.  Demonstrative adjectives modify a noun or pronoun.  Example: This pencil is sharp.  Demonstrative pronouns are used alone in place of a noun.  Example: Where should I put this? Underline the demonstrative adjectives (DA) or demonstrative pronouns (DP) in the following sentences: 1. These groceries look delicious. 2. Do you hear that strange sound? 3. Will those fit in this vase? Demonstrative Adjectives

8  Proper adjectives are formed from a proper noun (they describe something specific). They are capitalized. Common adjectives are not capitalized. In the following sentences, underline all common adjectives once and all proper adjectives twice 1. I love to read historical, informative books. 2. Is the author of your book Scottish or Irish? 3. I hope you can make it to our sixteenth annual Charter Day celebration. Common and Proper Adjectives

9  Nouns: words that name a person, place, thing, or idea  Pronouns: words used in place of nouns  Adjectives: words used to modify a noun or pronoun  Decide whether the underline words in the following sentences are nouns (N), pronouns (P), or adjectives (A) 1. Many people are interested in visiting museums. 2. Most like to spend at least a few minutes in each exhibit. 3. The most popular exhibit this week contains artifacts from Egyptian history. 4. They are fascinating! Noun, Pronoun, Adjective

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