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Practical Maths Across the School

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1 Practical Maths Across the School
Motivational Maths Practical Maths Across the School Lucy Magdzinski – Year 5 Teacher

2 Motivational Maths Aims:
To introduce the importance of practical activities within the maths curriculum. To share examples of hands-on, interactive activities across the primary phase. To model effective and engaging mental maths games which enhance and embed the key aspects of number.

3 UAE National Agenda By 2021, the UAE will be among the 20 highest performing countries in PISA and the 15 highest performing countries in TIMSS. All private schools have been set targets for their mathematic assessments. Achieving the targets means that students will be able to apply mathematics appropriately to everyday situations, use mathematical concepts, facts, procedures and reasoning, and interpret and evaluate mathematical outcomes. (KHDA Inspection Handbook )

4 The impact of motivational maths at JESS?
As the 2014 DSIB Inspection states, ‘Primary students rapidly developed their abilities to solve mathematical challenges through practical learning.’ BSME Inspection Report (2014) states “Across the school, teachers plan a rich variety of activities to bring the curriculum to life.” Our continual drive to adapt and improve our maths curriculum, will ensure that we are on track to achieve our TIMSS targets in 2015 and In addition we will support our students to prepare them for future PISA Assessments at JESS Arabian Ranches .

5 Motivational Maths at JESS is...
Practical Making links between learning Securing and applying key skills Engaging Taking learning outside Fun

6 What is Motivational Maths?
Learning, practising and consolidating key mathematical skills through a range of resources and teaching techniques. Providing opportunities to apply mathematical skills to real-life, authentic learning experiences. Engaging children to apply their learning to fun activities. Providing opportunities to work outside of the normal classroom routine/structure and record learning in a variety of ways. Creating opportunities for children to work independently, as partners and as part of a group. Supplying opportunities for risk-taking within a positive ethos where the children feel safe to make mistakes. Varying learning environments to stimulate curiosity and questions to extend learning. Using Mobile Technology to stimulate and extend learning through a variety off websites, APPs, and games.

7 Examples of Motivational and Practical Maths

8 Foundation Stage

9 1-20 digit cards

10 Key Stage 1

11 What can you do with a counting hoop?
Times tables Cross-boundary counting...backwards and forwards! Fractions Convert to a human circle game

12 Lower Key Stage 2

13 Using a simple counting stick...
Decimals Finding half of a number Fractions Number sequences

14 Upper Key Stage 2

15 Upper Key Stage 2

16 The Ding-Dong Game...

17 How do we record practical learning?
Photographs Reflections

18 Use Pintrest to gather creative ideas...

19 Any Questions?

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