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Created by Kristy Seymour Why do I need to be familiar with the Boolean Search?? Boolean Search: AndBoolean Search: OrBoolean Search: NotBoolean Search:

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Presentation on theme: "Created by Kristy Seymour Why do I need to be familiar with the Boolean Search?? Boolean Search: AndBoolean Search: OrBoolean Search: NotBoolean Search:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by Kristy Seymour Why do I need to be familiar with the Boolean Search?? Boolean Search: AndBoolean Search: OrBoolean Search: NotBoolean Search: Adjacent Boolean Search: Parentheses Boolean Search: Truncation

2  Limits the number of hits that return on a search. Search is faster and easier for the searcher.  As a result searcher has a more productive search and is not frustrated and overwhelmed by irrelevant hits.  And less school day time is wasted by non- productive searches. Back to Menu

3 Africa Back to Menu


5  And  With the Boolean Search, and is used to limit a search to materials that include two or more search topics.  This narrows the search which can expedite the process or at times limit the search too much. Back to Menu

6 AfricaEconomy Back to Menu


8  Or  Using OR will retrieve records in which AT LEAST one of the search terms is present.  Using or yields a lot of hits but can often be to wide of a search to be productive. Back to Menu


10 Africa Economy Back to Menu

11  Not  Any results containing the term after the word not will not be included in the results of the search. Back to Menu

12 Africa Economy Back to Menu


14  Adjacent  It is possible to search adjacent words or phrases. In most databases, putting quotes around the words will retrieve search terms occurring next to each other in the order entered. Back to Menu


16  Parentheses  Parentheses are used to nest terms when more than one logical operator is used (and, or, not) so that the search engine knows how to read your query. Back to Menu


18  Truncation  Truncation allows you to search words that begin with similar letters, but end differently. Most catalogs and databases use an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?) to represent remaining letters. Back to Menu


20  When teachers learn about new techniques such as the Boolean Search and implement them into the classroom the teachers benefit as well as the students.  Staying abreast innovative techniques: NETS 1:A, 1:C  Conducting efficient and productive searches: NETS 2:A.  Modeling modern professionalism in the digital age: NETS 3:C, 3:D.  Carrying out safe searches: NETS 4:A.  Having the courage to learn new and different techniques: NETS 5:C.

21  The interactive elements of this presentation makes it ideal for independent learning; though it also is fully functional as a presentation tool.  In addition, the layout of this presentation was designed to explain Boolean Searching to anyone that is new to the concept regardless if they are a student, faculty or staff member. Thank you for your participation!

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