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All About Me Ryder. The Story Behind My Name My Mom liked the name Ryder, but my dad liked the name Tyler. My parents named me Ryder because it is unique.

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Presentation on theme: "All About Me Ryder. The Story Behind My Name My Mom liked the name Ryder, but my dad liked the name Tyler. My parents named me Ryder because it is unique."— Presentation transcript:

1 All About Me Ryder

2 The Story Behind My Name My Mom liked the name Ryder, but my dad liked the name Tyler. My parents named me Ryder because it is unique and my Mom got to choose in the end!!. David is my dad’s name.

3 Facts About Me My name: Ryder David Cieri Born: Kirkland, Washington Birthdate: 4/26/07

4 My Family Mom: Allison Dad: David Brothers: Anthony Pets: Louie our cat

5 My Favorite Things To Do Hobbies: Lego Activities: Lego Sports: football TV shows or movies: Phineas and ferb,tom and jerry, Spunj bob.

6 What I Want To Be I Grow Up Job: Microsoft Why: because I want to make Microsoft windows

7 Describing Words About Me

8 My Favorites Favorite food: Chicken nuggets Favorite Color: gold Favorite Movie: The man of steel Favorite Subject in school: Science Favorite song: Dubstep

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