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CS598TX: Advanced Topics in Software Engineering -- Software Testing, Debugging, Analysis, Analytics – Course Logistics Tao Xie.

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Presentation on theme: "CS598TX: Advanced Topics in Software Engineering -- Software Testing, Debugging, Analysis, Analytics – Course Logistics Tao Xie."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS598TX: Advanced Topics in Software Engineering -- Software Testing, Debugging, Analysis, Analytics – Course Logistics Tao Xie

2 Course Overview Graduate seminar on software testing, debugging, analysis and analytics (for improving software dependability) Focus on research methodologies around conducting your (research) project –Papers/reading: reading in advance, writing forum post (bookkeeping in Google sheet), discussing (leading discussion) –Project: milestone project presentations, paper

3 Administrative Info Meetings: T/Th 12:30-1:45pm, 1131 SC Credit: 4 graduate hours Auditors welcome for discussions –Can come to any lecture, mostly self-contained Prerequisites: some software engineering and programming languages

4 Evaluation Grading –Final Project Report [40%] –Milestone Project Presentations + Leading In- Class Discussion [30%] –Forum Participation [15%] –In-class Participation/Discussion [15%] Distribution –Grades typically will be A- centered –No guarantee for A (or even a passing grade)! Project is the most important

5 Fair Warnings This class will differ from most you take –Seminar style –Centered around (research) projects Even differ from CS527 –CS527 focuses on others’ papers –CS598TX focuses on your papers Projects are NOT easy –Require that you explore a topic in great depth –The topic can/should be fairly narrow –Unlike CS527, the instructor won’t give you a project idea candidate

6 Repeated Warning Project matters the MOST –If you like open-ended projects and have some initial ideas/directions for your course project, do take this course –If you don’t like open-ended projects or don’t have initial project ideas, please drop this course now –If you’re unsure, please discuss with me The worst scenario: take the course but realize you don’t like projects or you don’t have a project This course won’t directly instruct knowledge on the course topics (focus on skills instead)

7 Course Communication Forum Wiki Mailing list

8 Personnel Instructor: Tao Xie –Office: 4237 SC, hours: by appointment –Phone number: 217-244-5931 –NetID: taoxie Please use your email addresses for communication

9 Next Lecture Th, Jan 23, at 12:30pm, 1131 SC Assigned reading: –The PhD Grind by Philip Guo After you finish the reading, make a forum post and then do bookkeeping on Google sheet –No deadline for post but expected to make post before next assigned reading

10 This Lecture Mapping out a research agenda: – out-a-research-agenda out-a-research-agenda

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