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Concepts& Careers in Information, Policy and Society.

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Presentation on theme: "Concepts& Careers in Information, Policy and Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concepts& Careers in Information, Policy and Society

2 I. How a society influences the organization of Information II. How Information influences the structure and functioning of a society Society Information

3 I. How Society Influences Information  Societies differ (over time and place) -Cultural differences e.g. roles of Gender, Ethnicity, Race, Language, Religion, Family, Age groups -Economic differences e.g. Markets, economic class structure and purchasing power -Political differences e.g. state, policies -Scientific and technological differences

4 II. What are differences in the organization of information?  National policies, laws & practices related to -ownership and financing media infrastructure and content -management and professional values -hardware for production of content, its transmission and reception -the kind of applications/transactions/content -access/exposure -users, audiences

5 III. What kinds of influence can information have on society?  Influences on individuals, groups & nations  Immediate & cumulative influences (over time)  Economic, political, cultural & other influences

6 How does the IPS Emphasis teach us about society information ?  The Queen of Courses TC 802 Research Methods— or how will you know how to search for answers to your questions on the influence of society on information ownership or access???

7 More Courses… Society-Information Relationships  TC 820: How Individuals Choose What Information They Use, How Individuals are Impacted by Information  TC 822: How the Gender, Race and Ethnic Structure of Society Influences How Information Content and Infrastructure is Owned and Operated  TC 877: How National Economic, Political and Cultural Differences Impact the Structure of their Information Structures

8 Courses on information structures  TC 850 on national policies  TC 852 on industry structure  TC 853 on organizations  TC 854 on markets  TC 877 compares nations

9 Courses on information influences on society  TC 820 Influences on individuals, how individuals use information  TC 822 Influences on groups (gender, ethnic, racial) and how groups use information content and channels  TC 872 How nations use media for economic growth, social change and advances in agriculture, health, and education  TC 877 Differences and similarities in national strategies on information

10 Your required courses will help you to choose an area of specialization:  Choose an elective from one of the courses described earlier and then  Design your own thesis research to learn more about this topic

11 Career Possibilities in Society Information  The following are job areas that Information, Policy and Society faculty and former students with policy and society interests have pursued:

12 Research, teaching and public sector implementation:  Research consulting firms and centers e.g. Nielsen Research, Harris Surveys, Cheskin, Rand Corporation, Leslie Harris & Associates Washington D.C., National Economic Research Associates London U.K.  Research for management consulting firms, e.g. Booz Allen, Price Waterhouse Cooper  Research funded by foundations, e.g. Smith Richardson, Rudd, Ford, Friedrich Ebert  Research for professional associations in the information sector, e.g. Recording Industry of America, National Cable Telecom Assoc, National Association of Broadcasters

13 More job possibilities…  Research, teaching and telecom admin in colleges and universities;  Content and infrastructure implementation in the private and public sector: e.g. Ben Nederland (wireless), Comcast Cable, ABC TV, USA Network, British Broadcasting Corporation, American Motors, law firms, KCET TV Los Angeles, US Army Signals Corps;

14 More jobs…  Governments, cities, states and nations: e.g. City of San Francisco, City of Minnesota, French foreign aid, US AID, British Commonwealth Secretariat, US Army, Governments of India, Canada, Austria, Argentina, Philippines, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention  International organizations: World Bank, United Nations Children’s Fund, World Health Organization, UN AIDS, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

15 How is the IPS Emphasis different from the others?  It begins and ends with the nature of society Society Information Society  It approaches all subjects from a social science perspective.

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