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NGDC’s Solar and Space Weather Program Eric A. Kihn and William Denig.

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Presentation on theme: "NGDC’s Solar and Space Weather Program Eric A. Kihn and William Denig."— Presentation transcript:

1 NGDC’s Solar and Space Weather Program Eric A. Kihn and William Denig

2 Data Stewardship in the Process

3 Archive Solar and Space Weather Data Sole archive of solar and space data on GOES and POES satellites Sole archive of solar, ionospheric and magnetospheric (geomagnetic) data from operational centers Sole archive of DMSP, SOON, RSTN, etc. Operate the World Data Center for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Boulder Publish Solar Geophysical Data Operate the Boulder ionosonde station National partners: SEC, DoD, NASA, NRC International science: International Council for Science, WDC, CODATA, Provide Access to and Assessment of the Space Environment SPIDR, SABR, ESG Space environmental reconstructions, numerical models, new instruments National partners: SEC, AFWA, AFCCC, DMSO, NASA, NSF International science: IUGG, URSI, IAU, CEOS What We Do

4 What should be done! Raw Data Records (RDRs): RDRs are the fundamental measurements recorded by the instrument and measured in engineering units. RDRs do not change. Sensor Data Records (SDRs): SDRs are calibrated and “geolocated” RDRs. SDRs are in scientific units. SDRs do change because the detection properties of the instrument change with time and the calibration procedures may also change in time. Also some images in scientific units are not easy to understand. Environmental Data Records (EDRs): EDRs are easy-to-understand, high resolution products computed operationally from the SDRs. The EDR algorithms are frequently defined from a least squares analysis to “ground truth” data on a global scale. EDRs suffer from the fact that global analyses may not be applicable to a specific region. Re-Processing: Reprocessing refers to the regeneration of SDRs from RDRs using validated calibration coefficients and approved calibration and geolocation procedures. Product Generation: Product generation is the production of high resolution products that are easy-to-understand and usable by a broad community. Archive and Access: The above terms comprise part of “scientific data stewardship”, this bullet is archive in the more traditional sense, the archive of data and comprehensive metadata in accordance to national standards with online access to both. Data Rescue: Data rescue refers to the conversion of data into a more useful format and it is frequently a part of the Climate Database Modernization Program.

5 Solar-Terrestrial Data and Information Applications Climate &Global Change Electrical Power Networks Radio Communications Education Remote Sensing Satellite Operations Global Positioning Satellites Space Weather Models Solar Research Space Research Data Types Geomagnetic Variations Auroral Images Ionospheric Parameters DMSP Particles and Fields NOAA/TIROS Particles GOES Particles and Fields Spacecraft Anomalies Solar Imagery Solar Radiation

6 Solar-Terrestrial Physics Archives and the World Data Center System Principal DatabasesSECNGDC Solar observatories 20 50 Ionospheric stations 15 187 Geomagnetic observatories 20 453 GOES, POES & DMSP sensors 8 32 Temporal coverage 30+ days 30+ Timeliness (months) real-time rt - 3

7 Space Environment – Current Planning Base: Online access to space weather data, analysis of space environment data, assess the state of the space environment, enhance NGDC’s reputation, Kihn CLASS: Incorporate DMSP data and SABR into CLASS, Kihn DMSO: Environmental Scenario Generator for DoD, Kihn AFCCC: Space Weather Reanalysis / Climatology, Kihn (NESDIS DAA: Environmental Scenario Generator for NNDC, Kihn) (DoD: Ionosonde analyses & GAIM ionospheric model - CIRES, Wright & Sauer) CLASS – Comprehensive Large Array Stewardship System 100 Petabyte + data storage and access system Small percentage of total archive avalible for space environmental data storage SEC Models, Alerts and Forecasts NPP and NPOESS - SESS, TSIS and GPSOS instruments Space Environmental EDRs [13] Auroral Boundary (NGDC) Auroral Energy Deposition (NGDC) Auroral Imagery (NGDC) Electric Fields (NGDC) Electron Density Profiles (NGDC) Geomagnetic Field (NGDC) In situ Plasma Fluctuations (NGDC) In situ Plasma Temperatures (NGDC) Ionospheric Scintillation (NGDC) Medium Energy Charged Particles (NGDC) Neutral Density Profiles (NGDC) Energetic Ions (NGDC) Supra-Thermal through Auroral Particles (NGDC)


9 SPIDR Nodes Worldwide

10 System architecture projections We are preparing for more machine to machine interactions Support in place for the “Virtual Observatory” movement Integration across multiple disciplines Standards based Application Program Interface, API Object-Oriented Data Model and Мetadata

11 SXI images were released on September 7 th and are available at: All browse imagery are online and archive data are available from the robotic tape library. Two data products are being developed: Composite Images & Animated Sequences. Level-1 processed image, using a single exposure index. First image, Sept. 7, 2001 GOES Solar X-ray Imagery


13 Space Weather Analysis Completed a solar-cycle’s worth of the Space Weather Analysis. This project creates a climatology for the near-Earth space environment using data driven models and the NGDC space weather archives.

14 rtAMIE Main Page URL:

15 Lack of coordination among archiving agencies hurts the overall space weather program The blossoming Virtual Observatory movement provides a vehicle and impetus for change. There is a need for stronger communication between the NSWP components and the archive segment. NGDC’s Role is: Archiving solar activity, geomagnetic variations and ionospheric data Archiving SOON solar activity reports, RSTN data and DMSP SSJ/4 data Storing DMSP SSIES, SSM, SSULI and SSUSI data Archiving processed GOES SEM, GOES SXI and POES SEM data Customer Services: – Maintaining and updating Web services Outreach: American Geophysical Union, International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics Special projects funded by DoD, NOAA and NASA Summary

16 Back-up Slides

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