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ANTONYMS… ANOTHER VIEW …. A NEW C ONCEPT … The view that say antonym is the oppositeness of meaning is not totally adequate because some words have no.

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Presentation on theme: "ANTONYMS… ANOTHER VIEW …. A NEW C ONCEPT … The view that say antonym is the oppositeness of meaning is not totally adequate because some words have no."— Presentation transcript:


2 A NEW C ONCEPT … The view that say antonym is the oppositeness of meaning is not totally adequate because some words have no real oppositeness. Example : Hot is not the opposite of cold Borrow is not the opposite of lend

3 F OUR TYPES OF ANTONYMS … 1. Binary antonym They are predicates which come in pairs and between them exhaust all the relevant possibilities. If the one predicate is applicable, then the other cannot be Example: True x false If a sentence is true, it cant be false Alive x dead If someone is alive, he / she cant be dead

4 2. Converse If a predicate describes a relationship between two things (people) and some other predicate describe the same relationship when the two things (people) are mentioned in the opposite order Example: Parent and Child X is the parent of Y describes the same situation as Y is the child of X Below x Above X is below Y describes the same situation as Y is above X

5 3. Gradable Antonym Two predicates are gradable antonyms if they are at opposite ends of a continuous scale of values. Example: Hot and Cold Between hot and cold is continuous scales of values ; warm, cool Young and Old Between young and old is continuous scales of values ; teenagers, adult

6 4. Contradictory A proposition is a contradictory of another proposition if it is impossible for them both to be true at the same and of the same circumstances. Example: 1. This beetle is alive is a contradictory of this beetle is dead. 2. Brutus killed Caesar is a contradictory of Caesar killed Brutus

7 Now, find 3 examples of each type of antonyms and give explanation !

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