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B.Eng (Hons) & B.Sc(Hons) Computer & Electronic Systems Engineering 1.

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Presentation on theme: "B.Eng (Hons) & B.Sc(Hons) Computer & Electronic Systems Engineering 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 B.Eng (Hons) & B.Sc(Hons) Computer & Electronic Systems Engineering 1

2 Some Headlines 2

3 Rapid advance of technology  From this ($3995 1983) 3

4 Rapid advance of technology  To this (£399)  1.4GHz Quad Core processor  64GB Memory  720 x 1280 display  8 megapixel camera  WiFi  GPS  MP3 player  Video camera  Radio  Video conferencing  Internet  Organiser  Voice activation  And it can send and receive telephone calls 4

5  As the cost of computer technology drops, modern electronic systems are now a hybrid of  software and  electronic hardware.  These programmes focus on design and development of products and systems that have computer and electronic technologies at their core  Students acquire skills that have global relevance and are attractive to employers both in engineering and beyond Computer Electronic Systems Engineering 5

6  Computer Electronic Systems are everywhere.  Here are a few examples…… Where do graduates work? 6

7  Automotive  Aviation  Defence  Entertainment  Healthcare  Power Systems Control  Assistive Technology  Mobile Devices  Gaming  Networking  Consumer electronics Examples of Computer Electronic Systems 7

8  What’s inside these products and systems?  Electronics (microelectronics);  Embedded software  Many products will communicate with the outside world  “Internet enabled” systems (the internet of everything)  They sit at the “edges” of much larger (global) connected systems Common factors?. 8

9  First Two Years have Common Curriculum for all BEng and BSc  Students don’t often know what they really want to study in-depth!  They really need to explore the subject area first  Our programmes allow students to select their specialisms at the end of Year-2 when they should have a sense of direction Programme Structure 9

10  The BEng programme is for students who wish to study and apply deep technical skills, to work as innovators and within research and development. All routes include various types of programming and electronic design:  Digital Systems Engineering  Electronic and programmable technologies, Digital Signal Processing, Real-Time Systems  Network and Communications Systems Engineering  Electronic and programmable technologies applied to the communications and network industry.  Robotic and Mechatronic Systems Engineering  Electronic and programmable technologies applied to systems that include motion control, sensing and intelligence  BEng (Hons) meets requirements for CEng with the IET BEng (Honours) - Specialisms 10

11  For students who wish a more broadly-based electronics degree programme and who wish to become system integrators, application engineers, sales support engineers, etc.  Includes various specialist options:  With Management  With Software Engineering  Final year includes opportunity to take specialist modules from Digital Systems and Communications Systems.  B.Sc. (Hons) meets requirements for IEng with the IET BSc (Honours) 11

12  Skills mismatch between general skills and personal attributes in recent IT graduates … Engineers need to be more than Engineers 12

13  We understand that industry is interested in a much wider skill set than in previous decades  A designer or engineer for the 21st century must be multi-skilled  Our content matches the evolving needs of business and industry… Relevance is Built In 13

14 Networks Digital Electronics Analog Electronics Team Working Mechanical Systems and Materials Communicati ons Wired, Wireless, Cellular New Venture Creation Strategic Management The Total Design Process Integrated Design Projects Mathematics Signal Processing Robotics and Instrumentati on Software Development Supply Chain Management Key Skills 14

15  Newly graduated electrical/electronics engineers are in the range of £18,000 - £33,000 - mean approx £25,000. (2013)  Incorporated electronics engineers have a mean of £46,000 (2010),  Chartered engineers have a mean of £68,000 (2010),  Highly experienced engineers (top 10%) earn in excess of £100,000 (2010)  engineering-salary-round-up-from-graduate-to-chartered-engineer  25% of FTSE 100 led by engineers Industrial Salaries – UK 15

16  Minimum Entry requirements  B.Eng.  Higher BBBB  B.Sc.  Higher BBB  Essential Subjects  Mathematics, Physics/Technological Studies  Recommended Subjects  Information Technology or Computing  FE Applicants  Year 2 : 15 credit Electrical/Electronic Eng. (Must include Maths for Eng. 1 & 2)  Year 3 : HND Electrical/Electronic Eng. (Must include Maths for Eng. 1, 2 & 3) Getting in 16

17  Contact: Peter Barrie, Programme Leader Questions 17

18 Additional Information 18

19  Each year our students take part in a major design and implementation project that challenges them to integrate and apply their new skills  Years 1-3 – group design project  Year 4 – Individual design project Future Engineers need to Practice their Design Skills... 19

20  Interaction with industry is provided with invited speakers from key electronics companies and design companies on aspects of:  Technology  Product Design  Employability Future Engineers need Design Skills... 20

21  Design is the planning that lays the basis for the making of every object or system  Students must learn how to manage the process of innovation  Understand current ‘state-of-the-art’  Research, evaluate and refine ideas for new products and systems Future Engineers need Design Skills... 21

22  All students in BEng and BSc are free to take an optional one year industrial placement opportunity  This takes place at the end of Year-3  An opportunity to gain experience in design engineering and business organisation  Also an opportunity to gain important employability skills  Students are also encouraged to apply for Summer placements Industrial Placement 22

23  Through these companies our students can access global opportunities to compete against students worldwide in competitions such as:  Freescale Cup – ‘Intelligent Car’ Racing  Texas Instruments Analogue Design Contest  $10,000 for first prize! Major Partnerships 23

24  We have strong partnerships with leading companies in electronic design, manufacturing and software, such as:  Texas Instruments  Freescale  ARM  These companies sponsor us to provide the latest microelectronic hardware and software for our laboratories.  The sponsorship also allows us to provide flexible learning for students, who can access hardware and software to take away to work in their own time. Major Partnerships 24

25 YEAR 1 Module CodeModule TitleTrimesterCredits M1H620322Principles of Programmable Systems110 SHE1 M1H620313Digital Electronics110 SHE1 M1H620338Analogue Electronics110 SHE1 M1G420000Introduction to Computer Architecture110 SHE1 M1G420876Introduction to Network Technology110 SHE1 M1H302589Mechanical Principles A110 SHE1 M1H620653Integrated Design Project 1220 SHE1 M1G108778Mathematics 1220 SHE1 M1G505194Introduction to Web Development210 SHE1 M1H106367Engineering Materials210 SHE1 120 YEAR 2 Module CodeModule TitleTrimesterCredits M2H620492Electrical Principles and Circuit Theory120 SHE2 M2G620493Software Development for Engineers120 SHE2 M2G520040Data Communications and Transmission Systems120 SHE2 M2H620655Integrated Design Project 2220 SHE2 M2H620495Digital and Programmable Systems 1220 SHE2 Specialist Option – Choose one from: M2H020497Signals and Electronic Systems220 SHE2 M2H620057Control and Instrumentation Systems220 SHE2 240 25 Structure Years 1 & 2

26 Module CodeModule NameTrimester M2G108818Mathematics 2A M3G405252IT Project Management 1A Specialist Option 1A M2H620655Integrated Design Project 3B MHG412774Rich Internet Applications B Specialist Option 2B 26 BSc 3 & 4 YEAR 4 Module CodeModule TitleTrimesterCredits MHH620649Professionalism in PracticeA10 SHEH MHW213190Honours Project A & B40 SHEH MMH606583Embedded Systems Application Development 1A15 SHEH Specialist Option 1A20 SHE3/H MHG520578Digital and Programmable Systems 2B20 SHEH Specialist Option 2B20 SHEH 125 credits Specialist Options: with Software Development Specialist Option 1 MHH120045Simulating Multimedia NetworksA20 SHEH Specialist Option 2 MHG405292Pervasive Grids and ServicesB20 SHEH with Management Specialist Option 1 M3N106498New Venture CreationA20 SHE3 Specialist Option 2 - Choose one from: MHN220219Managing Sustainable Business ExcellenceB20 SHEH MHN220340Culture and Diversity: Managing People within Organisations B20 SHEH MHN212840Technology Strategies for Contemporary OrganisationsB20 SHEH MHN212841Emerging Business VenturesB20 SHEH

27 YEAR 3 Module CodeModule TitleTrimesterCredits M2G108818Mathematics 2A20 SHE2 M3H620581Wireless Communication PrinciplesA20 SHEH M3H620587Signals and Electronic Systems DesignA20 SHE3 M3H620657Integrated Design Project 3B20 SHE3 M3N120101Operations and Supply Chain ManagementB20 SHE3 MHG520578Digital and Programmable Systems 2B20 SHE3 27 B.Eng 3 & 4 YEAR 4 Digital Systems Pathway Module CodeModule TitleTrimesterCredits MHW213190Honours Project A & B40 SHEH MHH620649Professionalism in PracticeA10 SHEH MHH606312Digital Signal ProcessingA20 SHEH Specialist Option 1A15 SHEM MHH620659System Level DesignB20 SHEH Specialist Option 2B15 SHEM 120 Credits Specialist Option 1 MMH606583Embedded Systems Application Development 1 A15 SHEM Specialist Option 2 – MMH620580Image Processing and Machine VisionB15 SHEM

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