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Best Practices for Ensuring Fiber Optic System Performance

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practices for Ensuring Fiber Optic System Performance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practices for Ensuring Fiber Optic System Performance
Inspection, Cleaning, Testing

2 Agenda Fiber Optics Key Concepts Inspection and Cleaning Testing
Fiber types and Connectors Fiber Connections: the good, the bad, and the ugly Measurement Units Inspection and Cleaning Inspect Before You ConnectSM Inspect Both Sides Proactive Inspection Cleaning Best Practices Testing Basic Advanced Wide variety of people on the phone – need to make sure everyone is on the same page.

3 Optical Communications
Communication technology, developed in the 70s, that sends optical signals down hair-thin strands of glass fiber Transmitter Receiver Light Rays Fiber Fiber optics is a communication technology developed in the 1970s and became widely deployed by the 1990s. It is now the primary transport medium in all types of telecommunications networks. Very simply, fiber optic communication transmits optical signals down very thin glass fiber strands to a receiver.

4 Optical Fiber Types 2 Types Multimode Single-mode
Two basic types of fiber optic cables are used: Multimode and Single-mode. Details of how light travels down these two types of fiber will be addressed on the following two slides. Physically, both fiber types are made up of a glass core surrounded by a glass cladding. A protective buffer then covers the fiber that is typically stripped off when terminating a fiber. The core of a multimode fiber is either 50 or 62.5 microns wide. The core of a single-mode fiber is typically 9 microns wide. Both multimode and single-mode fiber cores are surrounded by a 125 micron cladding. The buffer takes the total diameter of the fiber to either 250 or 900 microns. Note that these examples show simplex fiber cables. Multi-strand fiber cables also exist.

5 Fiber Types MM Fiber carries numerous light rays (mode) simultaneously through the fiber. Light traveling through multimode fiber takes multiple paths or modes, which causes the light pulses to spread out or disperse. The result of this pulse spreading is that multimode fiber cannot carry high bit rates over long distances. Multimode fiber is typically found in local area networks working at 850 or 1300 nanometers. While the fiber optic cable itself is not significantly cheaper than single-mode fiber, the light sources are. Multimode fiber uses LEDs or VCSEL (cheap lasers) as light sources compared to lasers for single-mode fiber. Refractive index: Measures the speed of light in a material. For example, n1 and n2 are the respective refractive index of the cladding and the core, and n1<n2 is the condition for the light traveling down the fiber. Fiber channel and Ethernet are most common applications High attenuation 850 to 1300 nm transmission wavelengths Local networks (<2 km) Limited bandwidth LAN/Industry

6 Fiber carries a single light ray (mode).
Fiber Types SM Fiber carries a single light ray (mode). Low attenuation 1260 to 1660 nm transmission wavelengths Access/medium/long haul networks (>200 km) Nearly infinite bandwidth Telecom/CATV FTTx CWDM/DWDM Outside plant fiber optic cable uses single-mode fiber. Working at 1310, 1550, and other wavelengths in the 1260 to 1660 nanometer range, single-mode fiber can carry very high bit rates over long distances. Because the core of the fiber is so small, light can only take a single path through it, minimizing the amount of dispersion. Single-mode fiber is also used in wavelength division multiplexing systems, which have multiple wavelengths of light traveling on the same fiber. Ethernet/FICON on SM is popular in enterprise

7 Fiber Connectors are Everywhere!
Fiber optic connectors are common throughout the network as they provide the power to add, drop, move, and change the network. Local Convergence Point Buildings Network Access Points CO/Headend/MTSO Use the phrase: Moves, adds, changes Close slide with “connectors are everywhere” Feeder Cables Distribution Cables Multi-home Units Residential Drop Cables

8 Fiber Optic Connector SC Connector
BODY FERRULE SC Connector CLADDING FIBER CORE The BODY houses the ferrule to secure the fiber in place. The FERRULE is a small cylinder used to mount the fiber and acts as the alignment mechanism. The end of the fiber is located at the end of the ferrule. The FIBER comprises 2 layers: the CLADDING and the CORE. The CLADDING is a glass layer surrounding the core, which prevents the signal in the core from escaping. The CORE is the critical center layer of the fiber and the conduit that light passes through. Fiber connectors have extremely tight tolerances with the potential to make a low-loss connection. To achieve this potential, they must be handled and mated properly. The fiber connector uses a latch and key mechanism to align the fiber and prevents the rotation of ferrules of the two mated connectors.

9 Anatomy of Fiber Connectors
Light is transmitted and retained in the CORE of the optical fiber by total internal reflection. Single-mode Fiber Structure Single-mode fibers carry a single ray of light, making them better in retaining the fidelity of light over long distances. The fiber connector endface has 3 major areas – the core, the cladding and the ferrule. Particles closer to the core will have more impact than those farther out. Fiber End Face View FERRULE – 1.25 or 2.5 mm CLADDING – 125 µ CORE – 9 µ

10 Single Fiber vs. Multi-Fiber Connectors
SINGLE FIBER CONNECTOR MULTI-FIBER CONNECTOR White ceramic ferrule One fiber per connector Common types include SC, LC, FC, and ST Polymer ferrule Multiple fibers in linear array (for example, 8, 12, 24, 48, and 72) in single connector providing high-density connectivity Common type is MPO or MTP®

11 Connector Types FC connector SC Connector ST Connector 2.5 mm ferrule
Screw mechanism with key –aligned Mainly used with single-mode fibers SC Connector 2.5 mm ferrule Push-pull latching mechanism Most widely used connector today (LAN/WAN) ST Connector 2.5 mm ferrule Twist-lock mechanism Mainly used with multimode fibers This slide shows the most common connectors found in North America today. Finger connector Stick and click Stick and twist Many of these connectors are available as PC or APC. SC Connector is the connector used in the LAN

12 Connector Types MU Connector LC Connector E2000 Connector
1.25 mm ferrule Push-pull latching mechanism LC Connector 1.25 mm ferrule Finger latch Fastest growing connector E2000 Connector 2.5 mm ferrule Finger latch with a protective cap over the ferrule MU – looks like a cow LC – Little Connector DIN Connector 2.5 mm ferrule Anti-rotation keyed Used mainly in EU

13 The angle reduces the back-reflection of the connection.
Types of End Faces PC – Physical Contact APC – Angled Physical Contact The angle reduces the back-reflection of the connection. APC connectors are used in systems where back reflection is an issue such HIGH-POWER applications. Video is typically high-power, so APC connectors are found in CATV and FTTx environments. SC - PC SC - APC

14 Focus on the Connection
Bulkhead Adapter Ferrule Fiber Fiber Connector Alignment Sleeve Alignment Sleeve Physical Contact Note there are two endfaces – one in the bulkhead and one on the patch cord.

15 What Makes a GOOD Fiber Connection?
The 3 basic principles that are critical to achieving an efficient fiber optic connection are “The 3 Ps”: Light Transmitted Perfect Core Alignment Physical Contact Pristine Connector Interface Core Cladding CLEAN Today’s connector design and production techniques have eliminated most of the challenges to achieving core alignment and physical contact.

16 What Makes a BAD Fiber Connection?
Today’s connector design and production techniques have eliminated most of the challenges to achieving core alignment and physical contact. The remaining challenge is maintaining a pristine end face. As a result, CONTAMINATION is the No. 1 reason for troubleshooting in optical networks. A single particle mated into the core of a fiber can cause significant back reflection, insertion loss, and even equipment damage. Light Back Reflection Insertion Loss Core Cladding Emphasis on Contamination being the No. 1 reason for troubleshooting DIRT

17 Measurement Units dBm unit is decibels relative to 1 mW of power
dBm is an ABSOLUTE measurement dB is a RELATIVE measurement 1 mW = 0 dBm Tx Relative Power (dB) =10*Log 2 dB 1 dB Loss = 8 dB Absolute Power (dBm) =10*Log 5 dB When we move into the section that discusses testing, the difference between dB and dBm will become critical. Simply put, dBm is an ABSOLUTE measurement: 1 mW equals 0 dBm, while dB is a relative measurement. The diagram on the right side of the slide illustrates this. At the top a transmitter is generating 0dBm – an absolute value. At the bottom a receiver is receiving -8 dBm, again an absolute value. Between the transmitter and the receiver are two fiber optic cables and a single fiber connector that, combined, create a loss of 8 dB—a relative value. In other words, loss is never referred to in dBm because it is always a relative value. We could change the transmitted level to +8 dBm and the received level would then become 0 dBm, because the relative amount of loss is still 8 dB. Make note of loss shown at connection – want connector to be about .75dB of loss – most volatile point -8 dBm Rx 0 dBm -3 dBm -20 dBm -40 dBm 1 mW 0.5 mW 0.01 mW mW

18 Optical Loss Budget Transmitter Receiver Light Rays Fiber What is the average output power of the transmitter? What is the minimum sensitivity of the receiver? The difference is the maximum amount of LOSS allowable for the optical transmission line. When installing a fiber network, network topology and equipment specifications must be considered. One of the major parameters requiring measurement is optical loss budget, or end-to-end optical link loss. When calculating the optical loss budget of a fiber link, the source, detector, and optical transmission line must be considered. Optical loss budget must account for both link loss and system power margins. These power margins cover allowances for the effects of environment, aging, and eventual repairs.

19 Contamination and Signal Performance
Fiber Contamination and Its Effect on Signal Performance 1 CLEAN CONNECTION Back Reflection = dB Total Loss = dB 3 DIRTY CONNECTION Make connection to link budget. Make the point that where the contamination is makes a difference Clean Connection vs. Dirty Connection OTDR trace illustration of the significant decrease in signal performance after mating dirty connectors Back Reflection = dB Total Loss = 4.87 dB

20 Illustration of Particle Migration
11.8µ 15.1µ 10.3µ Core Cladding Actual fiber end face images of particle migration Emphasis on what happens over time with a little bit of contamination never being caught. Even though the contamination at the beginning was not in the core, it can easily migrate to the core. Each time connectors are mated, particles around the core become displaced, causing them to migrate and spread across the fiber surface. Particles larger than 5 µ usually explode and multiply upon mating. Large particles can create barriers (air gaps) that prevent physical contact. Particles smaller than 5 µ tend to embed into the fiber surface creating pits and chips.

21 Particle Migration and Signal Performance
-70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 Baseline/ Initial Contamination 1st Mating 2nd Mating 3rd Mating Actual fiber end face images of particle migration Importance is where the contamination is. For each successive mating, actual dB values increase as signal performance decreases Dirt particles near or on the fiber core significantly affect signal performance

22 Types of Contamination
Fiber end faces must be free of any contamination or defects, as shown below: Single Mode Fiber Common types of contamination and defects include the following: Dirt Oil Pits & Chips Scratches

23 Contamination Categories
LOOSE Most contamination comes from dry particles that have fallen onto the end face or have been “placed” there during handling BONDED Most stubborn particles are held in place with grease, oils, or dried residue from a wet cleaning process MATED Particles on the end face of a connector can also become embedded into the glass if mated with another connector CONTAMINATION MUST BE CLEANED from the end face prior to mating in order to optimize the efficiency of an optical signal or interconnect

24 Inspection and Cleaning

25 Inspect Before You Connectsm
Follow the simple “INSPECT BEFORE YOU CONNECT” process to ensure fiber end faces are clean prior to mating connectors.

26 Inspect, Clean, Inspect, and Go!
Fiber inspection and cleaning are SIMPLE steps with immense benefits. 1 Inspect ■ Use a probe microscope to INSPECT the fiber. – If the fiber is dirty, go to Step 2, Clean. – If the fiber is clean, go to Step 4, Connect. 2 Clean ■ If the fiber is dirty, use a simple cleaning tool to CLEAN the fiber surface. 3 Re-inspect 4 Connect ■ If the fiber is clean, CONNECT the connector. NOTE: Be sure to inspect both sides (patch cord “male” and bulkhead “female”) of the fiber interconnect. ■ Use a probe microscope to RE-INSPECT (confirm fiber is clean). – If the fiber is still dirty, repeat Step 2, Clean. – If the fiber is clean, go to Step 4, Connect.

27 Inspect and Clean Both Connectors in Pairs!
Inspecting BOTH sides of the connection is the ONLY WAY to ensure the connector will be free of contamination and defects. Inspection is contact-free. Discuss or have separate slide. Patch Cord (Male) Inspection Bulkhead (Female) Inspection Patch cords are easy to access and view compared to the fiber inside the bulkhead (or test equipment or network equipment) which are frequently overlooked. The bulkhead side may only be half of the connection, but it is far more likely to be dirty and problematic.

28 Proactive vs. Reactive Inspection
PROACTIVE INSPECTION: Visually inspect fiber connectors at every stage of handling BEFORE mating them. Connectors are much easier to clean prior to mating, before embedding debris into the fiber. REACTIVE INSPECTION: Visually inspect fiber connectors AFTER discovering a problem, typically during troubleshooting. By this time, connectors and other equipment may have suffered permanent damage. Dirty Fiber PRIOR to Mating Fiber AFTER Cleaning Dirty Fiber PRIOR to Mating Fiber AFTER Mating and Numerous Cleanings Common mistake is to reactively inspect fiber endfaces

29 Benefits of Proactive Inspection
PROACTIVE INSPECTION is quick and easy, with indisputable benefits Reduce Network Downtime Active network = satisfied customers Reduce Troubleshooting Prevent costly truck rolls and service calls Optimize Signal Performance Network components operate at highest level of performance Prevent Network Damage Ensure longevity of costly network equipment

30 Cleaning Best Practices
Many tools exist to clean fiber Many companies have their own “best practices” Dry clean first. If that does not clean, then try wet cleaning. Always finish with dry cleaning! Whatever cleaning equipment you use, make sure it is designed for fiber optic cleaning.

31 Testing

32 Test! Basic Tests Advanced Tests Visual Fault Locator (VFL)
Optical Insertion Loss Optical Power Levels Advanced Tests Optical Return Loss (ORL) Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) Chromatic Dispersion (CD) Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) Optical Spectral Analysis (OSA)

33 Visual Fault Locator VFLs provide a visible red light source useful for identifying fiber locations, detecting faults due to bending or poor connectorization, and to confirming continuity. VFL sources can be modulated in a number of formats to help identify the correct VFL (where a number of VFL tests may be performed).

34 Insertion Loss Single Direction Insertion Loss Measurement with a Source and Power Meter Reference first! Light Source Power Meter 0dB Reference Measurement Light Source Power Meter -1.5dB Jumper or patch-cord Bi-Directional LS and PM PocketClass Smart Optical - Insertion Loss Measurement 1, 2, or 3 jumper references can be performed – 2 jumper shown

35 Measuring Power Levels - PON/FTTx
OLP-57 wavelength selective Power Meter Handles downstream at 1490 and 1550 nm Handles upstream at 1310 nm Through-mode capability (1 input + 1 output) Burst-mode capability 1490 / 1550 nm OLP-57/02 1490 / 1550 nm ONT OLT 1310 nm 1310 nm Meter 3 Meter 1 Meter 2 2 OLP-57: Provides 3 power meters in one 1310 nm 1490 nm 1550 nm

36 Advanced Tests Optical Return Loss (ORL)
Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) Detect, locate, and measure events at any location on the fiber link Fiber Characterization Determines the services that the fiber can be carry Basic tests plus: Chromatic Dispersion (CD) Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) Optical Spectrum Analysis (OSA) Spectral analysis for Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) systems

37 Wrap-up

Summary Always “INSPECT BEFORE YOU CONNECT” Correct testing of the fiber optic link is critical Tests range from basic VFL/OIL to advanced OTDR/PMD/CD Tests to perform depend on the network (For example, LAN, CATV, FTTx, Access, Metro, or Long Haul) JDSU CommTest provides the tools and services to ensure the performance of your fiber optic system! We are the World Leader in fiber video inspection

39 Fiber Inspection and Test Kits
Many different kits are available: Inspection only Inspection and cleaning Inspection, cleaning, and testing Example: FIT-S001 (LAN/WAN) includes: OLS-5, OLS-6, OLP-5 200X Probe hardwired to HD3 display Various tips (ST, SC, SC-APC, LC, U25, and U12) Cleaning materials

40 Questions and Resources?
Questions & Answers for: Posters, White Papers, Reference Guide to Fiber Optic Testing Product and Service Information Recorded Webinar is posted to Contact Us:

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