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Native American Art Art of Early America. The art of the Native Americans is very similar to that of the South Americans. It uses colorful, geometric.

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Presentation on theme: "Native American Art Art of Early America. The art of the Native Americans is very similar to that of the South Americans. It uses colorful, geometric."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native American Art Art of Early America

2 The art of the Native Americans is very similar to that of the South Americans. It uses colorful, geometric patterns and stylized views of humans and animals.

3 Native American art was both functional and ceremonial. They were skilled craftsman and used bark, hide, wood, beads, clay, feathers, reed and any other material they could find in nature. Native American art shows an appreciation of the materials found in nature.

4 Weaving Weaving of baskets and clothing has been practiced by Native American Women for thousands of years. They use weaving to create baskets, rugs and clothes. Normally they use a weaving pattern which incorporates diagonals or diamonds. These patterns represent both the tribe and the women who weave them.

5 Pottery The earliest Native American pottery was created about 2200 BC. The coil method of hand building was the main technique used. Decorations were stamped, incised or carved into the surface of the pottery. Often slip of various colors was painted onto the drying pottery. Most pottery was used for food storage or for cooking.

6 Other Crafts Metalworking has been practiced since 3000 BC. The Native Americans made ceremonial plaques, ornaments, and headdresses. Silver was used to make jewelry. Western Indians created hair-plates, buckles, and armbands.

7 Woodworking While most of the Native American art is functional, Northwest Coast Indians created large totem poles. The wood sculptures depict super natural and legendary characters and animals associated with certain clans or groups. The sculptures stood in front of home as signs of prestige.

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