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Native American Mythology, Legends, and Folklore "Popular culture seems to represent Native Americans as these mythical beings…[we are] trying to break.

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Presentation on theme: "Native American Mythology, Legends, and Folklore "Popular culture seems to represent Native Americans as these mythical beings…[we are] trying to break."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native American Mythology, Legends, and Folklore "Popular culture seems to represent Native Americans as these mythical beings…[we are] trying to break down those stereotypes. People should know that we aren't a monolithic group of people. We are comedians, authors, singers, and our cultures are very much alive today." - Nickole Fox

2 “I hated tonto (and still do)” - Sherman Alexie Who is Tonto? –The Lone Ranger ClipThe Lone Ranger Clip –The New Lone Ranger and TontoThe New Lone Ranger and Tonto –Tonto ControversyTonto Controversy

3 Traditional Storyteller Before we start, let’s listen to some Native American storytellers Rabbit’s Short Tail Little Hawk on tolerance; wisdom …observations?

4 Native American Literature vs Mainstream Literature Mainstream –Clear-cut villains –Clear-cut plot structure –Clear concluding purpose Native American Lit –Doesn’t rely on crisis, conflict or resolution for organization (think of plot structure) –Space is spherical and time is cyclical (not linear and sequential) –Indians see all creatures as relatives; relationship is central

5 Native American Literature vs Mainstream Literature Mainstream literature is linear. Native American literature is cyclical which means stories may have no true beginning or end. –One story is the beginning of many stories and the story never truly ends. –Example from “Rabbit’s Short Tail”? Native American literature is more conversational –Storytelling always includes the audience –Storytelling continues from generation to generation The Oral Tradition that you have learned about since you were in ninth grade! Stories keep the family and clan together…why?

6 Native American Literature vs Mainstream Literature Native American literature is often egalitarian. Native American literature treats animals and people as equals. –Relationships between all creatures Mainstream literature often focuses on the individual. Native American literature is communitarian. Native American literature often focuses on a person’s place within the community. –Seeks to bring the individual into the communal and cosmic

7 Native American Literature vs Mainstream Literature Native American literature often contains spiritual, supernatural, or metaphysical elements. –All things are equal; no separation between God and everything else Native American literature often offers a critique of colonialism.

8 Function of Myths Joseph Campbell –to instill a sense of awe toward the mystery of the universe –to explain the workings of the natural world –to support and validate social customs –to guide people through the trials of living Where can you recognize these four functions of myth? Think about ninth grade. Joseph Campbell : Trickster Myths

9 What is Native American Literature Like? Native peoples have used literature to see chaos behind order and to find the ability to laugh at themselves. Native American literature also demonstrates a model for equality or the relationship Native Americans have with nature. Native American literature can be myths, trickster tales, or contemporary stories and novels.

10 Native American Holocaust Let’s consider some of the history associated with the Native Americans American Holocaust of Native American Indians

11 Stereotypes Warning…you might find this image highly offensive…

12 Stereotypes

13 Stereotypes Imagine if…

14 Stereotypes Or…

15 Stereotypes

16 Stereotypes Can you understand why Native Americans are upset?

17 Contemporary Novel: Flight Interview with Sherman Alexie Start around 22 seconds Sherman Alexie on 9/11

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