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Canadian Organ Replacement Register (CORR) Preliminary Statistics on Organ Donation, Transplantation and Waiting List: 2005 CORR Preliminary Report Dr.

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian Organ Replacement Register (CORR) Preliminary Statistics on Organ Donation, Transplantation and Waiting List: 2005 CORR Preliminary Report Dr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian Organ Replacement Register (CORR) Preliminary Statistics on Organ Donation, Transplantation and Waiting List: 2005 CORR Preliminary Report Dr. J.S. Gill Presented at CST Annual Meeting, Banff Friday March 18, 2005 *Figures updated July 22, 2005

2 Active Transplant Programs, Canada, December 31, 2004 (Number) PROVKidneyHeartLiverPanc/ K-P LungBowel NS211000 QC853210 ON743212 MB100010 SK100000 AB211211 BC311110 Total24129753 *In 2004, the liver program in Halifax resumed and a living liver program commenced at St-Luc (Montreal).

3 Organ Donors, 1 Canada, 1995-2004 (Number) 1 Deceased donors are defined as donors originating in Canada where at least one solid organ was used for transplant. Data are from Quarterly Reports provided by Canadian OPOs. Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

4 Organ Donors, Canada and Provinces, 2004 (Rate per million population) 1 1 Crude rate. Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

5 Transplants, 1 Canada, 1995-2004 (Number) 1 Includes living and deceased donors and combination transplants. Excludes islet cell transplants unless done in combination with a solid organ. Data are from Quarterly Reports provided by Canadian OPOs. Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

6 Transplants, 1 Canada, 1995-2004 (Rate per million population) 2 1 Includes living and deceased donors and combination transplants. Excludes islet cell transplants unless done in combination with a solid organ. Data are from Quarterly Reports provided by Canadian OPOs 2 Crude rate. Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

7 Renal Transplants, 1 Canada 1995-2004 (Number) 1 Does not include combination transplants. Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

8 Distribution of Renal Transplants by Donor Type, Canada 1995-2004 Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

9 Distribution of Renal Transplants by Donor Type and Treatment Province, 2004 Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

10 Liver Transplants by Donor Type, Canada, 1995-2004 (Number) Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

11 Single Lung, Bilateral Lung and Heart-Lung Transplants, 1 Canada, 1995-2004 (Number) 1 Includes living and deceased donors. Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

12 Heart Transplants, Canada, 1995-2004 (Number) Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

13 Simultaneous Kidney-Pancreas Transplants, Canada, 1995-2004 (Number) Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

14 Islet Cell Transplant Recipients, Canada, 1995-2004 (Number) Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

15 Transplants Performed in 2004, Canada and US (Rate per million population) 1,2 1 Crude rate. 2 Canadian population used was 31,946,316. US population used was 295,652,989. 3 Includes single and bilateral lung transplants. Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

16 Waiting List As of December 31, 2004, there were 4,004 patients waiting for an organ transplant in Canada – appears to be fairly constant since 2001 Patients waiting for a kidney transplant comprise 72% of the waiting list (n=2,872). During 2004, 224 people died while waiting for an organ, which included 96 (43%) patients waiting for a liver transplant and 55 (25%) patients waiting for a kidney.

17 Patients Waiting for Transplants at Year-end (December 31), Canada, 1995-2004 (Number) 1 Excludes patients waiting for islet cell transplants. Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

18 Distribution of Patients Waiting for Transplants by Organ Type (extra-renal), Canada, December 31, 2004 Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

19 Total Patient Deaths for 2004, Canada (Number) Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

20 Transplants 1 and Waiting List at Year-end, 2 Canada, 1995-2004 (Number) 1 Includes single and combination transplants. 2 Waiting list includes active and on-hold patients and excludes patients who died while on the waiting list. Excludes patients waiting for islet cell transplants. Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

21 Patients Waiting for a Transplant by Organ Type, Canada and US, 1 2004 2 (Rate per million population) 3 1 Waiting list includes active and on-hold patients and excludes patients dying on the waiting list. 2 Canadian data as of December 31, 2004. Canadian population used was 31,946,316. US data as of March 13, 2005. US population used was 295,652,989. 3 Crude rate. 4 Includes single and bilateral lungs. Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

22 Median Wait Times (Start of Dialysis to First Deceased Kidney Donor Transplant), Provinces, 2003 Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

23 Median Wait Time (days) by Medical Status and ABO, All Liver Transplants, Canada, 2004 1 1 For some groups, number of recipients is very small. Based on recipient wait times only. Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

24 Median Wait Time (days) by Medical Status and ABO, All Heart Transplants, Canada, 2004 1 1 For some groups, number of recipients is very small. Based on recipient wait times only. Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

25 Median Wait Time (days) by Medical Status and ABO, All Lung Transplants, Canada, 2004 1 1 For some groups, number of recipients is very small. Based on recipient wait times only. Source: Canadian Organ Replacement Register, Canadian Institute for Health Information (2005)

26 Acknowledgements The Canadian Organ Replacement Register (CORR) is a register of the Canadian Institute for Health Information. CORR data would not exist without the support of transplant programs and organ procurement organizations across Canada. CORR has support and participation from the CSN, CST, The Kidney Foundation of Canada, CANNT and CAT.

27 Financial Support CORR is funded by the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministries of Health via the Canadian Institute for Health Information. CORR receives support from The Kidney Foundation of Canada for the printing of the its annual report.

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