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1 CS38010 Professional Issues Health and Safety at Work.

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1 1 CS38010 Professional Issues Health and Safety at Work

2 2 Robens Report 1972 ‘Apathy is the greatest single contributing factor to accidents at work.’ ‘The primary responsibility … lies with those who create the risks and those who work with them.’ Called for more self-regulation and use of voluntary standards and codes of practice.

3 3 Summary of conclusions §Too much law §Impossible to keep up to date §No one authority with overall responsibility §Many workers and workplaces not covered by any health and safety legislation §Safety standards were not improving

4 4 The Legal Framework §Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 §Regulations (statutory instruments) - especially those which implement EC directives e.g. Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999. §(Other statutes e.g. Factories Act)

5 5 Health and Safety at Work Act Places duties on: §employers, §self-employed, §persons in control of premises, §designers, manufacturers, importers and suppliers, §employees.

6 6 Health and Safety at Work Act §Establishes HSC and HSE §Provides for specific regulations and approved codes of practice §Gives inspectors wide-ranging powers §Creates statutory sanctions - improvement and prohibition notices §Covers the public if affected by work activities

7 7 Employers - the general duty Health and Safety at Work Act s2(1) "It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees."

8 8 Employers - specific duties (1) §Provide and maintain safe plant §Provide safe systems of work §Ensure safe use of articles and substances §Provide such information, training, instruction and supervision as necessary §Ensure workplace is kept in a safe condition §Provide and maintain safe working environment and adequate welfare arrangements

9 9 Employers - specific duties (2) §Prepare and revise as necessary a written statement of safety policy and bring it to the notice of his employees §Consult with safety representatives §Form a safety committee if requested to do so by the safety reps §Ensure that persons not in his employment are not exposed to risks to their health and safety

10 10 Section 6 - a new duty §Places responsibilities on designers, manufacturers, importers and suppliers of any article for use at work (or any article of fairground equipment).

11 11 The section 6 duty §Design and construction §Testing and examination §Adequate information §Updated information §Research to eliminate or minimise risk

12 12 Enforcement and sanctions §Inspectors §Enforcement policy §Notices and prosecutions

13 13 The ‘framework’ directive Principles of safety management: §Prevention of occupational risks §Protection of safety and health, §Elimination of risks and accident factors, §Consultation and balanced participation, §Training.

14 14 Strategy for dealing with risks... §avoiding risks; §evaluating the risks which cannot be avoided; §combating the risks at source; §adapting the work to the individual; §adapting to technical progress; §replacing the dangerous by the non- dangerous or the less dangerous

15 15... §developing a coherent overall prevention policy; §giving collective protective measures priority over individual protective measures; §giving appropriate instructions to the workers.

16 16 Risk Management

17 17 Organisational Issues What is the role of:- §Top management, §Line management, §Safety professionals, §Safety representatives and committees, §Employees.

18 18 Why have a safety policy? §Statement of objectives - an important aspect of efficient management. §To clarify positions and roles and establish responsibilities for safety, §To provide a standard for measuring achievement, §To highlight problem areas, §A legal requirement.

19 19 Consultation - rationale §Stimulate involvement, §Reduce apathy, §Promote ‘ownership’, §Employee ‘empowerment’, §Leading to ‘partnership’.

20 20 Effects of involvement §Utilise employees’ understanding of risks, §Trust between employees and management, §Compliance related to contribution, §Promote employee commitment, §Develop a positive ‘safety culture’, §A necessary adjunct to a preventative strategy.

21 21 Degrees of Involvement §Information l unilateral §Consultation l equivalent to negotiation? §Participation l towards ‘partnership’?

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