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Our Universe Lessons 3-4.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Universe Lessons 3-4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Universe Lessons 3-4

2 Lesson 3: Life Cycle of a Star
Our Universe Lesson 3: Life Cycle of a Star

3 Lesson Objectives

4 Let’s Talk Vocabulary Doppler Effect Electromagnetic Waves Red Shift
Blue Shift Parallax

5 Let’s Talk Vocabulary Doppler Effect – the change in a sound’s pitch based on the observer’s position

6 Let’s Talk Vocabulary Electromagnetic Waves - Radiation that travels in the form of waves, including radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, and gamma rays.

7 Let’s Talk Vocabulary Red Shift - When a star is moving away from Earth, its electromagnetic spectrum stretches; the result is that wavelengths appear longer and shift toward the red end of the spectrum. Blue Shift - When a star is moving toward Earth, its electromagnetic spectrum shrinks; the result is that wavelengths appear shorter and shift toward the blue end of the spectrum.

8 Let’s Talk Vocabulary Parallax - the apparent movement of an object, depending on the position of the observer. “As Earth moves in its orbit around the sun, it changes position with respect to the stars; consequently, over time, people on Earth view the stars from slightly different positions. Astronomers calculate how these tiny variations in position correspond to the distance to a star.”

9 Life Cycle of a Star Nebulas are clouds of gas and dust in space. Gravity pulls the gas and dust particles closer and closer together until conditions are right for nuclear fusion to begin ***Mass of a star will determine what stage of the life cycle it is in and where it will end up.***





14 Types of Stars

15 Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

16 Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

17 Blackbody Curve

18 Blackbody Curve As the wavelength increases the temperature decreases
*** Not only does it give us information about the color but we can also look at temperature and destination (what will the star become)

19 What and how to turn your work into your teacher:
1. Go to the “Assessments” tab: 2. Click on the “S1 Our Universe 03: Life Cycle of a Star”

20 What and how to turn your work into your teacher:
3. Answer all questions and at the bottom check the box, and finally click “submit”.

21 Lesson 4: Origin and Expansion of the Universe
Our Universe Lesson 4: Origin and Expansion of the Universe

22 Lesson Objectives


24 Formation of the Universe
Cosmologist study the origin and structure of the universe. The Big Bang Theory – formation of the universe, not the TV show

25 Types of Galaxies Type Shape Description Image Spiral Pinwheel
Revolve around a single point Barred Spiral Pinwheel with a bar in the center Has an elongated center that looks like a bar Elliptical Circular or oval Most of the objects are concentrated in the center. From far away look like one big star Irregular Undefined shape Not Spiral or Elliptical ***All galaxies are held together by gravity (Newton’s Law of Universal Gravity***

26 Big Bang vs. Steady State

27 Hubble Hubble is a real person and not just the name of a telescope?
Doppler Effect Hubble law

28 The Temperature of the Universe
Amo Penzias and Robert Woodrow Wilson COBE WMAP

29 What and how to turn your work into your teacher:
1. Go to the “Assessments” tab: 2. Click on the “S1 Our Universe 04: Origin and Expansion of the Universe”

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