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STANDARDS BASED GRADING 7 th Grade ELA. WHY STANDARDS BASED GRADING?  Grades should have meaning  Ensures uniform grading practices – no fluff grades.

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2 WHY STANDARDS BASED GRADING?  Grades should have meaning  Ensures uniform grading practices – no fluff grades  Reduces meaningless paperwork  Helps teachers adjust instruction to meet the needs of students  Teaches what quality looks like  True measurement of student growth and learning

3 WHAT IS GRADED?  Formative Assessments – Graded for instructional purposes only; it does not go in gradebook.  Summative Assessments – Graded to measure mastery of standard; it goes in gradebook  Presentations/Projects- Graded with a rubric to measure mastery of standard; it goes in gradebook  Formal Writing – Graded with a rubric to measure master of standard; it goes in gradebook  Homework/Classwork – Graded for completion; it goes in gradebook

4 WHAT ARE FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS?  Formative Assessment:  Takes place after a brief mini-lesson or introduction of the standard or standards being taught in the unit Formative Scores:  Used to determine student proficiency level prior to group or leveled classroom instruction  This is the starting point from which students must grow academically!

5 WHAT ARE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS?  Summative Assessments:  Takes place after in-depth instruction and practice of the standard or standards being taught in the unit Summative Scores:  Used to determine student’s proficiency level after group or leveled classroom instruction  This is the finishing point! It shows what student learned! Summative = The SUM of your knowledge

6 WHAT IF I’M NOT PROFICIENT?  Since our goal is growth, all students will be given the opportunity to retake an assessment or redo a project.  Before students retake an assessment they must do the following:  Study with a parent or teacher  Complete retake form  Obtain parent or teacher signature on form confirming study time

7 RETAKE FORM  Students may reassess on Wednesdays during their lunch period.  Form should be turned in at least one day prior to test date.


9 WHAT DO 3+,3,2,&1 REALLY MEAN?  3+ = Mastery  Student can teach the standard to someone else  3= Proficient  Student understands the standard with occasional mistakes  2= Below Proficient  Student is starting to understand the standard, but still requires assistance  1= Beginner  Student is still learning standard and does not have a full understanding

10 WHAT, NOW LETTERS?  Students and parents may see a “Y” or “N” listed in the gradebook. Letters will be listed instead of numbers in the homework and classwork categories.  Y (Yes) = Work was correctly completed and turned in  N (No) = Work was not turned in or completed with effort  After a student receives 3 “N” marks, he or she earns a conduct mark on his or her report card.

11 THE BURNING QUESTION!  How many threes do I need to get an A for the first grading period?  40-44 = A  35-39 = B  31-34 = C  26-30 = D  0-25 = F

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