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Sigma Sigma Phi Upsilon Chapter Report Karen Zeigler, OMS-IV Secretary-Treasurer, Upsilon Chapter A.T. Still University School of Osteopathic Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Sigma Sigma Phi Upsilon Chapter Report Karen Zeigler, OMS-IV Secretary-Treasurer, Upsilon Chapter A.T. Still University School of Osteopathic Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sigma Sigma Phi Upsilon Chapter Report Karen Zeigler, OMS-IV Secretary-Treasurer, Upsilon Chapter A.T. Still University School of Osteopathic Medicine of Arizona

2 Current Leadership Advisor: Thomas McWilliams, DO, FAOFCP President: Dana Ferrari, OMS-IV Vice President: Anish Garg, OMS-IV Secretary- Treasurer: Karen Zeigler, OMS-IV

3 Membership 22 SSP members graduated on June 7 th, 2014 - many of whom matched to various residencies across the country 16 current members from Class of 2015 Inducted 13 new members on 9/15/14 from: ▪ Class of 2015 ▪ Class of 2016 ▪ Class of 2017

4 Membership (Cont.) Current and new membership has representation from all 11 SOMA community health center campuses across the country: ▪ Brooklyn, NY ▪ Beaufort, SC ▪ Milford, OH ▪ Flagstaff, AZ ▪ Mesa/Phoenix, AZ ▪ Tuscon, AZ ▪ Visalia/Porterville, CA ▪ Portland, OR ▪ Seattle, WA ▪ Chicago, IL ▪ Washington, DC ▪ Hawaii ▪ Alabama

5 Service Members must log at least 20 service hours on the SSP Upsilon Chapter website Current members have logged over 500 service hours to date Newly-inducted member applications averaged 50 service hours/year

6 Service This year’s planned service activities include: Mentorship program between upper/lower classmen ▪ Installing a “Community Outreach Organizer” at each campus to facilitate a more specialized, yet united, effort in providing volunteer services to our unique communities ▪Dedicated Volunteer Service Day each month

7 Changes 1) Adopted the national SSP guidelines for member induction ▪ Previously, a point system was used to rank each applicant, and only officers voted 2) Expanded applicant pool to 2 nd year students ▪ Previously, only 3 rd /4 th year allowed to apply ▪ATSU-SOMA official GPA/class rank not final until end of 2 nd year ▪ Newly inducted 2 nd years will undergo periodic “GPA checks” throughout year by advisor to ensure maintenance of academic excellence ▪ 2 nd years who fall below 85% minimum GPA established by Upsilon Chapter will be asked to resign from chapter membership

8 Changes Prospective members required to have: ▪ 85% GPA with no course failure/remediation ▪ 90% majority vote by all 16 current members ▪ Exemplary record of service to college, community, and profession ▪ Applications were anonymized and uploaded to an online survey, current SSP members voted “Yes” or “No” to each application ▪ When clicking “No”, a voting member was asked to explain in a box below, but it was not mandatory

9 For the Future Elections for new officers in Spring 2015 2 nd application cycle in January 2015 Advertise and establish “Community Outreach Coordinator” positions at each campus to help facilitate service projects locally ▪Position does not require membership in SSP ▪Good opportunity for prospective SSP members or re- applicants

10 Thank you for your attention!

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