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Chapter 6, MMADD about the Arts

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1 Chapter 6, MMADD about the Arts
Teaching DANCE in the K-6 Classroom Deirdre Russell-Bowie

2 Dance Action Time Dynamics Space Relationships Structure What we move
When we move Dynamics How we move Space Where we move Relationships With whom we move Structure How dance is organised

3 Elements of Dance What are the six elements of dance? A T D Sp R St

4 Dance Contexts Teacher-directed dances Students’ compositions
Cultural and historical dances

5 Planning for Dance Lessons
Indicators Are specific to activities in program Used to evaluate effectiveness of lessons; link to assessment pointers Introduction Relates to KNOWN (experiences, curriculum areas) Catch children’s imagination and attention Sets rules, rewards and routines

6 Planning for Dance Lessons
Warm ups Focus attention on lesson content Physically warms the body up to prevent injury Links Intro to exploration and development of lesson Introduces children to dance elements in lesson

7 Planning for Dance Lessons
Exploration and development of dance ideas Children improvise, explore, try out different moves Select movements to form into sections of dance Children practise, clarify, refine dance

8 Planning for Dance Lessons
Appreciation/Sharing dances Children should observe, describe, analyse, interpret and evaluate peers’ and their own dances Use the language of dance Encourage them to give reasons for their views Performance for an audience (from !) Clear start and finish Clarity of movement and phrasing Group working together well, focussed, communicates Closure Cool down / discussion, if appropriate

9 Content in Dance

10 Content in Dance

11 Content in Dance

12 Content in Dance

13 Content in Dance

14 Content in Dance

15 Learning THROUGH Dance
Children whose preferred intelligences are: Bodily-kinaesthetic Musical Visual-Spatial Interpersonal will learn other subjects more effectively when they move and dance

16 Learning THROUGH Dance
Children can learn knowledge, skills and attitudes from other subjects, through dance, e.g. Physical Fitness Musical Knowledge Social Skills Recreation and Dance Different Cultures and Contexts Creativity and Self-Expression

17 Revising Elements Dance A T D S R Action (What we move)
Time (When we move) Dynamics (How we move) Space (Where we move) Relationships (With whom we move) Structure (How dance is organised)

18 Dance is a poem of which each movement is a word! Mata Hari

19 K-6 DANCE Education For further information, see Chapter 6 in MMADD: About the Arts: An introduction to Primary Arts Education by Deirdre Russell-Bowie, published by Pearson Education Australia

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