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Simple Past Pronunciation -ed.

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Presentation on theme: "Simple Past Pronunciation -ed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simple Past Pronunciation -ed

2 How do you pronounce… ? Visited Worked Stayed id t d
The regular past tense ed has three possible pronunciations depending on the final sound of the infinitive verb.

3 /t/ /d/ /id/ worked passed finished pushed dropped placed closed rubbed banged called planned tired loved visited started studied last letters k/ss/sh/p/f/c s/b/g/ll/m/n/r /v/w/y/z/j last letter t, or d

4 Write /id/, /d/ or /t/ next to these words.
talked opened waited closed liked played excited visited pushed bored lived walked t d id t t d id id t d d t

5 Worksheet Pronunciation of simple past

6 Reading Joe´s Donkey

7 Every Saturday, Joe worked in his garden
Every Saturday, Joe worked in his garden. He pulled out the weeds and cleaned up the leaves. He was always very tired. He put his donkey at the back of the garden, under a big tree.

8 A friend came to see him. The friend asked if he could borrow his donkey. “Can I borrow your donkey?” He said. “Oh, I’m sorry,” Said Joe, “My donkey is not here.” Suddenly from the back of the garden, Joe’s donkey brayed loudly. The friend looked angry. “You lied to me Joe, I can hear your animal.” “Who do you believe?” said Joe, “me or my donkey?”


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