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12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 2122232425 2627282930 CPEOISMWEH How to Total Survey Cindy is a _______________ type of Leader. (High Score )

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1 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 2122232425 2627282930 CPEOISMWEH How to Total Survey Cindy is a _______________ type of Leader. (High Score )

2 Cindy Brockman Lauren Wilkins

3 Leadership - A dynamic process of interactions between 2 or more members of a group, which involves recognition and acceptance of leader- follower roles by group members within a certain situation. - It also involves activities on the parts of the leader and followers which aid the group in working toward its goals.

4 Three Leadership Styles -Autocratic -Democratic -Laissez-faire

5 Autocratic Leadership -These types of Leaders are: -Decision Makers -Good in Emergencies -Low Trust in Groups This leader is accepted if: -Communication is Understood -Group has abilities to Comply -Consistent with Personal Interests

6 Explosive Autocratic -This type of leader does not trust the group, communicates little, and makes all the decisions. -Motivation of this leader comes from leaders needs for security and status with the results showing the leader the best possible light, even at expense of others. -The message the leader sends is, “You will do it.”

7 Benevolent Autocratic -This leader has parental like attitude, which is seen as through their leadership acts. -Style is used when a leader believes people should do something for their own good. -It is directive, but the leader will often add commentary -The type of message the leader sends is, “Do it, Please.” -Leader does not trust group members, and his/her motivation is in the best interest of others, rather than self.

8 Democratic Leadership Leadership style is based on: -Group Decisions -Voting/Majority Opinion -Group Members have a Voice Style does not work with: -Immature Group -Time Crunch -If all Group Members do not feel Valued

9 Laissez-faire Leadership Style is Based on: -Group Freedom/ Hands-Off Approach -Leaders seem Uninvolved -Leader turns over control; delegates authority -This style works well for group developments and when employees are self-motivated. -The message the leader sends is, “Let it Be.”

10 Consultive Leadership In this Style of Leadership the leader may ask for input, but the leader decision is still finial. This Style: -Implies some level of trust between Leader and Group Members -The Leader tries to make people feel Included -The message the leader sends is, “ How would You like to do it.”

11 Participative Leadership -This Leader has trust in Group Members -Also includes group members in decision making -The message the leader sends is, “What do You think we should do?” This Style: -Full Group Involvement -A Group Effort -Group Members all Agree on Decision -Time Consuming, Great for Devlopment

12 Choosing the Appropriate Leadership Style - When choosing the right leadership styles you should make sure it is the right style for you and will be the most effective in your situation. -Things to consider when choosing a style: - The Leader - Leader’s Experience -Task - Maturity -The Group - Knowledge -The Situation - Skills - Time Constraints- The Environment - Equipment Available - Temperature

13 Leadership: Four Styles By: W.C. Howard, Ph.D. -This article is used to create an awareness and provide instruction for leaders struggling with identification of their own leadership styles. - First leaders provide direction to the people they are leading. - Second leaders generate trust and act in a honest manner. - Third leaders must be willing to work outside of the safety zone. - Fourth leaders are to be communicators of hope and must use good communications skills with the group.

14 Examining Six Different Leadership Styles In Relation to Constrained Change at Winona State University By: Richard Bowman, Jr. - This articles talks about six leadership styles related to change: Anti-Change, Rational, Panacea, Bolt-on, Integrated, and Continuous. - These styles “represents a unique set of perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors regarding how organizational disruption should be addressed.” - Anti-Change= avoid as many fluctuations as possible. - Rational= “focus how to contain logic and linear execution”. - Panacea= “solution to disruption problems is found within communication and motivation. - Bolt-on= learning how to regain sense of control.

15 Continued: - Integrated= “searching for ways to use the structure and discipline”. - Continuous= attempting to leverage agility into a strategic asset.

16 Leadership styles and associated personality traits: Support for the conceptualisation of transactional and transformational leadership By: René van Eeden, Frans Cilliers, Vasi van Deventer - This article talks about Transformational leadership, Transactional leadership, and Laissez-fair style or passive leadership. - Transformational=influences followers to respect, admire, and trust the leader. Sometimes making sacrifices along the way. - Transactional= involves a social exchange process where the leader clarifies what the followers need to do their part as members in the group.

17 Continued: - Laissez-faire or passive= implies avoidance or absence of leadership. Leader leaves the responsibility to the members of the group. Allowing self-management.

18 References Bowman, J., Richard. (2000). Examining six different leadership styles in relation to constrained change at Winona State University. Education, 120(3), 455. Retrieved from live live Howard, W. C. (2005). Leadership: Four styles. Education, 126(2), 384-391. Retrieved from live live Jordan, D. J. (2007). Leadership in leisure services, making a difference. (3 ed.). Venture Pub. van Eeden, R., Cilliers, F., & van Deventer, V. (2008). Leadership styles and associated personality traits: Support for the conceptualisation of transactional and transformational leadership. South African Journal of Psychology, 38(2), 253-267. Retrieved from -live -live Power point class notes

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