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Outreach Plan Faith M. Thompson, Community Outreach Coordinator 919.969.5068.

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1 Outreach Plan Faith M. Thompson, Community Outreach Coordinator 919.969.5068

2 1. Identify mission 2. Clarify objectives 3. First steps of plan 4. Outline work plan w/ timeline 5. Response & feedback loops 6. Visibility (if you build it, they will come) 7. Closing the gaps 8. TELL THE STORY

3 o Mission: committed to ongoing and proactive communication with all neighborhoods, businesses, community based organizations, advocates, opponents, and visitors to strengthen the 2020 Comprehensive Plan. * Reality: plan was designed to “touch” anyone and everyone that lives, works, plays, prays, studies, or invests in Chapel Hill

4 * to help create clear and realistic goals; * define action steps explicitly, * elicit the views of all stakeholder groups, * to help create an environment that allows all who wish to have input the ability and means to do so * in a space that is inviting, safe, and open.

5 Learn what has been done in the area of outreach and identify key personnel, community members, and volunteers that will be helpful with future outreach efforts. 1. Review raw data from 9.27 th meeting 2. Review listings on blog 3. Look at notes from 10.6.11 meeting 4. Review leadership team & their strengths


7 * Kicked off with a Media Briefing * Media relations: regular newspaper columns, news releases, liaisons with local bloggers * Advertising – WUNC, WCHL-AM radio, bus posters, movie theater graphics, newspaper ads * Graphic Design (including bus wrap) – posters, vinyl banners, fliers, handouts

8 * 2020 Website – – new use of imbedded videos * Documenting with photography, video and audio recordings * High demand for online info, posted quickly * Social Media Outreach – blog at, FB, Twitter and Flickr * CH 2020 Documentary Video coming soon

9 1. Review 2010 census information to find out “who” makes up Chapel Hill population 2. Identify “key players” in each of the demographics 3. Identify location/time of specific community meetings/activities that will help develop specific outreach plans 4. Track “10,000 persons touched”

10 * How will they receive information? * How will they submit request for additional info? * Establish deadlines for responses. * Identify how new community members/groups will be incorporated into process?

11 * Identify and create additional feedback loops for: * Staff, Volunteers, Committee members, Leadership Team members, Community members and visitors

12 * Identify & Attend other community meetings & gatherings * get email address and phone number circulated

13 1.Utilize skill sets of Spanish speaking and Burmese translators to learn other ways to send information about their point of view (phone, email address, blog comments, etc.) 2.Attend special meetings of monolithic groups to share information about the process to date and invite them to prepare a document or audio/video of their comments for the theme teams or Leadership Committee 3.Solicit contacts in the community to learn about specific group meetings or topical groups that may have an interest in sharing in the Planning Visioning process 4.Use newspapers, community newsletters, notices displayed in stores, libraries, churches, community bulletin boards, buses, and other public locations

14 Identify forums, personnel, places to get the word out about what we are doing, what we have done, and what remains to be completed. Adopt ambassadors to help tell the story: seniors, students, business owners, etc.

15 The final plan will be circulated to Town Advisory Boards for review and to Council for Review and Approval in June 2012……. At that time we will be in a better position to see if these Outreach efforts were successful. Stay Tuned!






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