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Twenty English idioms and common expressions. Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining Yesterday, I lost my wallet but at the police station I met a long lost.

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Presentation on theme: "Twenty English idioms and common expressions. Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining Yesterday, I lost my wallet but at the police station I met a long lost."— Presentation transcript:

1 Twenty English idioms and common expressions

2 Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining Yesterday, I lost my wallet but at the police station I met a long lost friend, I suppose every cloud has a silver lining

3 Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched “I bet I’ll get many gifts for my birthday, a mobile phone, a laptop, a new bike…” “I wouldn’t count your chickens before they’re hatched if I were you!”

4 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush I wouldn’t say no to that job if I were you. It may be badly paid, but a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

5 The early bird catches the worm You will never find a job if you have a lie-in everyday it’s the early bird that catches the worm.

6 One man’s meat is another man’s poison “I love meat, but rare, even bleeding” “urgh, that’s disgusting! well I suppose one man’s meat is another man’s poison

7 You can’t teach an old dog new tricks My dad NEVER does the washing up, my mum says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

8 A dog’s breakfast His room looks like a dog’s breakfast: clothes lying on the rug, books piled up on his desk, dust covering the shelves…

9 You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink Trying to convince Peter is a waste of time, he will never follow your advice on learning a foreign language

10 Talk of the devil… Did you hear what John did at the weekend? (John enters) Talk of the devil!!

11 The grass is always greener on the other side He will never be happy because he always wants what his brother has. The grass is always greener on the other side

12 Two heads are better than one Let me help you find your key ring. Two heads are better than one

13 All That Glitters is Not Gold I always thought my sister and her husband were a happy couple, but I guess all that glitters is not gold because they’re getting a divorce!

14 Brain is Better than Brawn There is a bully at my school, my teacher says he will learn that brain is better than brawn and then he’ll regret his actions (he’s all brawn and no brains)

15 A piece of cake And the last question: When did Columbus discover America? Oh, it’s a piece of cake: In 1492

16 Barking up the wrong tree The police suspect the wrong man. The real responsible for the crime is still at large. They are barking up the wrong tree

17 To be under the weather I’m feeling a bit under the weather, I’m sick and worn out, maybe I should go to the doctor

18 To be on cloud nine She’s a new woman since she got the job and she met the man of her dreams. She’s really on cloud nine.

19 A bed of roses Being a policeman is not a bed of roses, it isn’t an easy job at all, and sometimes it’s not really pleasant.

20 Get off my back! Come on, it’s late, I’ve told you we should hurry up Get off my back!! I’ll be ready in a minute!!

21 To cost an arm and a leg I’d like to move house, but the one I like costs an arm and a leg, I can’t afford it

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