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2 This presentation, including any supporting materials, is owned by Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates and is for the sole use of the intended Gartner audience or other authorized recipients. This presentation may contain information that is confidential, proprietary or otherwise legally protected, and it may not be further copied, distributed or publicly displayed without the express written permission of Gartner, Inc. or its affiliates. © 2010 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Anthony J. Bradley Blog: Http:// Twitter: BradleyAnthonyJ Becoming a Social Organization: Taking a Strategic Approach to Social Media

3 Your people are not your greatest asset!

4 How you empower your people is your greatest asset!

5 Empowering People Enable Organize Motivate Capability

6 Empowering People for mass collaboration Social Media Community Purpose Mass Collaboration

7 Behaviors Have Forever Changed 1985 Personal Productivity Office suites Individual content Filing cabinets Personal 1995 Knowledge Distribution E-mail attachments Content distribution Computer networks Teams 2012 Collective Empowerment Social media Mass collaboration People networks Collectives Are you prepared for this fundamental empowerment shift?

8 What Is Social Media? Social networking -Social profiles -Social network analysis Social collaboration -Wikis -Blogs/microblogs -Collaborative office Social publishing -Content sharing -Content aggregation -Social publishing Social feedback -Social rating, ranking, commentary -Social content structure Social media is an on-line environment created for the purpose of mass collaboration Wikipedia is social media employing wiki technology Social technologies enable social media

9 Recognize the Massive Power of People Mass collaboration is the differentiator Amplify your enterprise by “delegating” to the broader community Turn the community into: -Your extended workforce -Your marketing team -Your R&D team -Your customer support team -Your innovation engine -Your PR team -Etc. Your people = employees, customers, partners, prospects, etc. Tom Sawyer and mass collaboration

10 The Mass Collaboration Cycle Change Contribution Feedback Judgment Results Purpose Community Collaboration Cycle EncouragesReceives BuildsCreates Results

11 Mass Collaboration Behaviors Collective Intelligence Expertise Location Interest Cultivation Relationship Leverage Emergent Structures Flash Coordination

12 Simply Providing Social Tools = Failure A "provide and pray" approach has about a 90% failure rate Radical benefits result from delivering social solutions A social media solution is the right tools targeted at a defined purpose You can't install innovation Providing a tool won't transform behaviors

13 Path to Becoming a Social Organization Folly Flippant FearfulFormulatingForgingFusing What about you as a manager? Are you a mass collaboration asset or liability? Enabler, impediment or bystander? Where is your company? What is your corporate culture? Is it a mass collaboration asset or liability?

14 Taking a Strategic Approach Refine Purpose Guide Launch Collaboration Cycle 3 level strategic “onion” 1.Organization 2.Community 3.Participation

15 Build a Portfolio of Mass Collaboration Refine Purpose Guide Launch Refine Purpose Guide Launch Refine Purpose Guide Launch Refine Purpose Guide Launch Refine Purpose Guide Launch Refine Purpose Guide Launch Refine Purpose Guide Launch Refine Purpose Guide Launch Refine Purpose Guide Launch Refine Purpose Guide Launch Refine Purpose Guide Launch Refine Purpose Guide Launch Create a clear and specific vision Strategically grow a portfolio of efforts Adapt the organization over time in concert

16 Vision Statement Example – NASA MSFC “Enabling MSFC science and engineering teams to collaborate with the general public on design innovations. This will help close the duration gap between the current shuttle program and the replacement vehicle program.”

17 Purpose and purpose roadmaps 1.Magnetic 2.Aligned 3.Properly-scoped 4.Promotes Evolution 5.Low risk 6.Measurable 7.Community-driven Area of Opportunity Assess Seven Characteristics of a Good Purpose

18 Client Example: Tech Support V1.0V2.0V3.0V4.0V5.0 P1-Community- Delivered Answers P2-Technology Awareness P4-Innovative Technology Uses P9-Provider Services P5-Tips and Techniques P10-Beta Testing P12-IT Mentorship P3-Shared IT Experiences P6-Issue Resolution P11- Technology Related On boarding P13- Technology Training P8-Service Feedback P7-Desired Features and Functions Purpose Growth Over Time

19 Purpose Examples – Health Insurance P8. Prepare for life-changing events: Members prepare for impending life events (retirement, marriage, children, etc.) by assisting each other in selecting an appropriate insurance plan. The goal is to ease the burden of changing plans, ensure proper insurance coverage and build member loyalty.

20 Experience Matters Simple Meaningful Empowering Fun Wanted Gamification

21 Workforce Facing Offerings

22 Externally Facing Offerings

23 Customer Facing Offerings

24 Guiding Mass Collaboration Success 1.Target productive mass collaboration 2.Guard the health of the community 3.Become an expert at recognizing and nurturing purpose 4.Make the organization conducive to mass collaboration Management guidance Imperatives Success with social media is fundamentally a leadership and management challenge

25 The Social Organization Book Due on shelves October 18, 2011 Pre-order at: Barnes & Noble Borders

26 Related Gartner Research See the following Gartner research supporting this workshop. 1.“The Six Core Principles of Social-Media-Based Collaboration”The Six Core Principles of Social-Media-Based Collaboration 2.“Employing Social Media for Business Impact: Key Collective Behavior Patterns”Employing Social Media for Business Impact: Key Collective Behavior Patterns 3.“The Business Impact of Social Computing on Company Governance”The Business Impact of Social Computing on Company Governance 4.“Use a Gartner Governance Model to More Safely Empower Grassroots Social Media Efforts”Use a Gartner Governance Model to More Safely Empower Grassroots Social Media Efforts 5.“How to Assess the Suitability of Social Media for Enterprise Collaboration Scenarios”How to Assess the Suitability of Social Media for Enterprise Collaboration Scenarios 6.“12 Criteria to Assess Grassroots Risk and Potential in Social Media Solutions”12 Criteria to Assess Grassroots Risk and Potential in Social Media Solutions 7.“Toolkit: Employing a Purpose Road Map to Build and Execute a Social-Media Strategy”Toolkit: Employing a Purpose Road Map to Build and Execute a Social-Media Strategy 8.“Seven Key Characteristics of a Good Purpose for Social Software”Seven Key Characteristics of a Good Purpose for Social Software 9.“Toolkit: A Social Media Vision and Road Map for Community-Centric Technical Support”Toolkit: A Social Media Vision and Road Map for Community-Centric Technical Support 10. “Ten Primary Design Considerations for Delivering Social Software Solutions: The PLANT SEEDS Framework”Ten Primary Design Considerations for Delivering Social Software Solutions: The PLANT SEEDS Framework 11. “Toolkit: Checklists for Designing an Enterprise 2.0 Social Media Solution Using the PLANT SEEDS Framework” Toolkit: Checklists for Designing an Enterprise 2.0 Social Media Solution Using the PLANT SEEDS Framework 12.“Establishing Policies for Social Application Participation”Establishing Policies for Social Application Participation 13.“Toolkit: Establishing Policy for Social Software Applications”Toolkit: Establishing Policy for Social Software Applications


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