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Cardinal Career Network Cardinal Career Network Activity Summary (17 JUN 12 – 05 MAY 13) Total Employers3,489 (+33%) New Employers*574.

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2 Cardinal Career Network

3 Cardinal Career Network Activity Summary (17 JUN 12 – 05 MAY 13) Total Employers3,489 (+33%) New Employers*574 Total Contacts5,937 (+15%) New Contacts*1,156 Total External Jobs Posted*4,298 (+39%) Unique Student/Alumni Logins*7,035 (+14%) Total External Job Views*256,774

4 2012-2013 Jobs by Position Type FrequencyPercent Career/Degreed 0-5 yrs experience1,93745.1% Career/Degreed 5+ yrs experience1,12726.2% Co-op1553.6% Full Time2,53358.9% Internship / Externship3568.3% On-Campus Student Employment2485.8% Part Time93221.7% Seasonal / Temporary2365.5% Volunteer360.8% *Jobs posted between 6/17/12-5/6/13 #Unique jobs posted = 4,298

5 Login at Cardinal Job Postings Recruited / posted exclusively for SVSU NACElink Extended Job Search National Association of Colleges & Employers Create Job Search Agents Personalize resumes/cover letters for positions that accept them in CCN Cardinal Career Network Tips

6 Who is your competition?

7 Winning Résumés

8 What is the purpose of a resume?

9 What will you bring to the organization? Do you have the skills necessary to do the work? Do you have the experience that the organization desires? Value Proposition

10 Layout Primer Eyes tracing Down From left to right Use of bold Use of italics White space Clear headings No large text blocks Use of bullets

11 Name and Contact Information Objective Education Relevant (Fieldwork) Experience Work Experience Community Involvement & Accomplishments Computer/Technical Skills References Standard Resume Headers

12 Susan Student 7400 Bay Road University Center, MI 48710 (989) 222-2222 (Cell) (989) 555-5555 (Home) *cell only is appropriate Name and Contact Information


14 Objective/Personal Summary Be sure that it is customized specifically for each job that you are applying for “To apply my exceptional interpersonal, creative and teamwork skills as an Elementary School Teacher.”  Too Vague Study the Job Description to see what qualities they are looking for and accentuate those aspects of your professional capabilities

15 Objective/Personal Summary “To apply my exceptional leadership, interpersonal, and teamwork skills as a high school English teacher with the Freeland School District.” Being very specific in an objective statement is helpful when resumes go into a CENTRALIZED HR office with DECENTRALIZED hiring managers Know the district’s name! In this example, it’s WRONG! (Freeland Community School District)Freeland Community School District

16 It’s not always required. If you use one, make it count. Objective

17 Standard format EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts in Something Anticipated: May 2015 Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, MI Minor: Something President’s List: Eight semesters Deans’ List: Fall 2008, Winter 2009 GPA: 3.55 (list if above a 3.0) Education & Certifications

18 Importance of Effective Bullet Statements  “A picture is worth 1,000 words”  Paint a picture in the employer’s mind  Statements should be clear, concise and detailed  “Presented to a group of students” vs. “Presented to a group of 35 college freshmen”

19 If this is like your resume, come see us! Fry Cook McDonald’s Restaurant  Helped customers  Stocked shelves  Used cash register  Cleaned store  Dealt with complaints  Referred to as “Level 1”  Not very impressive  Tasks implied by the title  Add no value to resume

20 It is our recommendation that you do not use Level One bullet statements at any time on your résumé.

21 This is a little better, but still not great - Crew Member McDonald’s Restaurant  Assisted customers in a warm and friendly manner  Stocked shelves during down times to ensure a professional environment  Processed financial transactions through the cash register in a fast and efficient manner  Cleaned store to maintain an appealing atmosphere to enhance customer satisfaction  Referred to as Level Two  Explain how or in what way you perform level one tasks exceptionally well  Additional duties that you initiated?

22 While it is acceptable to use Level Two bullet statements from time to time, you will not want to rely on these to earn you an interview.

23 “Say More with Less”  Level Three  Describe accomplishments and achievements  Increase something good or decrease something bad?  Employers want individuals who will make a difference  Measurable  Created effective displays which increased monthly sales by 200% in a two-month period Crew Member McDonald’s Restaurant  Earned Crew Member of the Month in June 2012 for consistently providing outstanding service

24 Work Experience Match skill sets with new position Example: Crew Member May 2010 – April 2013 McDonald’s Restaurant, Bay City, MI Prepared 500 orders during the daily lunch hour Effectively dealt with stressful situations in a team environment

25 For Education majors, this section varies based on level of experience COMPUTER / TECHNICAL SKILLS Applications: Windows Movie Maker, WordPress, PowerPoint, MimioStudio, Adobe Creative Suite Classroom Management: ClarisWorks, Thinkwave Web Authoring: WebExpress, Dreamweaver Multimedia/Design: Adobe Creative Suite (PhotoShop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash); GIMP Operating Systems: Windows, Unix, Linux Computer / Technical Skills

26 Highlight appropriate accomplishments Example: HONORS / ASSOCIATIONS Volunteer, Big Brothers / Big Sisters of the Great Lakes Bay Region Received “Awesome Big Brother” award for spending over 1,000 hours with three “littles;” all of whom went to attend college Member, Phi Alpha Theta (National History Honors Society) Member, Saginaw Valley History Club (SVSU) Organized a local “Save our History” event that generated over $15,000 to restore the Bay City History Museum President, Saginaw Valley State University Student Association 2011-2012; one-year appointment Recipient, Saginaw Valley State University President’s Scholarship Honors/Associations These “Extra” positions can sometimes add more value to your resume than part-time positions

27 Resumes – Two pages max (“old school” philosophers still say 1 page) CVs – Longer, more elaborate, used in higher education, Federal jobs, graduate school Use the additional space with purpose Accomplishments / Achievements Do NOT include “tasks” that don’t add value Resumes vs. CVs

28 Ask permission!! Choose wisely Keep your references informed of your job search Dr. Someone Who-knowsyouwell, Professor Department of Education Saginaw Valley State University 208 Education Building 7400 Bay Road University Center, MI 48710 (989) 964-4000 (Office) References

29 Will be read after resume Emphasize characteristics that are supported in resume Keep it short and simple Cover Letters

30 Examples in the last year sent to Employers Student had a section called “Strangths” In this section, listed “Luck” Another had a section called “Quirky Me” “If I could eat one thing, and only one thing all the time, it would be bacon. Of course, I’d probably weigh 400 pounds and have high cholesterol. ” Cover letter addressing “Mr. Susan Student” “Mr. / Ms. / Dr. John Doe” “Dear Harry,” “Bay city, mI” Bullet statements Weakly prepared reports from a database Preform a wide variety of tasks

31 Additional Considerations for Educators Use the correct district name Bangor Township Community Schools vs. Bangor Public Schools Research title of superintendent Mr./Ms. vs. Dr. Identify the position you are applying for I am writing to express my interest in the sixth grade Social Studies position available at BlahBlah Middle School.

32 Review, review, review! Career Services 964-4954 Appointments with staff for review SVSU Writing Center Faculty members Guidelines and Tutorials available: Last words on documents…

33 Resources available from Career Services Resume and cover letter building and critiques Online Tutorials Resume, Cover Letter, Interviewing, Job Search Strategies Mock interviews and interview coaching Network development Career fairs on campus exclusively for SVSU students to network with potential employers Internship/Co-op advising Job search strategies Developing personal brand On-campus student employment

34 T H A N K Y O U 989.964.4954 34

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