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Congregation B’nai Israel – Gainesville, Florida Rabbi David Kaiman.

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2 Congregation B’nai Israel – Gainesville, Florida Rabbi David Kaiman

3 Hear, Israel the Lord our God, the Lord is One



6 Sacrifice

7 Spontaneous Biblical Prayer

8 Psalms

9 Theodotus, son of Vettanos, a priest and an archisynagogos,* son of an archisynagogos grandson of an archisynagogos, built the synagogue for the reading of Torah and for teaching the commandments; furthermore, the hostel, and the rooms, and the water installation for lodging needy strangers. Its foundation stone was laid by his ancestors, the elders, and Simonides

10 1) The leader said to them, “Recite one blessing.” and they blessed. They recited the Ten Declarations, “Hear,” “And it shall come to pass,” “And He said... “. They blessed the people with three blessings: “True and Steadfast,” “The service,” and the Blessing of the Priests.

11 Praise Torah Petition

12 Rabban Gamliel says: One should recite the 18 Blessings Daily. Rabbi Joshua says: - an abbreviated Eighteen. Rabbi Akiva says: If he is fluent in the prayer, he should recite the Eighteen blessings. If not- an abbreviated form. Rabbi Eliezer says: If one makes the Prayer into a fixed routine, it is not a request for mercy. Rabban Gamliel says: One should recite the 18 Blessings Daily. Rabbi Joshua says: - an abbreviated Eighteen. Rabbi Akiva says: If he is fluent in the prayer, he should recite the Eighteen blessings. If not- an abbreviated form. Rabbi Eliezer says: If one makes the Prayer into a fixed routine, it is not a request for mercy. Mishna Berachot 4:3-4

13 Ha- Tefila Amidah Shemoneh Esreh The Prayer Standing Eighteen


15 3 Blessings of Praise Praise 13 Blessings of Request 3 Blessings of Thanksgiving ThanksgivingPetition

16 אֲדנָי שפָתַי תִּפְתָּח וּפִי יַגִּיד תְּהִלָּתֶךָ : GodMy lipsYou will openAnd my mouthWill tellYour praise. Ps. 51:17 “Taken aback”

17 1. Ancestors 2. God’s Power 3. Kedushat HaShem - Holiness

18 1. Ancestors Who’s Calling?

19 2. God’s Power

20 3. Kedushat HaShem - Holiness Making a separation

21 4.Knowledge 5.Repentance 6.Forgiveness 7.Redemption 8.Healing 9.Years 10.Gathering of Exiles 11.Justice 12.Heretics 13.The Righteous 14.Jerusalem 15.David 16.Prayer

22 4.Knowledge 5.Repentance 6.Forgiveness 7.Redemption 8.Healing 9.Years 10.Gathering of Exiles 11.Justice 12.Heretics 13.The Righteous 14.Jerusalem 15.David 16.Prayer

23 4.Knowledge 5.Repentance 6.Forgiveness 7.Redemption 8.Healing 9.Years 10.Gathering of Exiles 11.Justice 12.Heretics 13.The Righteous 14.Jerusalem 15.David 16.Prayer

24 4.Knowledge 5.Repentance 6.Forgiveness 7.Redemption 8.Healing 9.Years 10.Gathering of Exiles 11.Justice 12.Heretics 13.The Righteous 14.Jerusalem 15.David 16.Prayer

25 4.Knowledge 5.Repentance 6.Forgiveness 7.Redemption 8.Healing 9.Years 10.Gathering of Exiles 11.Justice 12.Heretics 13.The Righteous 14.Jerusalem 15.David 16.Prayer

26 4.Knowledge 5.Repentance 6.Forgiveness 7.Redemption 8.Healing 9.Years 10.Gathering of Exiles 11.Justice 12.Heretics 13.The Righteous 14.Jerusalem 15.David 16.Prayer

27 4.Knowledge 5.Repentance 6.Forgiveness 7.Redemption 8.Healing 9.Years 10.Gathering of Exiles 11.Justice 12.Heretics 13.The Righteous 14.Jerusalem 15.David 16.Prayer

28 4.Knowledge 5.Repentance 6.Forgiveness 7.Redemption 8.Healing 9.Years 10.Gathering of Exiles 11.Justice 12.Heretics 13.The Righteous 14.Jerusalem 15.David 16.Prayer

29 4.Knowledge 5.Repentance 6.Forgiveness 7.Redemption 8.Healing 9.Years 10.Gathering of Exiles 11.Justice 12.Heretics 13.The Righteous 14.Jerusalem 15.David 16.Prayer

30 4.Knowledge 5.Repentance 6.Forgiveness 7.Redemption 8.Healing 9.Years 10.Gathering of Exiles 11.Justice 12.Heretics 13.The Righteous 14.Jerusalem 15.David 16.Prayer

31 4.Knowledge 5.Repentance 6.Forgiveness 7.Redemption 8.Healing 9.Years 10.Gathering of Exiles 11.Justice 12.Heretics 13.The Righteous 14.Jerusalem 15.David 16.Prayer

32 4.Knowledge 5.Repentance 6.Forgiveness 7.Redemption 8.Healing 9.Years 10.Gathering of Exiles 11.Justice 12.Heretics 13.The Righteous 14.Jerusalem 15.David 16.Prayer

33 4.Knowledge 5.Repentance 6.Forgiveness 7.Redemption 8.Healing 9.Years 10.Gathering of Exiles 11.Justice 12.Heretics 13.The Righteous 14.Jerusalem 15.David 16.Prayer

34 4.Knowledge 5.Repentance 6.Forgiveness 7.Redemption 8.Healing 9.Years 10.Gathering of Exiles 11.Justice 12.Heretics 13.The Righteous 14.Jerusalem 15.David 16.Prayer

35 17. Avodah (Sacrifice) 18.Greatful Acknowledgement 19.The Priestly Blessing

36 Insert Words Here

37 My God, keep my tongue from evil, my lips from lies. Help me ignore those who would slander me. Let me be humble before all. Open my heart to Your Torah, that I may pursue Your mitzvot. Frustrate the designs of those who plot evil against me; make nothing of their schemes. Act for the sake of Your compassion, Your power, Your holiness, and Your Torah. Answer my prayer for the deliverance of Your people. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to You, my Rock and my Redeemer. May the One who brings peace to His universe bring peace to us and to all the people Israel. Amen. Mar ben Ravina Ber. 16b-17a

38 Rabban Gamliel: Only the recitation by the reader is required. Others: Reader’s function is to fulfill the obligation of those who cannot read. Maimonides: Silent amidah should be abolished since once having recited it, people paid no attention to the reader and the service lacked dignity.

39 Making in Yours.

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