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THERMOTHERAPY. How did humans discover thermotherapy? When did we discover its many virtues? Even after 2000 years it remains a mystery. But what is not.

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2 How did humans discover thermotherapy? When did we discover its many virtues? Even after 2000 years it remains a mystery. But what is not a mystery are its many physical and psychological benefits, benefits that are both immediate and lon-lasting.

3 THERMOTHERAPY TREATMENTS The term used to describe the application of heat to the body. It can take the form of sauna, steam, paraffin wax, hot stones, electric blankets, mud, algae and clay teatments. Heat therapy is most commonly used for rehabilitation purposes. The therapeutic effects of heat include increasing the extensibility of collagen tissues, decreasing joint stiffness, reducing pain, decreasing joint stiffness, but, can also be used for relaxation purposes. The increased blood flow to the affected area provides proteins, nutrients and oxygen for better healing.

4 THE BENEFITS OF THERMOTHERAPY Deep cleansing of the body Stimulation of the immune system Improved sports performance Improved physical and mental health

5 DEEP CLEANSING OF THE BODY During intense physical exercise, the body cools itself so efficiently that the internal body temperature rises very little. In a sauna, however, the body’s cooling mechanisms are countered by a constant influx of heat, so that the body temperature can increase by about 1°c in less than 15mins. The “wastes” expelled when the body sweats come not only from the body’s skin but from the metabolism of all its organs. Such perspiration therefore performs a very deep cleansing of the body.

6 STIMULATION OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM In a sauna, the body’s internal temperature rises by 1°c, and the skin temperature rises by 10°c. In these “slight fever” conditions, the body reacts by boosting the immune system. Regular practisers of thermotherapy often experience increased resistance to seasonal bugs and viruses.

7 IMPROVED SPORTS PERFORMANCE Many elite athletes use thermotherapy to recover from injury and to improve endurance. Regular use of a sauna increases vascular and lung capacity, especially by increasing the number of red blood cells, which carry oxygen in the blood.

8 IMPROVED PHYSICAL & MENTAL HEALTH Because thermotherapy accelerates the healing and recovery process, some physicians recommend it to patients who have had accidents or who experience chronic pain, rheumatism, or arthritis. According to some, thermotherapy is also an effective ally in treating light depression, loss of appetite, and anorexia nervosa.

9 ASSESSMENT Take one thermotherapy treatment from the following list and explain its use in the beauty industry; Sauna Steam Paraffin wax Hot stones Electric blankets Mud, algae clay treatments.

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