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ENT 4000 From idea to business Centre of Entrepreneurship Autumn 2008.

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1 ENT 4000 From idea to business Centre of Entrepreneurship Autumn 2008

2 Course content With the main focus on research- and knowledge-based innovation, this course aims to give the students a basic understanding of innovation processes and how to create a new venture. Students will gain an insight into how to deal with these processes. In this course we touch upon the following questions: How can research and knowledge be turned into a business concept? What characterises an innovation? How does an idea become a business idea? What is required to turn a business idea into a professional business? What are the characteristics of a successful start-up?

3 Learning outcomes The objective is to give the students a theoretical and practical understanding of how to create a research- or knowledge-based business idea, and how such ideas could become the foundation of an actual business.

4 Teaching Lectures: Tuesday 14.15 – 16.00 Undervisningsrom 9 Tutored group work: Tuesday 16.15 – 18.00 Tutor: LivMaritNæss, Masterstudent SFE

5 Curriculum "Technology Ventures, from Idea to Enterprise” by Richard C.Dorfog Thomas H.Byers, McGraw-Hill Education – Europe Second edition.

6 Course evaluation and exam Students will work in groups writing a business plan. This will start in medio September, and the plan has to be handed in by the end of November (the exact date will soon be announced). Students can work on own projects or they will find new projects through the FRUST- process). The oral examination and the course evaluation will be based on the business plan

7 Teaching plan 1 DateTopicTeacherCurriculum 19.08.2008Introduction and information. Lecture on Entrepreneurship. Silvia Tofte and Truls Eriksson, SFE TV chapter 1. 26.08.2008Research based innovation. Commercialisation of research from the university. KathrineMyhre, Birkeland Innovation TV 2,3 26.08.2008Group work session 1LivMaritNæss 02.09.2008Idea evaluation, early phaseKathrineReseShadid i,Birkeland Innovation TV 5,6,7 02.09.2008Group work session 2LivMaritNæss 09.09.2008The Business planErlingMartmann- Moe,Alliance Venture TV 8,9,19 09.09.2008Group work session 3LivMaritNæss

8 Teaching plan 2 DateTopicTeacherCurriculum 16.09.2008Case study. The business creation process. TV 11,12 23.09.2008Intellectual property rightsKirsten Stangebye,Birkelan d Innovation TV 10 23.09.2008Group work session 4LivMaritNæss 30.09.2008FinancingErlingMartmann- Moe TV 17,18 07.10.2008Business economicsTruls EriksonTV 16 07.10.2008Group work session 5LivMaritNæss 14.10.2008Strategy part 1TronnSkjerstadTV 4,13 21.10.2008Strategy part 2TronnSkjerstadTV 15,20 21.10.2008Group work session 6LivMaritNæss 28.10.2008Strategy part 3TronnSkjerstadTV 14

9 Teaching plan 3 DateTopicTeacherCurriculum 04.11.2008TBA 04.11.2008Group work session 7LivMaritNæss 11.11.2008Entrepreneurship in NorwayEline Ingstad 28.11.2008Hand in of business plan 10.12.2008EXAM

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