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Review for Mid-term Test High School Choir. Mon (today): Review Music Elements and Vocal Techniques Tues: Review Sight-Reading and Professionalism Thurs.

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Presentation on theme: "Review for Mid-term Test High School Choir. Mon (today): Review Music Elements and Vocal Techniques Tues: Review Sight-Reading and Professionalism Thurs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review for Mid-term Test High School Choir

2 Mon (today): Review Music Elements and Vocal Techniques Tues: Review Sight-Reading and Professionalism Thurs (last day of quarter): Mid-term – Includes Music Elements, Vocal Techniques and Sight-Reading – Worth double a normal quiz – Last grade that factors into your quarter grade

3 The Four Dimensions of Music Using good tone/vowels Expressing the song Singing the notes in the right timing Singing the right notes PitchTime ColorMeaning

4 The Elements in the Dimensions PitchTimeColorMeaning Intervals : The distance between two pitches Scales : Singing up in steps for an octave and back down. Melody: The main singing part; familiar tune. Harmony: Singing other pitches that sound good with the melody (usually a 3 rd apart) Beat: The constant “thump” of a song. Meter: The pattern of strong and weak beats. Time Signature. Rhythm : The timing of the notes. Tempo: The speed of the beats. Tone: The distinct sound made by an instrument or voice singing in different ways. (Not pitch or expression!) Dynamics/Volume : Loudness Lyrics/Words Story/Timeline Expression: Acting out the song using facial expressions, tone, word emphasis, gestures, etc. Professionalism : Using high-quality actions and behavior that are appropriate to the kind of performance you are doing.

5 Practice Quiz! 1.What is a scale? 2.What is harmony? Which interval is usually used? 3.What is the difference between beat and rhythm? 4.Does the time signature tell you the meter or the tempo? 5.Define tone in music. Give an example of a singing tone. 6.Name three ways you can put expression into your singing.

6 Vocal Techniques Expression Vowels & Diction Space & Focus High/Low Voice Breath Support Posture

7 Feet shoulder-width apart Knees not locked Chest comfortably high Shoulders back and relaxed Neck and back straight Head Level Arms at the side Breath Support 1.Inhale: Open throat and breath in down to the stomach. (Don’t raise shoulders or chest.) 2.Suspend: Keep the air in the stomach by keeping your throat, ribs and back expanded. 3.Sing: Keeping your throat and ribs expanded, begin evenly pushing the air out with your abs. Focus your voice on the roof of your mouth or higher. (Don’t collapse your chest or throat.) 4.Rest: Pause and relax your throat and abs.

8 High/Low Voice Use your high voice for high notes instead of straining in your low voice. High voice needs more energy and focus than low voice. In order to switch voices more easily, lighten your voice near the change and use good focus and breath support. Space/Focus Space: Why: Makes you sound more mature, blend better. How: Keep your throat and mouth open. Focus: Why: Makes you sound stronger, hit high notes. How: Focus your voice on the roof of your mouth and above; feed it breath support.

9 Vowels and Diction 5 Basic Vowel Sounds: ee – ay – ah – oh – oo – ee – flattened square – ay – square – ah – tall oval – oh – circle – oo – small circle Diphthong: two-vowel sounds (ay-ee, ah-ee, oh-ee) 1 st vowel very long, 2 nd vowel very short Legato Singing: stretch the vowels long and make the consonants crisp.

10 Expression in Performance 1.Use more energy: body, voice, emotions 2.Focus the energy into the objective. Block out distractions. 3.Break the song up into a timeline of life-like emotions. 4.Be professional and appropriate 5.Coordinate everything to work together: singing, expressions, body language, actions

11 Another Practice Quiz! 1.T/F: Should you sing with your feet together? Shoulders comfortably raised? 2.Inhale into your chest or stomach? Push air out with your abs or your chest? 3.Name 2-3 ways to help shift voices. 4.How and why make space in your voice? 5.How and why make focus in your voice? 6.Name the singing vowel sounds and shapes. 7.How do you make a “timeline of emotions” in a song?

12 Good Luck Thursday!

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