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ETwinning & the professional development of teachers Anne Gilleran – pedagogical manager eTwinning Central Support Service.

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Presentation on theme: "ETwinning & the professional development of teachers Anne Gilleran – pedagogical manager eTwinning Central Support Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 eTwinning & the professional development of teachers Anne Gilleran – pedagogical manager eTwinning Central Support Service

2 Anne who? I have been involved in many projects involving schools, teachers and school leaders I come from Dublin, Ireland Career: university lecturer school counsellor head teacher researcher expert in ICT for education worked in Brussels for the European Schoolnet since 2001 Pedagogical manager for eTwinning since 2005

3 Topics Some concepts regarding professional development Short introduction to eTwinning Evolution of professional development in eTwinning Questions?

4 3 questions What is the relationship between eTwinning and Professional Development? How do they influence each other? How can eTwinning contribute to professional development and visa versa?

5 This presentation will include ideas……. Based on the report: Teachers Professional Development: an overview of current practice Published March 2011 European Schoolnet Will be available at:

6 Background Let’s start by looking at the OECD Talis report 2009

7 Informal dialogue to improve teaching Professional Development Network

8 What is eTwinning?


10 A Lifelong Learning Programme initiative - within the Comenius action Launched January 2005 2005-2008 Phase 1 2008-2013 Phase 2

11 What happened in 2005 or…. The Internet context

12 Within two years……….. February 2004 January 2005 February 2005 October 2006 February 2004. 2006 2005/06 April 2006

13 Web 2.0: Interactive & creative internet Provided us with the possibility to: - interact - publish - create - comment - communicate

14 Informal collaboration Comenius Partnerships Peer learning Sharing of resources and ideas Community building eTwinning Projects Time for eTwinning 2.0 Critical Mass Communications and networking beyond Projects Sharing and exchanging Between 2005/08 eTwinning had also evolved

15 eTwinning 2.0 2 main elements –Informal social network –Continuing professional development

16 To understand eTwinning You must know the following facts 33 countries participate Each of those countries has a National Support Service NSS Coordination by the Central suport Service Its heart is the eTwinning Portal


18 Lets take a look…. at the evolution of professional development in eTwinning

19 Dec 2008 …Projects & beyond…. Jan 2005Dec 2005Sept 2006Jan 2008 Learning Events, Groups Teachers Rooms, Profiles Multimodality of professional development offerings Sept 2010 European-wide professional development workshops National training courses raining, e.g. online courses eTwinning school collaboration projects

20 European Professional Development Workshops - PDWs Normally 7 per year Approximately 100 participants per workshop 25/75 ratio Aimed either at specific audience or them

21 Evolved to include Bilateral and multilateral workshops with the aim of providing face to face meetings with a partner finding focus

22 National Training programmes Many countries run extensive training programmes both face – face and on line. Part of the national in-service programme most notably in Spain Poland Estonia Czech Republic

23 Learning Events A Learning Event is a short intense course that offers: an introduction to a topic stimulates ideas helps develop skills does not require a long- term commitment in terms of time. It is designed to be an enjoyable learning experience.

24 eTwinning Groups The eTwinning Groups are a place for teachers to exchange about various interests 34 Groups

25 Teachers rooms A Teachers Room is a place where teachers can discuss specific topics over a short period of time and are created directly by eTwinners. Public Teachers Rooms are open to all eTwinners to view and contribute. Restricted Teachers Rooms can be viewed by all eTwinners; however, to contribute to them, one must be invited.

26 The Journal a digital portfolio An opportunity to share An instrument for social networking

27 Some statistics

28 At this moment: 128 000 teachers registered 10 000 participate in a project 20 000+ log in each day to the Desktop


30 Back to the 3 1.What is the relationship between eTwinning and Professional Development?




34 2. How do they influence each other?

35 eTwinning is seen as something that allows up-skilling in areas such as the use of ICT to support teaching, language learning, project management skills and other areas of personal development that can also be recognised as key competences for lifelong learning

36 3. How can eTwinning contribute to professional development and visa versa?

37 The kind of professional development a teacher participates in is more important than the amount of time invested. The net effects of days of professional development are small and only significant in a few countries, whereas indicators of participation in networks and mentoring (and in some countries also in workshops and/ or courses) have significant and stronger net associations with teaching practices in a majority of countries (TALIS, 2009: 117).

38 Final points eTwinning is the fastest growing community for teachers in Europe It contains both communication & collaboration activities And Formal & informal professional development opportunities

39 Questions? Thank you for your attention My contacts

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