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FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect LD 2-4: Developing a personal Leadership Philosophy 1 CAO: 7 Feb 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect LD 2-4: Developing a personal Leadership Philosophy 1 CAO: 7 Feb 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect LD 2-4: Developing a personal Leadership Philosophy 1 CAO: 7 Feb 2014

2 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Purpose Appreciate concept of a personal leadership philosophy Examine leadership “requirements” to help frame a personal leadership philosophy Draft a personal leadership philosophy 2

3 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Never forget that AUTHENTICITY is still “king” when it comes to leadership 3 Right up front…

4 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect What Leadership Philosophy is NOT… It is not prescriptive (i.e., it must be…) It is not a checklist (i.e., first I do step 1, … It is not meant to be static (i.e., I never change…) 4

5 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect What Leadership Philosophy IS… It is genuine (i.e., it represents who I am…) It is a guide for priorities, goals, purpose (i.e., it keeps us focused on the important) It is your leadership ethos –“The characteristic spirit…as manifested in beliefs and aspirations” (Oxford English Dictionary) –Origin: from the Greek for “nature” or “disposition” 5

6 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect What leaders are (attributes) What leaders do (purpose) What leaders hold dear (accountability) Framing A Philosophy 6 The Combination frames a personal leadership philosophy

7 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect What Leaders Are --Attributes-- Forbes 1 Top 10: Honest Able to Delegate Communicators Have sense of humor Confidence Committed Positive Creative Intuitive Able to inspire 7 1 Forbes, Top 10 Qualities that Make a Leader, 19 Dec 2012 Army 2 Top 3: Have Character –Empathetic –Steeped in Army values Have Presence –Fit –Confident –Resilient Have Intellectual Capacity –Judgment –Mental agility –Innovative 2 Army Field Manual 6-22, 12 Oct 2006 Judgment Index 3 : Understand people –Relationship Insight Know the job –Task Insight Think big picture –Strategic Insight 3 JI Report for Cadet Leadership, 2013 Edition

8 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect What Leaders Do --Purpose-- 8 Mission –Keep team moving toward success ($ bottom line, military objective) People –Build “replacements” Resources –Prioritize: there is “never enough money, time, people WHY LEADERS? “It is the nature of man to pursue his own interest, in preference to the public good” --James Wilson, 6 Oct 1787

9 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect What Leaders Do 1 --Purpose-- 9 Leads others & by example Develops self, others, positive environment Achieves – Gets Results “Leadership is the ability to get others to do what they don't want to do and like it!” --President Harry S. Truman Mission People Resources 1 Army Field Manual 6-22, 12 Oct 2006

10 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect S 10 What Leaders Hold Dear "The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership." -- Harvey S. Firestone "Outstanding leaders go out of the way to boost the self- esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish." -- Sam Walton Business

11 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect S 11 What Leaders Hold Dear "I cannot trust a man to control others who cannot control himself." -- Gen. Robert E. Lee "There are no bad regiments: only bad colonels." --Napoleon "A reflective reading of history will show that no man ever rose to military greatness who could not convince his troops that he put them first, above all else." -- Gen. Maxwell Taylor Military

12 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect S 12 What Leaders Hold Dear "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." -- John Quincy Adams “The price of greatness is responsibility” -- Winston Churchill Strategic Leaders

13 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect S 13 What Leaders Hold Dear The common theme SENSE OF ACCOUNTABILITY Acknowledgment and Ownership of personal responsibility & responsibility to others The tough reality 1 A sense of accountability is intrinsic in nature We must develop a sense of accountability within ourselves 1 Henry Browning, Accountability: Taking Ownership of Your Responsibility, Center for Creative Leadership, 2012

14 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Putting it Together --Leader Ethos-- Authentic Enduring Guide to Purpose Embrace What Leaders Are, Do, Hold Dear 14 SENSE OF ACCOUNTABILITY

15 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Point of Departure --A Leadership Philosophy-- 15 Expect a lot Be the example Develop, teach, inspire the team Be passionate about mission Create ethos GRADE IT  Considers key attributes  Considers Mission  Considers People  Considers Resources  Leads others & by example  Develops self, others, positive environment  Achieves – Gets Result  Sense of accountability Is this an “ethos” for leading a team?

16 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Draft Your Philosophy 16 _______________________ GRADE IT  Considers key attributes  Considers Mission  Considers People  Considers Resources  Leads others & by example  Develops self, others, positive environment  Achieves – Gets Result  Sense of accountability Is this an “ethos” for leading a team? USE 3x5 CARD PUT IN YOUR KEEPER FILE

17 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Take Aways Leaders are authentic, action-oriented, accountable for themselves and those in their careLeaders are authentic, action-oriented, accountable for themselves and those in their care Leaders learn from experienceLeaders learn from experience Leaders re-visit their leadership philosophy oftenLeaders re-visit their leadership philosophy often 17

18 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Questions and Comments 18

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