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Peninsula Clean Energy Six-Month Goals & Project Plan San Mateo County CCE Advisory Committee July 23, 2015.

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1 Peninsula Clean Energy Six-Month Goals & Project Plan San Mateo County CCE Advisory Committee July 23, 2015

2 Elements of PCE Planning and Design 1.Structural & Operations a.Technical, Legal, Regulatory b.Energy Program Design c.Organizational Devt (JPA) d.Financing 2.Local Government Participation a.JPA and CCE Ordinances b.County in lead (Oct) followed by Cities (Nov-Jan) 3. Community Engagement a.Key stakeholder groups b.Public marketing campaign c.Varied methods of engagement

3 Amended PCE Formation Timeline San Mateo County proposes an August 2016 Launch. Phase 1 Phase 2 January -September 2015Sept. 2015 – February 2016March – August 2016 Pre-Planning & Due Diligence Community Outreach; PCE Planning & Development Preparing for Launch Internal planning team Initial outreach to cities and key stakeholders Workshops & education Formation of CCE advisory committee CCE technical study complete (go/no-go) PCE Program & JPA design City outreach/Passage of local ordinances Impl. Plan Submitted RFP for Energy Services Plan for JPA staffing/working capital Community outreach First JPA Board meeting Energy supply and other service contracts Utility Service Agmt. Regulatory Registrations Marketing Campaign Call Center & Customer Enrollment Phase 3

4 Phase II Timeline

5 6-Month Goals (August-January) 1.Complete Technical Study a)Projected Operating Results b)Recommended Power Supply Portfolio c)Retail Product Options d)Quantitative Elements for RFP (load, demand, product specs) 2. Prep Ordinances and JPA Plan Package of materials: Results of Tech study and power product plan/initial pricing; CCE ordinance; JPA ordinance and operating agreement; Communications and PCE Agency devt. plan 3.County: Phase II Funding Approval, County Ordinances (JPA/CCE) 4. Cities: Study Sessions, JPA Feedback, Local Ordinance Adoption 5. Community: Continue to build local awareness among key stakeholder groups and public 6. Prep for Phase III Implementation Launch

6 Key Dates Thru End January 2016 Date GroupTopic(s) August 27Advisory Committee Mtg.JPA structural/governance issues September 1Tech Study Complete September 24Advisory Committee Mtg.Tech study results and recommendations; Draft JPA and CCE ordinances October 6County BOS Study SessionTech study results; updated project/JPA plan; que-up ordinances October 7Community Workshops (2)Burlingame and Redwood City October 20County BOS ApprovalsPhase II funding; CCE and JPA Ordinances October 22Advisory Committee Mtg.Update on BOS actions; Phase III workplan; dates/materials for cities November 19Advisory Committee Mtg.RFP for marketing and other vendor svcs; other topics TBD. Nov-JanuaryCity Study Sessions & Council Mtgs. Program and JPA Plans; Feedback and local ordinance adoption

7 How You Can Help… All/Advocates: Help identify venues and audiences for community workshops and events; attend key BOS and Council Meetings City Reps: Brief your colleagues at Sept/Oct Council meetings to que up Nov-January study sessions and ordinances. City Reps: Please schedule your study session by year-end and agendize CCE and JPA ordinances by Jan. 31, 2016. All: Please continue your attendance, feedback and helpful participation!

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