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Reasoning with even and odd numbers 9/12/2011. Task: In groups you will creating a poster about one way to reason with even and odd numbers. You will.

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Presentation on theme: "Reasoning with even and odd numbers 9/12/2011. Task: In groups you will creating a poster about one way to reason with even and odd numbers. You will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reasoning with even and odd numbers 9/12/2011

2 Task: In groups you will creating a poster about one way to reason with even and odd numbers. You will receive a fact sheet to review, and summarize it using words, diagrams, models etc. to explain it. These will be presented to the class, and will help them understand some basic rules we can follow to reason with even and odd numbers.

3 Even Numbers (Addition) The sum of two even numbers is even! Example: 2+2=4 » 24+12=36 » 6+8=14

4 Odd numbers (Addition) Made from an even number plus one. So when you ad two odd numbers you get the sum of two even numbers. Example: 5= 4+1 and 3=2+1 » So 5+3= 4+1+2+1 » +4+2+1+1 » =8

5 Multiplication For multiplication: – Odd times odd = odd – Even times odd=even

6 Lets do some practice! Without doing the actual addition/multiplication, are the following sums odd or even? – 203+512 – 934+116 – 199+0 – 59 x 45 – 120 x 56 – 59 x 0

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