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By Jake Waldron.  Over the past 30 years, Kenya’s poverty has increased.  Instead of Kenya having a good economic conditions, it’s a country with very.

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Presentation on theme: "By Jake Waldron.  Over the past 30 years, Kenya’s poverty has increased.  Instead of Kenya having a good economic conditions, it’s a country with very."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Jake Waldron

2  Over the past 30 years, Kenya’s poverty has increased.  Instead of Kenya having a good economic conditions, it’s a country with very low income which reflects its poverty, although it is now improving.  In Kenya 31 million people are in poverty out of around 41 million.  Kenya is a developing country with the main parts of the country being rural.  The people who live below the poverty line in rural areas are usually small farmers, herders and farm labourers.

3  Unemployment, low wages, poor conditions of roads, heavy costs of health and education, poor administration and low production of agriculture are only some of the reasons of poverty in Kenya.  Poverty is also affected from such diseases as HIV/AIDS, malaria and waterborne diseases.  Politicians did affect poverty due high spending on things the country doesn’t need.

4  Since the end of 2007, Kenya has endorsed a new political system to help eliminate the poverty, although it is no way near gone, Kenya’s new parliament has stayed strong, adding balance and structure to the country.  UNICEF is an organisation who help countries in Africa, Kenya included, by sending supplies over.  Sponsor a child is another organisation who help children in developing countries in the world.  Help Kenya Project is an organisation who donate products for schools and libraries to help students in their education.

5  All programs are working fantastically to help eliminate poverty in Kenya.  The political system is staying strong which is a positive.  All the donations from each program have caused Kenya’s GDP to go up by around $50-60 per person.  Education and Healthcare is improving with the donation of money for new facilities and schooling products/equipment.  Sponsor a child is giving children from Kenya more opportunities due to the fact that the people who are sponsoring them are donating them money, clothing, food and water.

6  The United Nations have helped Kenya during their drought by supplying the country with food and water due to shortages.  A lot of donating organisations are based in America and Australia, but do get donations from all around the world.  World Vision is probably the main organisation who help countries in need.

7  Funding would help to eliminate poverty because it would give the country some money to spend on upgrades and new facilities.  Donations would also help, either food, water, clothing or technology would be a major boost for the people.  Healthcare would be the biggest boost due to large proportion of Kenya’s population are fighting a disease.  An estimated 1.5 million are living with HIV.

8  Funding would assist the government to be able to invest in housing, farming, hospitals and schooling.  Everyone would be able to live in a healthy environment.  Students would have the opportunity to learn in a safe environment and could also be given pathways for further opportunities in their lifetime.  Additional funding would create more jobs and higher pay rise for workers  Technology would also be upgraded to help people’s lifestyle.

9      drought-emergency-appeal-famine.aspx?gclid=CO- C3fWtu64CFWNKpgods39FPg drought-emergency-appeal-famine.aspx?gclid=CO- C3fWtu64CFWNKpgods39FPg  

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