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Lecture 12a. Nervous System Overview. Topics Divisions of the NS: CNS and PNS Structure and types of neurons Synapses Structure and function of glia in.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 12a. Nervous System Overview. Topics Divisions of the NS: CNS and PNS Structure and types of neurons Synapses Structure and function of glia in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 12a. Nervous System Overview

2 Topics Divisions of the NS: CNS and PNS Structure and types of neurons Synapses Structure and function of glia in the CNS and PNS

3 The Nervous System Includes all neural tissue in the body

4 General Overview

5 Neural Tissue Contains 2 kinds of cells: –neurons: cells that send and receive signals –neuroglia (glial cells): cells that support and protect neurons

6 Organs of the Nervous System Brain and spinal cord Sensory receptors of sense organs (eyes, ears, etc.) Nerves connect nervous system with other systems

7 Anatomical Divisions of the Nervous System 1.Central nervous system (CNS) 2.Peripheral nervous system (PNS)

8 CNS Sympathetic Somatic NS PNS Autonomic NS Parasympathetic Nervous System

9 The Central Nervous System (CNS) Consists of the spinal cord and brain Contain neural tissue, connective tissues, and blood vessels

10 Functions of the CNS Are to process and coordinate: –sensory data: from inside and outside body –motor commands: control activities of peripheral organs (e.g., skeletal muscles) –higher functions of brain: intelligence, memory, learning, emotion

11 The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Includes all neural tissue outside the CNS (nerves that control muscles and glands)

12 Functions of the PNS 1.Deliver sensory information to the CNS 2.Carry motor commands to peripheral tissues and systems

13 Nerves Also called peripheral nerves: –bundles of axons with connective tissues and blood vessels –carry sensory information and motor commands in PNS: cranial nerves—connect to brain spinal nerves—attach to spinal cord

14 Functional Divisions of the PNS Afferent division: –carries sensory information –from PNS sensory receptors to CNS Efferent division: –carries motor commands –from CNS to PNS muscles and glands SAME: Sensory is Afferent, Motor is Efferent

15 PNS divisions Somatic nervous system (SNS) Autonomic nervous system (ANS)

16 The Somatic Nervous System (SNS) Controls skeletal muscle contractions: –voluntary muscle contractions –involuntary muscle contractions (reflexes)

17 The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Controls subconscious actions: –contractions of smooth muscle and cardiac muscle –glandular secretions

18 Divisions of the ANS Sympathetic division: –has a stimulating effect Parasympathetic division: –has a relaxing effect

19 CNS Sympathetic Somatic NS PNS Autonomic NS Parasympathetic Nervous System

20 Neurons The basic functional units of the nervous system

21 The Structure of Neurons Figure 12–1

22 Major Organelles of the Cell Body Large nucleus and nucleolus Cytoplasm (perikaryon) Mitochondria (produce energy) RER and ribosomes (produce neurotransmitters) Cytoskeleton Nissl Bodies: RER and ribosomes

23 Dendrites Highly branched Dendritic spines: –many fine processes –receive information from other neurons –80–90% of neuron surface area

24 The Axon Are long Carries electrical signal (action potential) to target Axon structure is critical to function

25 Structures of the Axon Axon hillock: –thick section of cell body –attaches to initial segment Initial segment: –attaches to axon hillock Collaterals: –branches of a single axon Synaptic terminals with knobs: –tips of axon (knobs at ends)

26 Movie Neurophysiology: Neuron Structure

27 The Synapse Figure 12–2

28 Synapse Synapse: Area where a neuron communicates with another cell Presynaptic cell: –neuron that sends message Postsynaptic cell: –cell that receives message Synaptic cleft The small gap that separates the presynaptic membrane and the postsynaptic membrane Area of terminal containing synaptic vesicles filled with neurotransmitters

29 Neurotransmitters Chemical messengers (like ACh) Released at presynaptic membrane Affect receptors of postsynaptic membrane Broken down by enzymes and/or taken up into presynaptic cell Are reassembled at synaptic knob

30 Major Structural Classifications of Neurons Unipolar neurons: –found in sensory neurons of PNS Multipolar neurons: –common in the CNS –include all skeletal muscle motor neurons –cell body (soma) –short, branched dendrites –long, single axon

31 Unipolar Neurons Have very long axons Dendrites fused to axon Cell body to 1 side Figure 12–3 (3 of 4)

32 Multipolar Neurons Often have long axons Multiple dendrites, 1 axon Figure 12–3 (4 of 4)

33 3 Functional Classifications of Neurons Sensory neurons: –afferent neurons of PNS Motor neurons: –efferent neurons of PNS Interneurons: –association neurons

34 Sensory (Afferent) Neurons Monitor internal environment (visceral sensory neurons) Monitor effects of external environment (somatic sensory neurons)

35 Motor (Efferent) Neurons Signals from CNS motor neurons to visceral effectors pass synapses at autonomic ganglia dividing axons into: –preganglionic fibers –postganglionic fibers

36 Interneurons Most are located in brain, spinal cord, and autonomic ganglia: –between sensory and motor neurons Are responsible for: –distribution of sensory information –coordination of motor activity Are involved in higher functions: –memory, planning, learning

37 Neuroglia are supporting cells

38 Neuroglia Half the volume of the nervous system Many types of neuroglia in CNS and PNS

39 Neuroglia of the Central Nervous System Figure 12–4

40 4 Types of Neuroglia in the CNS 1.Ependymal cells 2.Astrocytes 3.Microglia 4.Oligodendrocytes

41 1. Ependymal Cells Form epithelium called ependyma Line central canal of spinal cord and ventricles of brain: –secrete cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) –have cilia or microvilli that circulate CSF –monitor CSF –contain stem cells for repair

42 2. Astrocytes Maintain blood–brain barrier (isolates CNS) Create 3-dimensional framework for CNS Repair damaged neural tissue Guide neuron development Control interstitial environment

43 3.Microglia Migrate through neural tissue Clean up cellular debris, waste products, and pathogens Not of neural origin; related to macrophages (like osteoclasts)

44 4. Oligodendrocytes Processes contact other neuron cell bodies Wrap around axons to form myelin sheaths

45 Myelination Increases speed of action potentials Myelin insulates myelinated axons Makes nerves appear white

46 Nodes and Internodes Internodes: –myelinated segments of axon Nodes: –also called nodes of Ranvier –gaps between internodes –where axons may branch

47 White Matter and Gray Matter White matter: –regions of CNS with many myelinated nerves Gray matter: –unmyelinated areas of CNS

48 2 Neuroglia of the Peripheral Nervous System 1.Satellite cells (amphicytes) 2.Schwann cells (neurilemmacytes)

49 1. Satellite Cells Surround ganglia Regulate environment around neuron

50 Ganglia vs Nuclei Masses of neuron cell bodies –Called ganglia in the PNS and are surrounded by satellite cells –Called nuclei in the CNS

51 1. Schwann Cells Form myelin sheath around peripheral axons (nerves) 1 Schwann cell sheaths 1 segment of axon: –many Schwann cells sheath entire axon

52 Schwann Cells Figure 12–5a

53 Schwann Cells Figure 12–5b

54 Summary Divisions of the NS: CNS and PNS Structure and types of neurons Synapses Structure and function of glia in the CNS and PNS

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