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 Hotel: Delta City Center Hotel  101 Lyon Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 5T9 › 4 people/room, 2 from each chapter › Hotel #: (613)-237-3600  Check-in.

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Presentation on theme: " Hotel: Delta City Center Hotel  101 Lyon Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 5T9 › 4 people/room, 2 from each chapter › Hotel #: (613)-237-3600  Check-in."— Presentation transcript:


2  Hotel: Delta City Center Hotel  101 Lyon Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 5T9 › 4 people/room, 2 from each chapter › Hotel #: (613)-237-3600  Check-in /Check out details to come

3 Gala – Museum of Civilization Conference Hotel

4 Wed. Jan. 12 th Thurs. Jan. 13 th Friday Jan. 14 th Saturday Jan. 15 th Sunday Jan. 16 th 7amBreakfast (Delta) Breakfast JF, RJF, Presidents Conferenc e Opening Innovation Forum 11am Check-out and Leadership Day Sponsor’s FairTravel Home 12pmLunch Lunch+ Awards LunchOptional Ski Trip 6pmDinner MOE + Dinner AGM 8pm- 12am Social TimeBaobab Ceremony GALA – appetizers, dancing etc

5 1. Understanding Dynamic Complexity 2. EWB Vision – Systemic Innovation 3. Canadian/African Team Strategies 4. Becoming a Learning organization 5. Admitting Failure 6. Financing Innovation and Innovation Process 7. Skills Development 8. Moving from Ideas to Actions 9. Innovation in Africa 10. Reconnecting and Moving Forward

6  Check out the Conference website:  If you’re feeling overwhelmed at conference don’t worry this is normal! Find Alex or another exec member and take some time out to de-stress  Put your cell # on the sheet so we can contact you if needed

7  A water bottle and reusable coffee mug  Semi-formal or African clothing  Snacks!  Notebook, pens, paper  Earplugs  Bathing Suit  Alcohol (if you want)  Cash – bar, souvenirs etc.

8 1. You probably won’t sleep very much…

9 2. … so coffee will be your best friend – remember to bring your own mug!

10 3. Beware the “EWB-bot”… “What are your 3 key learnings?” “I challenge you to…Push yourself! Think harder!” “Dig deeper!” “Impact! Double your impact!!” “What values do you identify with most?” “… and how do you feel about that?”

11 4. Bring your own snacks!!!

12 5. Beware group hugs – they can sneak up on you if you’re not careful…

13 6. Be prepared for energizers – cheering, screaming, dancing – all the time!

14 7. Be ready for people to be very open with you and ask you about your: › values › biases › fears › challenges › etc.

15 8. Stairway parties and late night development chats are totally normal…

16 9. Conference can be overwhelming, remember to take time for yourself to de- stress… or find your center…

17 10. But remember! Your experience at conference is up to you; it’s only as awesome as you make it! So CHALLENGE yourself! Dig deep! Set goals! Meet new people Have fun!


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