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Johnny Williams. Born in Belgium in 1770 Was introduced to music early Son of Johann van Beethoven Began performing at the age of 7 Beethoven’s Childhood.

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Presentation on theme: "Johnny Williams. Born in Belgium in 1770 Was introduced to music early Son of Johann van Beethoven Began performing at the age of 7 Beethoven’s Childhood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Johnny Williams

2 Born in Belgium in 1770 Was introduced to music early Son of Johann van Beethoven Began performing at the age of 7 Beethoven’s Childhood

3 His father was an abusive alcoholic He mother was sweet and loving, they were very close Six brothers and sisters Four of them died in childhood Oldest remaining child He began learning from Gottlob Neefe Began learning other instruments, including the organ Beethoven’s Adolescence

4 Continued helping to raise his brothers and playing music At 14, he was appointed organist of the court of Maximilian Franz, Elector of Cologne Moved to Vienna to continue his learning Became close friends with Count Waldstein Met Mozart Moving Forward In His Music

5 His mother passed away in 1787 Forced back to Bonn to take care of his family Returned back to his music in 1792 Moved back to Vienna, and never returned to Bonn Moving Back Home

6 Performed first symphony in 1800 Began losing his hearing Finished many more symphonies Finished one opera, Fidelio, originally called Leonore Stayed in Vienna, be cause of a grant from benefactors In 1815, he completely lost his hearing His brother passed away in 1815, and he became co- guardian of his nephew Karl Gained full custody of Karl in 1820 Beethoven’s Career

7 Published 138 pieces in his lifetime 205 more published after his death Many more that have never been published Nine symphonies His pieces invoke significant emotions Musical Accomplishments

8 Was short-tempered and extremely moody Was extremely short and stocky People often thought of him as weird Cared little about his appearance Unreasonable and Intolerant, often being short with people Beethoven as a Man

9 His anger and frustration can often be felt in his music His demeanor was similar to his father’s Angered easily, with even his friends having to be careful around him Would often apologize afterwards and pretend like nothing happened He passed away in 1827 among friends, in the middle of a storm Beethoven as a Man (cont.)

10 Was originally named Symphony with Final Chorus on Schiller’s “Ode to Joy” Early version of the piece was Schiller’s “Ode to Joy” in music form Later became his 9 th Symphony Worked on the piece for many, many years Was supposed to be entirely instrumental Finished with a vocal movement Symphony No. 9

11 Had planned on introducing the vocal movement in the 10 th Symphony, but needed something to finish No. 9, so the vocal movement was added He was working on his 9 th and 10 th Symphonies and the Schiller piece at the same time Had already sold the rights to No. 9 to the London Philharmonic and needed to get it finished So, he combined the three pieces, presenting the result to the London Philharmonic as No. 9 Began the original piece in 1818, and finished the piece in 1923 Symphony No. 9 (cont.)

12 This Symphony reflects all three different periods of his music Idea of setting “Ode to Joy” to music came from the first era 3 rd, 5 th, and 7 th movements in his second era 1 st, 2 nd, 4 th were written in third era but have hints of 2 nd era in them as well His third era was a very dramatic era for him and is only reflected in the 3 rd movement Was first performed in Vienna on May 7, 1824 Symphony No. 9 (cont.)

13 :01 Loud burst of music :15 Drums begin :23 Horns begin :27 Music picks up speed :33 Violins get faster :47 Music changes speed 1:05 Music gets louder 1:36 Music goes back to the original first notes Timed listening Symphony No. 5

14 1:48 Loud music starts 2:00 Horns Play 2:19 Short Pause 2:50 Quick sound of trumpets 3:05 Horns play the first three notes 4:00 Horns play then violin’s chime in 5:00 Soft Flute 5:40 French horns and piccolo’s Symphony No. 5 (cont.)

15 6:35 Drums begin 7:10 Drums continue to play 8:00 Violin’s playing 8:50 Horns begin again 9:23 Loud music 10:23 Violin’s playing easy 11:10 Very short pause 11:30 Violin’s play 12:00 Fade out of the horn from 11:58 Symphony No. 5 (cont.)

16 Beethoven: Biography. Dec. 2001. dwig.html. dwig.html Lane, William. Beethoven: The Immortal. 16 Jan. 2006. 21 Feb. 2011 Symphony with Final Chorus on Schiller's "Ode to Joy". /beethoven/symphony9.php /beethoven/symphony9.php Works Cited

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