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MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at UIO Introduction to the program’s 2nd-4th semester and ENT4400.

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Presentation on theme: "MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at UIO Introduction to the program’s 2nd-4th semester and ENT4400."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at UIO Introduction to the program’s 2nd-4th semester and ENT4400

2 The goal of the program To help develop theoretical and practical knowledge in the ’disciplines of innovation and entrepreneurship’, in order to prepare students to: Work in innovation projects in the large or small firm Make innovation strategy in/for the large or small firm Work with innovation support in public or private organizations, or in government policy Work as independent consultants Conduct doctoral research in innovation and entrepreneurship

3 The idea of the program Grunderskolen + 1,5 years of study Mixed theoretical and practical or ”problem- based” approach – Make a contribution to innovation already during study Retain connection with home discipline – the idea is to develop a complementary innovation expertise without losing touch of your technical knowledge Flexible tool-box and flexible thinking enables a variety of future applications

4 Structure of the program First term: Grunderskolen Start-up theory Business planning Internship experience

5 Structure of the program Second semester: Theoretical course in Innovation Management and Strategy. Focus on theories and models of innovation dynamics and technological change Focus on management and strategy in the (large) technology-based firm Case studies and applied work with Birkeland and Simula Innovation Venture finance, accounting and marketing Theory and ’lab-work’ Elective

6 Structure of the program Third semester: Research-based innovation and field work ENT4410 Jan 22 - March 13 (exam): What is the relation between science and innovation? Analysing the relationship between the economy and the processes of innovation. Tools and models for developing and managing emerging technologies. ENT4320 March 18 - May 27: Internship course: Connect back to first term  Use of theoretical and practical approaches to develop an innovation project in a firm. Elective

7 Structure of the program Fourth semester: Writing of MSc-thesis. Build on your previous work in the program or do something new. Work with a partner if possible Chose qualitative case study, statistical or analytical approach. It is possible to develop a business plan

8 Structure of ENT4400 Part 1 (Focus on innovation models and theories): Meetings at SFE on Tuesdays and thursdays 13.15-15.00 First 45 minutes lecture and discussions Second 45 minutes case discussions – come prepared! For each meeting: Read chapters in book and prepare case reflections and questions for class For examination: Write case reports on three cases of your choice. Use a problem oriented question which you pose to the case. 3 pages for each case. Hand in by examination day. Accounts for 50% of grade.

9 Structure of ENT4400 Part 2 (Focus on strategy and case discussions – also applied work): Teacher: Tronn Å. Skjerstad Half day meetings every week Tuesdays. Applied case work in groups Obligatory hand-in of report

10 Structure of ENT4400 Examination: Active participation (obligatory) Obligatory hand-in for part 2 (passed/not passed) Written exam at end of course 50% 50% of the grade is based on the case reports from part 1. Key dates: Part 1: 4/9-27/9 every Tuesday and Thursday 12.15-14.00 Part 2: 2/10-1/11, every Tuesday 12.15-16.00 Sit down exam: 13/11, 12.00-15.00 Hand in of case work: Thursday 15/11, 12.00 Silvia is your contact (

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