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FlexSim Supplemental Training: Session 3 1 20121029.

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1 FlexSim Supplemental Training: Session 3 1 20121029

2 Modeling Concepts 22 Closing and Opening Output/Input Ports Sending Messages to alter object behavior

3 Basic Object Control closeinput( object )openinput( object ) stopinput( object ) resumeinput( object ) closeoutput( object )openoutput( object ) stopoutput( object )resumeoutput( object ) stopobject( object )resumeobject( object ) sendmessage( toobject, fromobject, parameter1, parameter2, parameter3 ) senddelayedmessage( toobject, delaytime, fromobject, parameter1, parameter2, parameter3 ) 33

4 Close/Open Commands Close –closeinput( object ) – Blocks input ports of object. Indicated by small, red bars drawn across all input ports. –closeoutput( object ) – Blocks output ports of object. Indicated by small, red bars drawn across all output ports. Open –openinput( object ) – Unblocks input ports of object. –openoutput( object ) – Unblocks output ports of object. –It is recommended to use the open commands in the OnMessage trigger only [using senddelayedmessage()]. It will work in other cases, but there could be issues because these commands do some work behind the scenes. 44

5 Stop/Resume Commands Stop –stopinput( object ) – Same as closeinput(), except it keeps track of consecutive stopinput() commands. Will only open input ports after all stops have been resumed. –stopoutput( object ) – Same as closeouput(), except it accumulates as well. Will only open ouput ports after all stops have been resumed. –stopobject( object ) – Tells object to stop functioning. Will specify a state for the object to go into while waiting for resumeobject() [helpful for statistics]. Also accumulates. Good resource on stopobject() and resumeobject() in Command list of User Manual. Resume –resumeinput( object ) – Same as openinput(), except it accumulates. Input ports are unblocked after all stops have been resumed. –resumeoutput( object ) – Same as openoutput(), except it accumulates as well. Ouput ports are unblocked after all stops have been resumed. –resumeobject( object ) – Tells object to resume to what it was doing before stopobject() was called. Also accumulates. 55

6 Messages message – information sent from one object to another. When an object receives a message, its OnMessage trigger is fired. Messages can be sent immediately with the sendmessage() command, or after a specified period of time using senddelayedmessage(). 66

7 Order of Execution (Messages) 77 sendmessage() delay OnMessage trigger of receiving object senddelayedmessage() OnMessage trigger of receiving object Is there a difference between a message sent immediately and delayed in zero time?

8 The OnMessage Trigger Trigger logic fires as a reaction to the sent message. Parsing the received data dictates behavior Access Variables –current –msgsendingobject() –msgparam(1) –msgparam(2) –msgparam(3) 88 Object receiving the message Object that sent the message First numeric data sent Second numeric data sent Third numeric data sent

9 Model Description Purpose –Learn how to control product flow and send delayed messages. Description –Assume an infinite supply of A and B components. –The two components must be glued together with epoxy which takes lognormal2(0,2.6,0.8) seconds. –The assembled parts must wait in a staging area for at least 15 seconds for the epoxy to cure before they can enter the paint booth. –It takes lognormal2(0,2.5,0.5) seconds to paint each part separately. –After each part is painted and exits the paint booth, the booth must be purged for 3 seconds before another part can enter. Questions & Bonus –What is the average and maximum time a part waits in queue? –How does throughput change if 10 parts can be curing simultaneously? 99

10 Model A1 Layout 10

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