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Real-Time Vision on a Mobile Robot Platform Mohan Sridharan Joint work with Peter Stone The University of Texas at Austin

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Presentation on theme: "Real-Time Vision on a Mobile Robot Platform Mohan Sridharan Joint work with Peter Stone The University of Texas at Austin"— Presentation transcript:

1 Real-Time Vision on a Mobile Robot Platform Mohan Sridharan Joint work with Peter Stone The University of Texas at Austin

2 Motivation  Computer vision challenging. “State-of-the-art” approaches not applicable to real systems. Computational and/or memory constraints.  Focus: efficient algorithms that work in real-time on mobile robots.

3 Overview  Complete vision system developed on a mobile robot.  Challenges to address: Color Segmentation. Object recognition. Line detection. Illumination invariance.  On-board processing– computational and memory constraints.

4 Test Platform – Sony ERS7  20 degrees of freedom.  Primary sensor – CMOS camera.  IR, touch sensors, accelerometers.  Wireless LAN.  Soccer on 4.5x3m field – play humans by 2050!

5 The Aibo Vision System – I/O  Input: Image pixels in YCbCr Color space. Frame rate: 30 fps. Resolution: 208 x 160.  Output: Distances and angles to objects.  Constraints: On-board processing: 576 MHz. Rapidly varying camera positions.

6 Robot’s view of the world…

7 Vision System – Flowchart…

8 Vision System – Phase 1: Segmentation.  Color Segmentation : Hand-label discrete colors. Intermediate color maps. NNr weighted average – Master color cube. 128x128x128 color map – 2MB.

9 Vision System – Phase 1: Segmentation.  Use perceptually motivated color space – LAB.  Offline training in LAB – generate equivalent YCbCr cube.

10 Vision System – Phase 1: Segmentation.

11  Use perceptually motivated color space – LAB.  Offline training in LAB – generate equivalent YCbCr cube.  Reduce problem to table lookup. Robust performance with shadows, highlights. YCbCr – 82%, LAB – 91%.

12 Sample Images – Color Segmentation.

13 Sample Video – Color Segmentation.

14 Some Problems…  Sensitive to illumination. Frequent re-training. Robot needs to detect and adapt to change.  Off-board color labeling – time consuming. Autonomous color learning possible…

15 Vision System – Phase 2: Blobs.  Run-Length encoding. Starting point, length in pixels.  Region Merging. Combine run-lengths of same color. Maintain properties: pixels, runs.  Bounding boxes. Abstract representation – four corners. Maintains properties for further analysis.

16 Sample Images – Blob Detection.

17 Vision System – Phase 2: Objects.  Object Recognition. Heuristics on size, shape and color. Previously stored bounding box properties. Domain knowledge. Remove spurious blobs.  Distances and angles: known geometry.

18 Sample Images – Objects.


20 Vision System – Phase 3: Lines.  Popular approaches: Hough transform, Convolution kernels – computationally expensive.  Domain knowledge.  Scan lines – green- white transitions – candidate edge pixels.

21 Vision System – Phase 3: Lines.  Incremental least square fit for lines. Efficient and easy to implement. Reasonably robust to noise.  Lines provide orientation information.  Line Intersections can be used as markers. Inputs to localization. Ambiguity removed through prior position knowledge.

22 Sample Images – Objects + Lines.

23 Some Problems…  Systems needs to be re-calibrated: Illumination changes. Natural light variations: day/night.  Re-calibration very time consuming. More than an hour spent each time…  Cannot achieve overall goal – play humans. That is not happening anytime soon, but still…

24 Illumination Sensitivity – Samples.  Trained under one illumination:  Under different illumination:

25 Illumination Sensitivity – Movie…

26 Illumination Invariance - Approach.  Three discrete illuminations – bright, intermediate, dark.  Training: Performed offline. Color map for each illumination. Normalized RGB (rgb – use only rg) sample distributions for each illumination.

27 Illumination Invariance – Training.  Illumination: bright – color map

28 Illumination Invariance – Training.  Illumination: bright – map and distributions.

29 Illumination Invariance – Training.

30 Illumination Invariance – Testing.




34  Testing - KLDivergence as a distance measure: Robust to artifacts. Performed on-board the robot, about once a second. Parameter estimation described in the paper.  Works for conditions not trained for… Paper has numerical results.

35 Adapting to Illumination changes – Video

36 Some Related Work…  CMU vision system: Basic implementation. James Bruce et al., IROS 2000  German Team vision system: Scan Lines. Rofer et al., RoboCup 2003  Mean-shift: Color Segmentation. Comaniciu and Peer: PAMI 2002

37 Conclusions  A complete real-time vision system – on board processing.  Implemented new/modified version of vision algorithms.  Good performance on challenging problems: segmentation, object recognition and illumination invariance.

38 Future Work…  Autonomous color learning. AAAI-05 paper available online.  Working in more general environments, outside the lab.  Automatic detection of and adaptation to illumination changes.  Still a long way to go to play humans.

39 Autonomous Color Learning – Video  More videos online



42 Question – 1: So, what is new??  Robust color space for segmentation.  Domain-specific object recognition + line detection.  Towards illumination invariance.  Complete vision system – closed loop.  Accept – cannot compare with other teams, but overall performance good at competitions…

43 Vision – 1: Why LAB??  Robust color space for segmentation.  Perceptually motivated.  Tackles minor changes – shadows, highlights.  Used in robot rescue…

44 Vision – 2: Edge pixels + Least Squares??  Conventional approaches time consuming.  Scan lines faster: Reduces colors needing bounding boxes. LS easier to implement – fast too.  Accept – have not compared with any other method…

45 Vision – 3: Normalized RGB ??  YCbCr separates luminance – but not good for practice on Aibo.  Normalized RGB (rgb): Reduces number of dimensions - storage. More robust to minor variations.  Accept – have compared with YCbCr alone – LAB works but more storage and calculations…

46 Illumination Invariance – Training.

47 Illumination Invariance – Testing.

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