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Low-Noise Amplifier
RF Receiver Antenna BPF1 LNA BPF2 Mixer BPF3 IF Amp Demodulator
RF front end LO
Low-Noise Amplifier First gain stage in receiver
Amplify weak signal Significant impact on noise performance Dominate input-referred noise of front end Impedance matching Efficient power transfer Better noise performance Stable circuit
LNA Design Consideration
Noise performance Power transfer Impedance matching Power consumption Bandwidth Stability Linearity
Noise Figure Definition As a function of device
G: Power gain of the device
NF of Cascaded Stages Overall NF dominated by NF1
Sin/Nin Sout/Nout G1, N1, NF1 Gi, Ni, NFi GK, NK, NFK Overall NF dominated by NF1 [1] F. Friis, “Noise Figure of Radio Receivers,” Proc. IRE, Vol. 32, pp , July 1944.
Simple Model of Noise in MOSFET
Flicker noise Dominant at low frequency Thermal noise g: empirical constant 2/3 for long channel much larger for short channel PMOS has less thermal noise Input-inferred noise Vg Id Vi
Thermal noise dominant
Noise Approximation Noise spectral density 1/f noise Thermal noise dominant Thermal noise Frequency Band of interest
Power Transfer and Impedance Matching
Power delivered to load Maxim available power Rs jXs jXL Vs I V RL Impedance matching Load and source impedances conjugate pair Real part matched to 50 ohm
Available Power Equal power on load and source resistors
Reflection Coefficient
Rs jXs jXL Vs I V RL
Reflection Coefficient
No reflection Maximum power transfer
S-Parameters Parameters for two-port system analysis
Suitable for distributive elements Inputs and outputs expressed in powers Transmission coefficients Reflection coefficients
S-Parameters a1 b2 S21 S11 S22 S12 b1 a2
S-Parameters S11 – input reflection coefficient with the output matched S21 – forward transmission gain or loss S12 – reverse transmission or isolation S22 – output reflection coefficient with the input matched
S-Parameters I1 I2 S Z1 Z2 Vs1 V1 V2 Vs2
Stability Condition Necessary condition where Stable iff
A First LNA Example Assume Effective transconductance io
No flicker noise ro = infinity Cgd = 0 Reasonable for appropriate bandwidth Effective transconductance Rs Vs Rs 4kTRs Vs Vgs gmVgs 4kTggm
Power Gain Voltage input Current output
Noise Figure Calculation
Power output Device noise + input-induced noise Input-induced noise
Unity Current Gain Frequency
Device iout iin Ai fT 0dB frequency f
Small-Signal Model of MOSFET
Cgs Cgd rds Cdb Rg: Gate resistance ri: Channel charging resistance V1 V2 i1 i2 Rg Cgd Cdb Cgs V’gs V2 rds V1 ri gmV’gs
wT Calculation i1 i2 V’gs gmV’gs Cgd i1 i2 ri Cgs Rg V1 Rg Cgd Cdb Cgs
rds V1 ri
wT of NMOS and PMOS 0.25um CMOS Process* Set: Solve for wT
[2] Tajinder Manku, “Microwave CMOS - Device Physics and Design,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 34, pp , March 1999.
Noise Performance Low frequency CMOS technology Rsgm >> g ~ 1
gm >> Rs = 50 ohm Power consuming CMOS technology gm/ID lower than other tech wT lower than other tech
Review of First Example
No impedance matching Capacitive input impedance Output not matched Power transfer S11=(1-sRCgs)/(1+sRCgs) S21=2Rgm/(1+sRCgs), R=Rs=RL Power consumption High power for NF High power for S21
Impedance Matching for LNA
Resistive termination Series-shunt feedback Common-gate connection Inductor degeneration
Resistive Termination
Rs 4kTggm 4kT/Rs 4kT/RI Vs RI Is Rs RI Vgs gmVgs Current-current power gain Noise figure
Comparison with Previous Example
Resistive-termination Introduced by input resistance Signal attenuated
Summary - Resistive Termination
Noise performance Low-frequency approximation Input matched Rs = RI = R Broadband input match Attenuate signal Introduce noise due to RI NF > 3 dB (best case)
Series-Shunt Feedback
RF Broadband matching Could be noisy RL Rs Vs Ra iout Rs RF RL Cgs Vgs gmVgs Vs Ra
Common-Gate Structure
4kTggm RL Rs RL Rs 4kTRs gmVgs Vs Vgs RL Rs 4kTRs gm Vs Vgs gmVgs 4kTggm
Input Impedance of CG Structure
Yin=gm+sCgs Input-impedance matching Low frequency approximation Direct without passive components 1/gm=Rs=50 ohm
Noise Performance of CG Structure
Signal attenuated
Power Transfer of CG Structure
Rs = RL = R = 50 ohm S11=0, Low frequency
Summary – CG Structure Noise performance Impedance matching
No extra resistive noise source Independent of power consumption Impedance matching Broadband input matching No passive components Power consumption gm=1/50 Power transfer
Inductor Degeneration Structure
Zin iout Rs Lg Rs Lg iin Cgs Vgs gmVgs Vs Vin Ls Vs Ls Zin
Input Matching for ID Structure
Zin iout Rs Ls Lg Cgs Vgs gmVgs gmLs/Cgs Vs Zin=Rs IM{Zin}=0 RE{Zin}=Rs
Effective Transconductance
Zin iout Rs Ls Lg Cgs Vgs gmVgs gmLs/Cgs Vs
Noise Factor of ID Structure
= w0 Calculate NF at w0
Input Quality Factor of ID Structure
V Rs Ls Lg Cgs gmLs/Cgs Vs
Noise Factor of ID Structure
Increase power transfer gmLs/Cgs = Rs Decrease NF gmLs/Cgs = 0 Conflict between Power transfer Noise performance
Further Discussion on NF
w0 w2 ~= 1/Cgs/(Lg+Ls) Input impedance matched to Rs RsCgs=gmLs Suitable for hand calculation and design Large Lg and small Ls
Power Transfer of ID Structure
Rs = RL = R = 50 ohm @
Computing Av without S-Para
Rs Lg Vs Ls
Power Consumption
Power Consumption Technology constant Standard specification
L: minimum feature size m: mobility, avoid mobility saturation region Standard specification Rs: source impedance w0: carrier frequency Circuit parameter Lg, Ls: gate and source degeneration inductance
Summary of ID Structure
Noise performance No resistive noise source Large Lg Impedance matching Matched at carrier frequency Applicable to wideband application, S11<-10dB Power transfer Narrowband Increase with gm Power consumption
Cascode Isolation to improve S12 @ high frequency
Small range at Vd1 Reduced feedback effect of Cgd Improve noise performance LL Vo Vbias M2 Vd1 Rs Lg M1 Vs Ls
Rs Vs Ls Lg LL M1 Vo Vgs gmVgs Cgs
LNA Design Example (1) Vdd Cb2 Lvdd Lb2 Vout M4 Output bias Ld Lout
Vbias M3 M2 Lb1 Tm Rs M1 Lg Lgnd Cb1 Vs Cm Ls Input bias Off-chip matching [3] D. Shaeffer and T. Lee, “A 1.5-V, 1.5-GHz CMOS low noise amplifier,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 32, pp. 745 – 759, May 1997.
LNA Design Example (1) Supply filtering Lvdd M4 Ld Lout Vbias M3 M2
Lb1 Tm Rs M1 Lg Lgnd Cb1 Vs Cm Ls Unwanted parasitics [3] D. Shaeffer and T. Lee, “A 1.5-V, 1.5-GHz CMOS low noise amplifier,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 32, pp. 745 – 759, May 1997.
Circuit Details Two-stage cascoded structure in 0.6 mm First stage
W1 = 403 mm determined from NF Ls accurate value, bondwire inductance Ld = 7nH, resonating with cap at drain of M2 Second 4.6 dB gain W3 = 200 mm
LNA Design Example (2) NF = 1 + K/gm gm = gm1 + gm2 IB1 M2 Vout1 RB NL
IREF RX M4 VB1 VRF Ns Off-chip matching M1 M5 Cs CX Off-chip matching M7 CB M3 M6 [4] A. Karanicolas, “A 2.7-V 900-MHz CMOS LNA and Mixer,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 31, pp 1939 – 1944, Dec
Simplified view
LNA Design Example (2) IB1 M8 M2 Vout1 RB NL IREF RX M4 VB1 VRF Ns M1
Cs CX M7 CB M3 M6 Bias feedback [4] A. Karanicolas, “A 2.7-V 900-MHz CMOS LNA and Mixer,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 31, pp 1939 – 1944, Dec
LNA Design Example (2) IB1 M8 M2 Vout1 RB NL IREF RX M4 VB1 VRF Ns M1
Cs CX M7 CB M3 M6 Bias feedback [4] A. Karanicolas, “A 2.7-V 900-MHz CMOS LNA and Mixer,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 31, pp 1939 – 1944, Dec
LNA Design Example (2) VA IB1 M8 M2 Vout1 RB NL IREF RX M4 VB1 VRF Ns
Cs CX M7 CB M3 M6 Bias feedback DC output = VB1 [4] A. Karanicolas, “A 2.7-V 900-MHz CMOS LNA and Mixer,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 31, pp 1939 – 1944, Dec
LNA Design Example (3) Objective is to design tunable RF LNA that would: Operate over very wide frequency range with very fine selectivity Achieve a good noise performance Have a good linearity performance Consume minimum power
LNA Architecture The cascode architecture provides a good input – output isolation Transistor M2 isolates the Miller capacitance Input Impedance is obtained using the source degeneration inductor Ls Gate inductor Lg sets the resonant frequency The tuning granularity is achieved by the output matching network VDD R1 LD M3 Matching Network R2 M2 Output to Mixer M1 LG Input to LNA LS
Matching Network The output matching tuning network is composed of a varactor and an inductor. The LC network is used to convert the load impedance into the input impedance of the subsequent stage. A well designed matching network allows for a maximum power transfer to the load. By varying the DC voltage applied to the varactor, the output frequency is tuned to a different frequency.
Simulation Results - S11 The input return loss S11 is less than – 10dB at a frequency range between 1.4 GHz and 2GHz Input return loss
Simulation results - NF
The noise figure is 1.8 dB at 1.4 GHz and rises to 3.4 dB at 2 GHz. Noise Figure
Simulation Results - S22 By controlling the voltage applied to the varactor the output frequency is tuned by 2.5 MHz. The output return loss at 1.77 GHz is – dB and the output return loss at GHz – dB. S22 at 1.77 GHz S22 at GHz
Simulation Results - S22 The output return loss at 2 GHz is – dB and the output return loss at GHz – 26.6 dB. S22 at GHz S22 at 2 GHz
Simulation Results - S21 The overall gain of the LNA is 12 dB
S21 at GHz
Simulation Results - Linearity
The third order input intercept is –3.16 dBm -1 dB compression point ( the output level at which the actual gain departs from the theoretical gain) is –12 dBm -1dB compression point IIP3
Not accurate for low voltage short channel devices
From an earlier slide: Flicker noise Dominant at low frequency Thermal noise g: empirical constant 2/3 for long channel much larger for short channel PMOS has less thermal noise Input-inferred noise Vg Id Vi Not accurate for low voltage short channel devices
Modifications Thermonoise g is called excess noise factor
= 2/3 in long channel = 2 to 3 (or higher!) in short channel NMOS (less in PMOS)
gdo vs gm in short channel
gdo vs gm in short channel
Fliker noise Traps at channel/oxide interface randomly capture/release carriers Parameterized by Kf and n Provided by fab (note n ≈ 1) Currently: Kf of PMOS << Kf of NMOS due to buried channel To minimize: want large area (high WL)
Induced Gate Noise Fluctuating channel potential couples capacitively into the gate terminal, causing a noise gate current d is gate noise coefficient Typically assumed to be 2g Correlated to drain noise!
real Input impedance Set to be real and equal to source resistance:
Output noise current Noise scaling factor: Where for 0.18 process
c=-j0.55, g=3, d=6, gdo=2gm, d = 0.32
Noise factor Noise factor scaling coefficient: Compare:
Noise factor scaling coefficient versus Q
Example Assume Rs = 50 Ohms, Q = 2, fo = 1.8 GHz, ft = 47.8 GHz From
Have We Chosen the Correct Bias Point?
IIP3 is also a function of Q
If we choose Vgs=1V Idens = 175 mA/mm From Cgs = 442 fF, W=274mm
Ibias = IdensW = 48 mA, too large! Solution 1: lower Idens => lower power, lower fT, lower IIP3 Solution 2: lower W => lower power, lower Cgs, higher Q, higher NF
Lower current density to 100
Need to verify that IIP3 still OK (once we know Q)
Lower current density to 100
We now need to re-plot the Noise Factor scaling coefficient - Also plot over a wider range of Q
Recall We previously chose Q = 2, let’s now choose Q = 6 - Cuts power dissipation by a factor of 3! - New value of W is one third the old one
Rs = 50 Ohms, Q = 6, fo = 1.8 GHz, ft = 42.8 GHz
Ibias = IdensW =100mA/mm*91mm=9.1mA Power = 9.1 * 1.8 = 16.4 mW Noise factor scaling coeff = 10 Noise factor = 1+ wo/wt * 10 = G/42.8G *10 = 1.42 Noise figure = 10*log(1.42) = 1.52 dB Cgs=442/3=147fF Ldeg=Rs/wt=0.19nH Lg=1/(wo^2Cgs) –Ldeg = 53 nH
Other architectures of LNAs
Add output load to achieve voltage gain In practice, use cascode to boost gain Added benefit of removing Cgd effect
Differential LNA Value of Ldeg is now much better controlled Much less sensitivity to noise from other circuits But: Twice the power as the single-ended version Requires differential input at the chip
LNA Employing Current Re-Use
PMOS is biased using a current mirror NMOS current adjusted to match the PMOS current Note: not clear how the matching network is achieving a 50 Ohm match Perhaps parasitic bondwire inductance is degenerating the PMOS or NMOS transistors?
Can have differential version
Combining inductive degeneration and current reuse Current reuse to save power Larger area due to two degeneration inductor if implemented on chip NF: 2dB, Power gain: 17.5dB, IIP3: - 6dBm, Id: 8mA from 2.7V power supply Can have differential version F. Gatta, E. Sacchi, et al, “A 2-dB Noise Figure 900MHz Differential CMOS LNA,” IEEE JSSC, Vol. 36, No. 10, Oct pp
At DC, M1 and M2 are in cascode At AC, M1 and M2 are in cascade
S of M2 is AC shorted Gm of M1 and M2 are multiplied. Same biasing current in M1 & M2 LIANG-HUI LI AND HUEY-RU CHUANG, MICROWAVE JOURNAL® from the February 2004 issue.
Sivakumar Ganesan, Edgar Sánchez-sinencio, And Jose Silva-martinez
IM3 components in the drain current of the main transistor has the required information of its nonlinearity Auxiliary circuit is used to tune the magnitude and phase of IM3 components Addition of main and auxiliary transistor currents results in negligible IM3 components at output Sivakumar Ganesan, Edgar Sánchez-sinencio, And Jose Silva-martinez IEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory And Techniques, Vol. 54, No. 12, December 2006
MOS in weak inversion has speed problem
MOS transistor in weak inversion acts like bipolar Bipolar available in TSMC 0.18 technology (not a parasitic BJT) Why not using that bipolar transistor to improve linearity ?
Inter-stage Inductor gain boost
Inter-stage inductor with parasitic capacitance form impedance match network between input stage and cascoded stage boost gain lower noise figure. Input match condition will be affected
Folded cascode Low supply voltage Ld reduces or eliminates
Effect of Cgd1 Good fT
Design Procedure for Inductive Source Degenerated LNA
Noise factor equations:
Targeted Specifications
Frequency 2.4 GHz ISM Band Noise Figure 1.6 dB IIP dBm Voltage gain 20 dB Power < 10mA from 1.8V
Step 1: Know your process
A 0.18um CMOS Process Process related tox = 4.1e-9 mm e = 3.9*(8.85e-12) F/m m = 3.274e-2 m^2/V.s Vth = 0.52 V Noise related a = gm/gdo d/g ~ 2 g ~ 3 c = -j0.55
Step 2: Obtain design guide plots
Insights: gdo increases all the way with current density Iden
gm saturates when Iden larger than 120mA/mm Velocity saturation, mobility degradation ---- short channel effects Low gm/current efficiency High linearity a deviates from long channel value (1) with large Iden
Obtain design guide plots
Insights: fT increases with Vod when Vod is small and saturates after Vod > 0.3V --- short channel effects Cgs/W increases slowly after Vod > 0.2V fT begins to degrade when Vod > 0.8V gm saturates Cgs increases Should keep Vod ~0.2 to 0.4 V
Obtain design guide plots
knf vs input Q and current density 3-D plot for visual inspection 2-D plots for design reference
Design trade-offs For fixed Iden, increasing Q will reduce the size of transistor thus reduce total power ---- noise figure will become larger For fixed Q, reducing Iden will reduce power, but will increase noise factor For large Iden, there is an optimal Q for minimum noise factor, but power may be too high
Obtain design guide plots
Linearity plots :IIP3 vs. gate overdrive and transistor size
Insights: MOS transistor IIP3 only, when embedded into actual circuit:
Input Q will degrade IIP3 Non-linear memory effect will degrade IIP3 Output non-linearity will degrade IIP3 IIP3 is a very weak function of device size Generally, large overdrive means large IIP3 But the relationship between IIP3 and gate overdrive is not monotonic There is a local maxima around 0.1V overdrive
Step 4: Estimate fT Small current budget ( < 10mA )
does not allow large gate over drive : Vod ~ 0.2 V ~ 0.4 V fT ~ 40 ~ 44 GHz
Step 4: Determine Iden, Q and Calculate Device Size
Gm/W~0.4 Select Iden = 70 mA/mm, =>Vod~0.23V
If Q = 4, IIP3 will have enough margin:
Estimated IIP3: IIP3(from curve) – 20log(Q) = 8-12 = -4dBm Specs require: -8 dBm
Q=4 and Iden = 70mA/mm meet the noise factor requirement
Gm=0.4*128 ~ 50 mS fT = gm/(Cgs*2pi) = 48 GHz
Step 6: Simulation Verification
Large deviation
Comparison between targeted specs and simulation results
Parameter Target Simulated Noise Figure 1.6 dB 0.8 dB Drain Current < 10mA 8 mA Voltage gain 20 dB 21 dB IIP3 -8 dBm -6.4 dBm P1dB -20dbm S11 -17 dB Power supply 1.8 V
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