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Colours of the Night Sky

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1 Colours of the Night Sky
The Amateur Digital Astrophotography Piotr Fita Warsaw University, Faculty of Physics, The Optics Lab The Astronomical Club ALMUCANTARAT This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein translated by Robert M. Sadowski Logo designed by Armella Leung,

2 What Do We Make Photos of the Night Sky for?
To see more To see in colours To record the rare events Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

3 What Can We Make the Photos of the Sky with?
With anything we have at hand! The digital compact photocamera The SLR photocamera (either digital or standard) •The webcamera Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

4 Digital Compact Photocamera
Specifications The simplest model The best model Maximal exposure time ½ s 10 min Maximal sensitivity (film speed) ISO 100 ISO 400 Maximal aperture size 4 1,5 Focal length (equivalent to the 36mm picture format) 35 mm mm mm PRICE ~ € 125 ~ € 500 Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

5 Digital Compact Photocamera
Applications Photography of the constellations Olympus C-5060 WZ Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba Phot. Piotr Fita The Astronomical Club Almucantarat

6 Digital Compact Photocamera
Applications Photography of the Moon and planets Canon Powershot A20 with telescope of F = 900 mm Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba Phot. Piotr Fita The Astronomical Club Almucantarat

7 Digital Compact Photocamera
Applications Photography of the rare events Venus in transit across the solar disc, June 8, 2004 r Canon Powershot A20 with telescope of author’s own design Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba Phot. Piotr Fita The Astronomical Club Almucantarat

8 Digital Compact Photocamera
Applications Photography of the big star clusters The open star cluster Praesepe Olympus C-5060 WZ And many other… Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba Phot. Piotr Fita The Astronomical Club Almucantarat

9 The SLR Photocamera (either digital or standard)
Maximal exposure time Anyone Maximal sensitivity (film speed) 1600 ASA It may have attached lens of any type or be directly attached to the telescope PRICES: Standard SLR camera : € 12-50 film 1600 ASA: € 10 Digital SLR camera: > € 600 , But this is the best tool for astrophotography! Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

10 The SLR Photocamera (either digital or standard)
Applicable to photography of all objects, even the nebulae The nebulae in Orion Standard SLR camera EXA Ib The „North America” nebulosity Digital SLR camera Canon EOS 300D The Zenit 135 mm telephoto lens Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba Phot. Piotr Fita, Andrzej Rzepecki The Astronomical Club Almucantarat

11 The Webcamera In connection with a telescope or photo lens allows to take pictures of the Sun, the Moon, and the planets Phot. M. Marszałek, E. Chludziński, A. Dwornik, R. Konieczny, G. Mikołajczyk, A. Rzepecki, M. Tokarski, A. Urbańska, W. Warkocki, R. Zięba, The Astronomical Club ALMUCANTARAT Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

12 The Webcamera After modification allowing for the long exposures it is also suitable to take pictures of the nebular objects Phot. M. Marszałek, P. Fita, N. Domińczak A. Majcher, M. Nowakowski, W. Rutkowski, A. Urbańska, R. Zięba The Astronomical Club Almucantarat Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

13 The Webcamera the laptop is recommended!
Total cost: Camera: ~ € 25 Modification: ~ € 12 (the Philips cameras only) Adapters: € 10 PLN Lens: up from € 9 Very economical method! but the laptop is recommended! Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

14 How to Make a Photo of the Sky? Method 1 – the simplest
In the main focus of the fixed camera Or „just so…” Advantages: Simplicity Saving time Minimal efforts and expenses Shortcomings: The blurred star-tracks at the long exposures Weak objects may remain unrecorded Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

15 How to Make a Photo of the Sky? Method 1 – the simplest
Let’s go: Mount the camera on a tripod Set up manually distance scale to infinity (in the simple digital cameras use the „landscape” mode) Set up the lowest aperture number, the exposure time for a few or even for some tens of seconds, and high sensitivity (film speed) of ISO In order to avoid vibrations release the shutter by a remote control cablean electronic pilot, or by a mean of a self-shutter The results? Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

16 How to Make a Photo of the Sky? Method 1– the simplest
Disappointed? The stars are too small? No colours? Let’s make the stars blurred! Olympus C-5060 WZ, focused for the wide range (f = 28 mm) exposure 15 s Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba Phot. Piotr Fita The Astronomical Club Almucantarat

17 How to make a Photo of the Sky? Method 1 – the simplest
Cygnus Lyra Sagitta Delphinus Aquila Olympus C-5060 WZ, focused for the wide range, f = 28 mm, ekspozycja 15 s Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba fot. Piotr Fita Klub Astronomiczny Almukantarat

18 How to Make a Photo of the Sky? Method 1 – the simplest
How to choose the focal length? To make pictures of the constellations f = mm is sufficient While To obtain photos of the Moon, the Sun (with filter only!), and planets The focal length above is required 500 mm Hence the reflex (SLR) camera is indispensable! Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

19 How to Make a Photo of the Sky? Method 2- more difficult
Win the so-called afocal projection, i.e. with camera directly touching the eye-piece lens (of a telescope, psy-glass, binocular…) Advantages: Big magnification with compact camera Low expenses Shortcomings: Worse picture quality than in the main focal plane Method more complicated than photography in the main focus Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

20 How to Make a Photo of the Sky? Method 2 - more difficult
Let’ go: Set up manually distance scale to infinity (in the simple digital cameras use the „landscape” mode); Aim the telescope (a spy-glass or binocular on tripod) at the chosen object; Apply (attach) a camera to telescope’s eye-piece; Focus the image carefully with the telescope’s eye-piece control screw while observing it at the camera display (or in the viewfinder of the SLR camera); Release the shutter; The focal length, aperture size, and exposure time have to be found experimentally. Results? Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

21 How to make a Photo of the Sky? Method 2 – more difficult
Partial Solar eclipse, May 31, 2003 Canon Powershot A20 + spy-glass with magnification 12x Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba Phot. Piotr Fita The Astronomical Club Almucantarat

22 How to Make a Photo of the Sky? Method 2 – more difficult
Canon Powershot A20 + telescope of 27 cm diametre and focal length 4.5 m Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba Phot. Piotr Fita, Agata Karska The Astronomical Club Almucantarat

23 How to Make a Photo of the Sky? Method 2 – more difficult
Helpful advices: To attach a camera to any telescope it is useful to buy (to do it yourself) the special sleeve (F-adapter); In compact cameras with zoom lens the longest focal lengths (tele) should be set up; The camera’s lens has to touch the eye-piece of a telescope. Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

24 With, or Without Tracking?
Exposure time 13 min Exposure time 15 s Taking pictures of the weak objects requires tracking the camera along the diurnal movement of the sky Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba fot. Piotr Fita Klub Astronomiczny Almukantarat

25 With or Without Tracking?
With tracking Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

26 With or Without Tracking?
The mount with tracking can be: Done by yourself Vademecum of the Amateur Astronomer, Internet – the „barn door” type mount Purchased Meade, Celestron, Orion, Uniwersał Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

27 With or Without Tracking?
For the astrophotography purposes the mount has to be equatorial (paralactic), and not azimuthal! Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

28 The Computer Picture Processing
The computer picture processing makes up to 70% of the digital astrophotography! Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

29 The Computer Picture Processing
Golden rule of the digital astrophotography: Take as many as possible identical photos and add them all together 20 photos by 15 secs each = one photo exposed by 5 minuts! Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

30 The Computer Picture Processing
Golden rule of the digital astrophotography: Take as many as possible identical photos and add them all together Advantages: Noise reduction Increasing sensitivity Pictures with long effective exposure time with no tracking! IRIS Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

31 × 23 Superposing Adding Visualization Festiwal Nauki 2005
Barwy nocnego nieba Phot. Piotr Fita, Andrzej Rzepecki The Astronomical Club Almucantarat

32 Visualization Blurring the star images Removing the background
Lowering the contrast Sharpening the pictures of the Moon and planets Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

33 Removing the dark frame
Correction Removing the dark frame - single exposure dark frame = Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba Phot. Piotr Fita The Astronomical Club Almucantarat

34 Removing the dark frame
Correction Removing the dark frame Galaxies M81 and M82 Webcamera with F = 50 mm lens Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba Phot. Piotr Fita The Astronomical Club Almucantarat

35 Correction The blurred pictures Richardson – Lucy’s algorithm
The Little Dipper (Ursa Minor) The standard SLR camera with F = 135 mm lens Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba Phot. Piotr Fita The Astronomical Club Almucantarat

36 Removing the regular structures
Correction Removing the regular structures Filtering with help of the Fourier transform M31 Galaxy The webcamera with F = 135 mm lens, photo made in the B band Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba Phot. Piotr Fita The Astronomical Club Almucantarat

37 and many other options…
How To Do It? Superposing Adding Visualization Correction and many other options… The IRIS program IRIS is freeware! Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

38 Other programs Astrostack TeleAuto
Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

39 Knowledge A webpage dedicated for the digital astrophotography:
„The CCD Observatory at School” (incl. A practical manual of IRIS program) Homepage of the EU-HOU Project Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

40 Shopping Delta Optical Astrokrak
Uniwersał Website i-sales Allegro Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

41 You can take nice photos of the sky almost with any camera!
Good Luck! Festiwal Nauki 2005 Barwy nocnego nieba

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