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1. 2 3 4 5  Christ was transfigured before three of His disciples.  Two saints who have been dead for hundreds of years appeared in their glorified.

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5 5  Christ was transfigured before three of His disciples.  Two saints who have been dead for hundreds of years appeared in their glorified bodies  The Father descended in His shekinah glory and spoke audibly from Heaven regarding His Son.

6 6  Jesus came the first time - there was no room in the inn. The next time He comes - the universe would not be able to contain His glory.  Jesus came the first time in obscurity and in poverty - in a stable in Bethlehem. The next time He comes, “He shall come in the clouds and every eye will see Him (Revelation 1:7).  He came the first time as a suffering servant. The next time He comes, He will come as a conquering king.

7 TESTIMONY OF THE SAVIOUR  Term “transfigured” comes from the Greek verb “metamorphoo” meaning “changed in form” or “transformed.  In Jesus’ transfiguration there is a complete transformation from His human form to His heavenly form. [Matthew 17:2; Revelation 1:17] 7

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9 9 GOD’S SHEKINAH GLORY  This was the glory that shone from Mount Sinai.  This was the glory that shone from the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.  This was the glory that filled the temple on that day when Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up.

10 TESTIMONY OF THE SAINTS “ There appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus.” (Mark 9:4)  Moses was the great law-giver – the great leader who led some 2 million complaining and rebellious people out of Egypt.  Elijah stood for all the prophets. He stood against the nation’s idolatry. 10

11 TESTIMONY OF THE SAINTS  Jesus’ death and suffering does not contradict what was said by the prophets of old.  Jesus was the one ordained from before the foundation of the world to die for all humankind. And His death was as much a part of the plan as His Second Coming.  Jesus is the one who will fulfill every Messianic Prophecy. 11

12 TESTIMONY OF THE FATHER “ Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters— one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” (Mark 9:5)  Jewish month of Tishri – six months before the Passover.  Jews were celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles – sometimes known as the Feast of Booths. This feast described in Leviticus 23:42 commemorated the exodus from Egypt and the wilderness wanderings. 12

13 TESTIMONY OF THE FATHER “Then a cloud appeared and enveloped them, and a voice came from the cloud: This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!” (Mark 9:7)  Jesus is the Son of God.  Jesus is loved by the Father.  Jesus must be obeyed. 13

14 [1]Testimony of the Saviour: Jesus is completely man, yet He is divine. [2]Testimony of the Saints: Jesus is the fulfilment of everything Moses and Elijah and all the Law and prophets said or wrote. [3]Testimony of the Father: Jesus is the Son of God. 14 SUMMARY

15 APPLICATION  Gives us a glimpse of our continuous glorification – we are to conform more and more into the image of Christ. [2 Corinthians 3:18]  Live our lives in such a way that will be ready for Christ Second Coming.  Serves as a foundation for our persevering faith in uncertain and difficult times. 15

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